TJ Martin's home timeline


  1. So, Dragon age origins is free on Origin

    Wednesday, 08-Oct-14 23:14:33 UTC from web
  2. i guess my itunes wont open anymore

    Wednesday, 08-Oct-14 23:07:54 UTC from web

    Wednesday, 08-Oct-14 22:53:59 UTC from web
  4. Hello people~

    Wednesday, 08-Oct-14 22:11:42 UTC from web
  5. This is somewhat urgent.

    Wednesday, 08-Oct-14 22:32:30 UTC from web
  6. !cats !vgp

    Sunday, 28-Sep-14 01:10:16 UTC from web

      Tuesday, 23-Sep-14 14:24:12 UTC from ban me pls
    • pancaaakes

      Saturday, 13-Sep-14 14:47:22 UTC from web
    • *Waves*

      Saturday, 13-Sep-14 01:16:39 UTC from web
    • >Room is too cold
      >Window wide open
      >Too lazy to close it

      I am a piece of crap

      Saturday, 13-Sep-14 01:16:22 UTC from web
      • The grinding in Pokemon White seems so much more tedious than any other game ever. !vgp

        Friday, 05-Sep-14 19:04:34 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • !vgp

        Sunday, 24-Aug-14 17:50:39 UTC from web
      • Pokemon tournaments have come a long way since I was beating up six year olds. !vgp

        Monday, 18-Aug-14 02:28:18 UTC from web
      • Speaking of vidya music, "Maniac Mansion" on the NES. # !vgp

        Friday, 15-Aug-14 18:39:15 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • Ever have one of those moments when you realize just how significant the final battles for Final Fantasy 3/6 and EarthBound were to your childhood? !vgp

        Friday, 15-Aug-14 17:37:56 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • "Got something to say? Need to say it? Unfulfilled?"

        Sunday, 10-Aug-14 22:33:50 UTC from web
      • Man I need an up to date pic of my outfit

        Sunday, 10-Aug-14 00:53:04 UTC from web
        • On that note, one thing that rustled me in Pokemon X/Y, when you went clothes shopping; you were ONLY allowed to dress in clothing of the gender you chose. Unlike animal crossing, which compliments that "You really pull that dress off well for a boy"

          I hate SJW's, but that iIS something I do agree with.

          Sunday, 10-Aug-14 00:42:03 UTC from web
        • Taught Yveltal Hyper Beam just because I wanted to see it in action in XY and oh man it used the old weird sound effect, that was amazing! Shame it uh, sucks as an attack

          Sunday, 10-Aug-14 00:19:19 UTC from web
        • So did anyone here happen to go to BronyCon and get any pics? I've been trying to find pics of my cosplay

          Sunday, 10-Aug-14 00:27:52 UTC from web
        • WELP, just noticed my profile still says I'm 19.

          Sunday, 10-Aug-14 00:14:08 UTC from web
          • Oh yeah. hello :D

            Sunday, 10-Aug-14 00:07:20 UTC from web
          • I see what you did there

            Saturday, 09-Aug-14 23:54:42 UTC from web
          • Is it possible (and/or recommended) to jump into the Ace Attorney series wherever possible, or should I start from the beginning? !vgp !3ds

            Friday, 01-Aug-14 17:14:20 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • I am just not altogether that fond of (most) pokemon that evolve by stones. Or, at least the ones that stop learning moves when you stone-evolve them. !vgp

            Thursday, 31-Jul-14 04:02:53 UTC from web
          • See, now, if I get "Bravely Default," I see two possibilities. One, I play it, and get nothing done for three or five months. Two, I don't play it, and I've wasted my money. I mean, I guess I could enjoy it and find a proper balance in my life, but what are the odds of that? !vgp

            Wednesday, 23-Jul-14 15:39:55 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • anyone been keeping up on some of the TF2 updates and all the new items. some i have found that fell through the cracks of my knowledge. anyone been playing and knows most of the new weapons and items?

            Wednesday, 09-Jul-14 03:16:14 UTC from web
          • >FO3 GOTY Edition

            Thank you Gaben, Thank you...

            Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 19:46:24 UTC from web
          • Oh yeah, RDN is a place that still exists...

            Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 19:27:34 UTC from web