Applejack's home timeline


  1. @widget the problem is that I was going to rely on Dreamhost to keep us up to date, we got too popular and Dreamhost said we had to pay up for extra space, or pack up. So I ripped the site and the database and moved to another provider, problem was, I didn't know how to put it back together... We got it working eventually thanks to @purpletinker, but everything else has been pretty much paint on a collapsing building.

    Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:32:29 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • @darkw00d I think we are content.

      Friday, 03-Aug-12 05:54:45 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • @widget I was being a bit sarcastic. But if I had the cash, I'd do it... Kick starter anyone?

      Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:13:22 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      • After work...

        Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:01:27 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      • @widget I am about ready to hire statusnet devs to get this legacy code updated.

        Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:09:55 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      • I'm totally typing out dashes on my phoen and then they come up on le computron and I'm all "This is the most roundabout internet ever."

        Saturday, 11-Aug-12 05:10:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • @pyravia I have actually eaten at the Cannery in Monteray Bay, CA. It was a 5-star Restaurant where a suit was required to eat in the first class dining room. They also brought out a tray of fake desserts which you could select one. My father and I also snuck into the wine celler where there was a King sized long table with a ordinate guest of honor chair. So Cash!

        Monday, 06-Aug-12 20:21:12 UTC from web
      • @pinkamenalovesyou no, u mentioned that this was a wonderful place... Thi website...

        Friday, 03-Aug-12 05:59:36 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      • Don't worry Penny! Inspector @widget is on the job!

        Sunday, 29-Jul-12 19:04:03 UTC from web
      • @deadhor5 You look like a convicted criminal in your picture.

        Saturday, 28-Jul-12 07:12:28 UTC from web
      • @silverfeather @minti doesn't appreciate Minty.

        Friday, 27-Jul-12 13:58:44 UTC from web
      • We need an Olympics logo.

        Friday, 27-Jul-12 13:58:48 UTC from web
        • RT @silverfeather @lunacymambo If this website is supposed to be good, then why is there a Rainbow Dash on it?

          Friday, 27-Jul-12 13:53:32 UTC from web
        • ♪♪♪ Over the hills, beyond the Horizon, no distance between you in me! ♪♪♪

          Friday, 27-Jul-12 06:34:24 UTC from web
        • ♪♪♪ There's never a cloudy day when your by- my- side! ♪♪♪

          Friday, 27-Jul-12 06:32:37 UTC from web
          • ♪♪♪ "We're always together, because we're connected, in rain or the sunshine--" ♪♪♪

            Friday, 27-Jul-12 06:31:25 UTC from web
            • ♪♪♪ We're always together because we're connected, step out into the sun and dream with me now!" ♪♪♪

              Friday, 27-Jul-12 06:28:52 UTC from web
              • ♪♪♪ "Look all around, make a connection, its a good time to be free!" ♪♪♪

                Friday, 27-Jul-12 06:27:33 UTC from web
                • ♪♪♪ "Open the door, we're moving forward. Its a good time to be free!" ♪♪♪

                  Friday, 27-Jul-12 06:24:58 UTC from web

                    Friday, 27-Jul-12 06:21:36 UTC from web
                    • @hoit21 Your going to have to give me a sec. My body is reaallly sore and I have blisters everywhere.

                      Friday, 27-Jul-12 06:06:55 UTC from web
                    • @widget sleeping, or cardio. I feel like I have no life beyond work because it takes forever to drive from home to work and back again. Mandatory over time isn't helping.

                      Thursday, 26-Jul-12 05:59:31 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                    • @thatonepony @redenchilada I cannot remember! Try looking through my replies in my profile. I think I held a contest at one point to get it.

                      Sunday, 22-Jul-12 05:53:59 UTC from web
                    • *hugs @MrDragon @Colfax @CeruleanSpark @Purpletinker @cabal @Redenchilada @Scribus @Communistprime @Ecmc* Thanks to all of you for making RDN possible the way it is. I know sometimes it becomes a hellish place here, but that's more human nature than your fault. It's impossible to always get 100% along with each other. But still, in general, I think this is one of the best managed communities I've seen in a while. Sure, sometimes things happen that upset others, but that doesn't mean this place is terrible. The site is quite usable, the moderation seems to be about right (neither too extreme, nor so soft it becomes like 4chan) and all-along this is one of my favorite places to be. I know that most of you don't often hear what you deserve to hear, so I will speak it out loud: Thank you, all of you, for making this place possible. I'm happy it exists, even though I may sometimes sound like I'm not. RDN is a great place, and I don't want it to disappear at all, it became like a second home

                      Monday, 16-Jul-12 22:54:43 UTC from web
                    • My likely very cheesy individual thank yous to the admins: @mrdragon, You have always tried to figure out the best way possible to make RDN a great community, and in my opinion, it is. its probably the only community like it that i have stayed more "permanantely" in. @colfax whenever i see someone is RPing on here, and im about to show them to the RP site, I always notice that you already have done so. No rule is broken without a notice from you. @ceruleanspark though we always blame you when the site breaks, you always fix it. then people just ignore you. I wouldnt know the first thing about site coding, so i have alot of respect for ya. @purpletinker Im not really sure if you still are very involved with the site, but from what i remember, you used to be, so thanks for that. @cabal Well, your cabal. What can i say, you made a great decision to create this site. To all: I joined this site exactly 3 months, 4 weeks ago. 120 days. Arguably, this is the best website i have ever been on.

                      Monday, 16-Jul-12 23:25:14 UTC from web
                    • Complaints should be made in moderation. DOH HO HO THAT WAS A PLAY ON WORDS

                      Sunday, 15-Jul-12 19:56:42 UTC from web
                    • This cosmic dance of bursting decadence and withheld permissions twists all our arms collectively, but if sweetness can win, and it can, then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. Peace.

                      Sunday, 08-Jul-12 19:32:32 UTC from web
                    • Honestly, I will make every effort to avoid caffeine and surger while I attempt to get into a program to DE-stress and avoid hypertension and cognitive heart failure.

                      Monday, 02-Jul-12 02:14:31 UTC from web
                    • I am sorry everypony, as I cannot keep my heart rate below 100, I am afraid that I am going under in the future. I am sorry, bye.

                      Monday, 02-Jul-12 01:46:26 UTC from web
                    • @comradeconventrix is a Spy!

                      Thursday, 28-Jun-12 02:29:29 UTC from web