Applejack's home timeline


  1. 'Sup you dawgs.

    Friday, 05-Oct-12 17:43:44 UTC from web
  2. Oh hey look! A contest!

    Friday, 28-Sep-12 00:57:37 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
  3. @purpletinker may I have some candy?

    Friday, 28-Sep-12 00:54:56 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • Whats up?

      Wednesday, 26-Sep-12 00:54:48 UTC from web
    • @widgit it has come to my attention via a little birdy that there appears to be a group looking to harm Might you know anything about this?

      Friday, 21-Sep-12 23:33:40 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • @widgit Admin rights are not functioning. #

      Friday, 21-Sep-12 00:37:38 UTC from web
      • No backroom deals to regulate the Internet. Speak out now against #, the new #

        Friday, 21-Sep-12 00:31:51 UTC from web
      • I kind of feel like a hypocrite for getting onto someone for heckling a person right after doing it myself, but... in my defense, mine was funnier.

        Saturday, 15-Sep-12 03:09:04 UTC from web
      • bradshoemaker: You're all magnificent people, every last one of you. I LOVE LIFE.

        Saturday, 15-Sep-12 03:19:04 UTC from

        Friday, 14-Sep-12 13:34:57 UTC from web
      • At first I thought I broke my browser game again when I tried to open it at school. Then I realized school still uses Internet Explorer 8 and I haven't been doing any wrong (I mean, like, really. I should support an outdated browser which can't even understand what "height=30%" means?)

        Friday, 14-Sep-12 13:26:12 UTC from web
      • So, what ways are there to record console gameplay on your computer? Say, if I wanted to stream myself playing Red Dead Redemption or something.

        Monday, 10-Sep-12 01:54:07 UTC from web
      • Back. :D

        Monday, 10-Sep-12 01:23:08 UTC from web
      • @widget You are attempting to reply to the God-Creator, the One above all. It is only logical for the servers to be unable to handle it.

        Wednesday, 05-Sep-12 02:50:02 UTC from web
      • @widget uhh... would this have anything to do with our server?

        Wednesday, 05-Sep-12 02:48:58 UTC from web
      • @redenchilada I hope nothing horrible has happened. I be devastated. Hopefully she and her detractors may have decided to quiet down a bit. Perhaps she is now under a different name? Oh well... wherever in the world she is, @purpletinker has a special place among our brony community and will always be remembered. I remember her the first time we met IRL. I may have pushed to her from quiet fan to full community organizer, and a darn good one to boot. #

        Wednesday, 05-Sep-12 02:42:12 UTC from web
        • @widget the google is full of hate. If you google her name, there is a bunch of hate site dedicated to her, not sure google bomb? Plus she has deactivated her deviantart site.

          Wednesday, 05-Sep-12 02:36:32 UTC from web
        • @purpletinker It's playtime! :D

          Wednesday, 05-Sep-12 02:28:22 UTC from web
        • @redenchilada @moonprincess Cool it!

          Monday, 20-Aug-12 03:27:05 UTC from web
        • @Ceruleanspark I will be deploying a Bugzilla application in awhile to help deal with bugs and requests.

          Monday, 20-Aug-12 03:25:36 UTC from web
          • Hey! I have a chat going on here, I would like your concerns directed to me instead of screaming at each other. Settle down, or you get the banhammer!

            Monday, 20-Aug-12 03:17:43 UTC from web
          • Hey everyone! I will be hanging out in the chat today. Got concerns or questions?

            Monday, 20-Aug-12 02:49:46 UTC from web
          • 19*C what is that in *F

            Tuesday, 14-Aug-12 15:45:11 UTC from web
          • HELLO EVERYPONY!!!!!!

            Monday, 13-Aug-12 00:23:07 UTC from web
          • spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam spam

            Monday, 13-Aug-12 00:26:44 UTC from web
          • @widget yes, but the overhead is expensive.

            Monday, 13-Aug-12 00:20:41 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          • @widget the site is in the hands of ceruleanspark and mrdragon.

            Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:22:47 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          • My original goal was to make this a great and safe place to share pony art and etc.. How about we turn it into a place to share independent animated cartoons submitted by users like you? We can have a ranking system like newgrounds and the like... Yeah I like this idea!

            Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:49:33 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          • Before i go to bed I need to say it. We got to move on to something new. Change is hard, but like the chameleon, it has to or it will be killed.

            Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:41:15 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          • Oh dear... I knew something was going to happen... I think it has come to the point where it's really not going to be worth the trouble. This site drains the cash out of everyone who owns it....

            Saturday, 11-Aug-12 06:27:02 UTC from StatusNet iPhone