Joe Hoofer's home timeline


  1. Have some video game remixes overnight so that I can make sure everything's working alright. # # Click the play button on your plugin of choice, or to listen to it on your media player of choice, use

    Monday, 25-Aug-14 09:14:03 UTC from web
    • Woo, okay. Stream automatically went straight to the next track. So now I know that works. Killing it for now and I'll start tinkering with it later.

      Monday, 25-Aug-14 08:23:45 UTC from web
      • *quack quack*

        Monday, 25-Aug-14 07:49:20 UTC from web
        • I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm afraid of love!

          Monday, 25-Aug-14 07:28:43 UTC from web
          • Hours later, I end up just using a little script to do basic streaming of music files. Oh well.

            Monday, 25-Aug-14 07:21:37 UTC from web
          • The last time I'll post this here, sorry. #

            Monday, 25-Aug-14 05:19:56 UTC from web
            • So this has suddenly turned from looking at where to stream my live mixing into trying to configure my own radio station.

              Monday, 25-Aug-14 05:01:34 UTC from web
            • I am the prettiest axe murderer

              Monday, 25-Aug-14 03:49:45 UTC from web
            • I need to stream this mix I'm working on somewhere.

              Monday, 25-Aug-14 03:43:27 UTC from web
            • Of course...

              "Australian fans on the hugely popular Civilization series can sigh exasperatedly as the upcoming Beyond Earth has just been slapped with the ‘Oh That’s Right We Live In Australia Games Tax‘, with the official Steam price skyrocketing from originally $50 to now $90."

              Monday, 25-Aug-14 02:28:43 UTC from Mayonnaise
              • ( ͡° ( ͡° ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ͡°) ͡°)

                Thursday, 18-Jul-13 23:10:52 UTC from web
              • Should I sleep y/n

                Sunday, 26-Jan-14 00:46:02 UTC from web
              • as in, i did whdn i left earlier. now i have about 15 minutes

                Sunday, 24-Aug-14 10:44:17 UTC from Mayonnaise
                • Arrived an hour early, oops

                  Sunday, 24-Aug-14 10:42:58 UTC from Mayonnaise
                  • But not right now. Work time.

                    Sunday, 24-Aug-14 09:31:00 UTC from web
                    • Some packs of my friends the Deadbeats and Layabouts for PYX. And one of me I'm doing. Injokes abound... #
                      We Are The Deadbeats
                      The Layabouts and Friends
                      Simon Says Supplemental Set - actually, just ask for this one. WIP.

                      Sunday, 24-Aug-14 09:30:22 UTC from web
                      • Only four players in the CAH game right now :v

                        Sunday, 24-Aug-14 05:20:10 UTC from web
                      • "Prisoner Zero has escaped. mangoes, what do we do?"
                        "How about we BURN THE ENTIRE PLANET"

                        Sunday, 24-Aug-14 05:31:41 UTC from web
                      • Okay so whats the deal with everybody watching old Simpsons episodes, did i miss something

                        Sunday, 24-Aug-14 01:27:20 UTC from Mayonnaise
                      • Guess im walking.

                        Wednesday, 20-Aug-14 05:40:24 UTC from Mayonnaise
                      • Oops I broke Tweetdeck

                        Saturday, 23-Aug-14 16:32:29 UTC from web
                        • I would /love/ more Twitter client devs to use the SN APIs or even just allow custom API urls. Instead most are just killing off their clients because of these dumb restrictions Twitter's doing :/

                          Saturday, 23-Aug-14 16:27:41 UTC from web
                        • Essentially looking for a decent client to RDN on

                          Saturday, 23-Aug-14 16:02:24 UTC from TweetDeck
                          • test

                            Saturday, 23-Aug-14 15:58:34 UTC from TweetDeck
                          • I don't know what sport it is they're playing on BBC One but it looks like they don't know how to play it very well.

                            Saturday, 23-Aug-14 15:29:31 UTC from web
                          • 'Soundcloud has launched advertising on the platform for the first time. It’s understood that it will also start a new paid subscription service in the “coming months” to let listeners opt out of ads.'

                            Uhh... you mean the Soundcloud Pro/Unlimited plans we already have? or is this going to be mutually exclusive from those? :\

                            Saturday, 23-Aug-14 14:37:27 UTC from web
                            • Oh hey! I was one of the players picked to be in the running for this month's AUS/NZ Trials Fusion challenge. I didn't win, but despite being four seconds away from the top time, I feel like I was close

                              Saturday, 23-Aug-14 14:33:24 UTC from web
                              • IT'S REALLY HARD TO MAGIC THROUGH YOUR BUTT

                                Saturday, 23-Aug-14 04:14:16 UTC from web
                              • I'm a pretty girl

                                Friday, 22-Aug-14 10:16:03 UTC from web
                              • Something tells me that picture of Discord sensually licking a sub sandwich did not originally look like that.

                                Thursday, 21-Aug-14 04:09:28 UTC from web