Luke Johnson's home timeline


  1. What's this supposed to be? It has the same cover as one of the comics I think, but it doesn't look like a comic really, does it?

    Sunday, 10-Feb-13 06:49:23 UTC from web
  2. !mnbronies I realize I forgot to post event details for the last season premier party so I am posting details for the upcoming one before I forget. One of our member's, F3nning is hosting another season finale party at his home in Golden Valley next Saturday (16th). Address: 4011 Roanoke Circle, Golden Valley. Party will be starting at 8am.

    Sunday, 10-Feb-13 04:29:43 UTC from web
    • !Rainbow_Dash doesn't cry. She bleeds tears.

      Saturday, 09-Feb-13 03:46:34 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • !mnbronies There is a Mall of America meetup this Saturday. Meet spot is Lego Land at 11am like always. If you arrive late here are some spots you can find us: food courts, best buy, outside sky deck, hot topic, barnes and noble.

        Friday, 08-Feb-13 00:10:58 UTC from web
        • Okay I lol'd !Rainbow_Dash

          Wednesday, 06-Feb-13 08:06:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • *dies twice* @#Scootaloo @#RD # !Rainbow_Dash

            Wednesday, 06-Feb-13 07:37:36 UTC from web
          • @#RD @#Fluttershy !Rainbow_Dash !Fluttershy #

            Tuesday, 05-Feb-13 08:37:50 UTC from web
          • @#RD !Rainbow_Dash

            Tuesday, 05-Feb-13 08:34:53 UTC from web
            • # # @#lightshipping !Rainbow_Dash !Fluttershy

              Tuesday, 05-Feb-13 08:12:03 UTC from web
            • @#RD !Rainbow_Dash

              Tuesday, 05-Feb-13 08:04:18 UTC from web
              • @vt3c !mnbronies Ya... Hopefully a few of them remember this site exists...

                Tuesday, 05-Feb-13 07:06:15 UTC from web
              • # is the new !Rainbow_Dash?

                Monday, 04-Feb-13 03:47:21 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • The most jimmies that will be rustled with new Twi will be !Rainbow_Dash

                Wednesday, 30-Jan-13 15:45:08 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • @#Scootaloo @#RD !Rainbow_Dash #

                Monday, 28-Jan-13 11:56:43 UTC from web
              • # @#RD !RainbowDash #

                Monday, 28-Jan-13 11:30:41 UTC from web
                • @#AJ @#RD @#Fluttershy @#cute !Applejack !Rainbow_Dash !Fluttershy

                  Monday, 28-Jan-13 10:30:51 UTC from web
                • Well at least my xbox has a !Rainbow_Dash theme and personal picture now. If its seeable by others has yet to be seen.

                  Monday, 28-Jan-13 02:16:27 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • #? @widget Should use this as a icon/header thingy for a bit... of class that is. !Rainbow_Dash

                    Sunday, 27-Jan-13 06:16:36 UTC from web
                    • !Rainbow_Dash

                      Thursday, 24-Jan-13 04:14:21 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    • !mnbronies With the announcement of ponies going to be at Build-a-Bear this Spring I'm guessing that meetup will be quite big, maybe I will finally get around to going to a meetup then.

                      Thursday, 17-Jan-13 00:06:48 UTC from web
                      • Whenever I see Ashleigh Ball talking in-character it just seems like someone put !RainbowDash's voice over hers.

                        Saturday, 12-Jan-13 08:23:32 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                        • !mnbronies @researchpony MOA as always. 11am to whenever.

                          Saturday, 12-Jan-13 05:19:40 UTC from web
                          • !mnbronies Upcoming meets at the Mall of Murica tomorrow (5th) and the 12th.

                            Saturday, 05-Jan-13 01:22:16 UTC from web
                          • !mnbronies Happy New Year!

                            Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 21:11:18 UTC from web
                            • This. !Rainbow_Dash

                              Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 20:21:05 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                            • !mnbronies Merry Christmas everyone! /)^3^(\

                              Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 17:13:21 UTC from web
                              • !Scootaloo !Rainbow_Dash @#RD @#Scootaloo

                                Thursday, 13-Dec-12 17:13:44 UTC from web
                              • The song "How great you are" by Course of Nature is easy to see as a comeback beatdown towards !Rainbow_Dash . It would hit all her feels.

                                Thursday, 29-Nov-12 18:13:52 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                                • !mnbronies Hey ya guys and gals, its A.J. from the Facebook page.

                                  Thursday, 29-Nov-12 03:15:15 UTC from web
                                  • !mnbronies Sorry about the lack of info. I had posted the info from mobile, but it got deleted due to me messing with the mobile interface. I sincerely apologize to anyone who missed the premier party because of my derp. I'll post the info for the next one on time, and from my PC when the time comes.

                                    Monday, 12-Nov-12 02:42:28 UTC from web