Notices by Omni (omni), page 8

  1. @colfax Why would you even watch ponies? Sabrina is so much better.

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 14:09:20 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  2. @fortecadenza You may want to press the caps lock key.

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 14:05:58 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  3. @unhipdruid The way how it forces you to use iTunes because you can't manage most files on the device using your file manager of choice. As someone who cannot (and doesn't want to) use iTunes, it makes the device practically useless for me. I have more reasons to prefer Android, but that really is one of the things which make me not want to use the device at all.

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 14:04:41 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  4. @unhipdruid The lack of standard USB support is a major turn-off for me. But hey, if it works for you~

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 14:00:59 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  5. @welcomepony Oh, so THAT is where my money is going?

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 13:55:58 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  6. @darkw00d Last time I uninstalled Norton all sites of competitors suddenly were mysteriously unavailable. Ever since that day, I refuse to use Norton products or buy systems with Norton pre-installed.

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 13:54:19 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  7. @ceruleanspark I ended my last tech support call with "Thanks a lot for helping me fix this issue, and I wish you a nice day". I think more people should do that to the few in tech support who actually still try to help people (then again, can you blame them for giving up with all those idiots who can't follow simple instructions and then yell at tech support for no real reason?)

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 12:36:37 UTC from web in context
  8. @ceruleanspark Oh, I know that kind. And then they want you to explain why they are violating the rules and they bring back arguments like "But the rules say "say", I "typed" it. That's not the same. I'm not violating the rules."

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 12:26:04 UTC from web in context
  9. Merry Christmas!

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 12:23:46 UTC from web in context
  10. @purplephish20 If I'd be a mod around here, oh boy! (Nah, I probably wouldn't do much unless rules would be broken. I'm one of those "Warn 3 times, temp ban, warn, permaban" mods who don't actually enjoy banning but will do so if they need to. You can enjoy your low-quality movies, like I enjoy my low-quality music and FOSS games)

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 12:21:47 UTC from web in context
  11. @ceruleanspark I just got up, that's too much cuteness. Now I've got a cuteness overload :(

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 12:19:37 UTC from web in context
  12. @ceruleanspark I didn't get anything on Christmas except some friendly words from those I care about and, honestly, what more could I wish for? I already have practically everything I want to have, and missing a few small things isn't worth being unhappy about.

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 12:17:16 UTC from web in context
  13. @unhipdruid In all fairness, I also dislike his face.

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 12:14:58 UTC from web in context
  14. @ceruleanspark That's what I thought when I was a moderator at alaplaya and logged into S4 League at new year's eve to wish my community a "happy new year". What I got instead was several hours of having to ban hackers. Who hacks on new year's eve?

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 12:14:26 UTC from web in context
  15. @purplephish20 That's fine, I've already got the music ready:

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 12:12:53 UTC from web in context
  16. @ceruleanspark But that movie sucks =/

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 12:10:53 UTC from web in context
  17. @darkw00d In all fairness, I wouldn't be happy with iThings either. Not because I'm spoiled, though, but because I just really dislike Apple :P

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 12:09:56 UTC from web in context
  18. @kamikaze Same from me to you. Hope things will improve

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 01:10:19 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  19. @crusader8 I still don't like your code names

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 01:06:41 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  20. @zeldatra Something fun taking long means that you can enjoy it for longer

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:56:24 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  21. @kamikaze I like who I am buy don't like how my oversensitivity causes me to get severely depressed, suicidal or panic attacks practically daily :/

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:54:22 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  22. @crusader8 I don't see that being a good replacement for owner in the sense of "someone who takes care of a (human) pet who needs clear orders and a sense of safety through submission due to suffering from irrational fears and panic attacks" (that's not the standard definition of owner)

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:52:44 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  23. @mushi Same...

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:47:07 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  24. @crusader8 Because that's not her name and I see no reason why I should call her that

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:46:56 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  25. @kamikaze I don't hate being the kind of person I am, but mental stability issues do make life rather hard... I wish I could get rid of those, but not change much besides that.

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:45:47 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  26. @mushi 12 degrees Celcius. At 1:40AM.

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:42:29 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  27. @desiros Right here snow is missing.

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:40:12 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  28. @crusader8 Why?

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:35:34 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  29. @purplephish20 I have a feeling most bronies don't care much about traditional values, which is somewhat logical because they wouldn't be watching a "show for little girls" if they did.

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:34:48 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  30. @crusader8 Well, at least "complex" sounds better than "a mess". Hugs are practically always nice. I should be able to get some IRL on December 26th from my owner, but I wouldn't decline a hug from you (albeit we will most likely never meet) *hugs*

    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 00:31:37 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context