TJ Martin's home timeline


  1. stop redshin g my typoes

    Thursday, 30-Oct-14 22:55:53 UTC from web
    • - repeated this.

    Thursday, 30-Oct-14 22:42:54 UTC from web
  3. I myself now look 20 years younger thanks to this amazing trick!

    Wednesday, 29-Oct-14 09:18:28 UTC from web
    • "Top 5 - Games that defined this generation" No wonder I haven't been excited about gaming in general since the N64 days. !vgp

      Sunday, 26-Oct-14 23:39:49 UTC from web
      • Cloud Kicker repeated this.
      • @scriboos I agree... Also when I think of "Generation defining things" I think of things that are probably remembered some generations over. Is the Wii going to be remembered for things like Wii Sports and it's crazy WiiMote antics ? The answer, very well likely. Is minecraft ? Hells no, since it is not bound to a generation by any stretch of the immagination. Will heavily story driven games, or games with a really special "newish" attribute ( GoW and Mass Effect ) be remembered across generations ? Probably not. And finally cash-cows like Call of Duty ? Heck no, it's going to be milked to death and then everyone is going to remember it like a nasty cold sore, especially if they keep making them near annually. The biggest first games that have something innovating that works really well will be remembered in my eyes. So I have high hopes for the Occulus Rift for instance, I need something "fresh" before something like a videogame is going to get me real exited ever again methinks !vgp

        Tuesday, 28-Oct-14 10:31:48 UTC in context
    • :-)

      Monday, 27-Oct-14 23:36:54 UTC from web
    • Well, we're boned.

      Monday, 27-Oct-14 23:31:23 UTC from web
    • TWO


      Monday, 27-Oct-14 23:25:26 UTC from web
    • Only the dead shall know peace from this evil

      Monday, 27-Oct-14 23:04:26 UTC from web
    • "Dash... I'm already a demon"

      Monday, 27-Oct-14 00:39:47 UTC from web
      • Never change RDN...

        Monday, 27-Oct-14 00:33:40 UTC from web
      • Ok! F to the U to the C to the K YOU ASSES!

        Monday, 27-Oct-14 00:28:38 UTC from web
      • I flewww into the wild and fire... I danced and died a thousand times...

        Wednesday, 22-Oct-14 22:53:01 UTC from web
        • like, how can you be a vegetarian when ham exists??

          Wednesday, 22-Oct-14 22:32:51 UTC from web
        • Dat "quick n easy" payday loan ad at the bottom of the page... Shiggy diggy.

          Wednesday, 22-Oct-14 22:25:45 UTC from web
        • Like have you ever seen an actual real turkey?

          Wednesday, 22-Oct-14 22:29:53 UTC from web
        • Baby seal

          Wednesday, 22-Oct-14 22:26:42 UTC from web
        • I feel suicidal today, lets play FTL !vgp

          Friday, 17-Oct-14 17:26:11 UTC from web
          • I just finished Sleeping Dogs ( again ) ( right in time before bed TBH ) but this time I noticed something odd. Why didn't some people get proper burials ? I mean, I avenged his death. But you'd think he'd at least get a ceremonial burrial and a proper headstone ( Talking about Winston Chu, and Peggy Li in a lesser degree ) !vgp

            Thursday, 16-Oct-14 22:29:25 UTC from web
            • "Plants vs. Zombies" is officially not that great. !vgp

              Tuesday, 14-Oct-14 01:57:03 UTC from web
              • apology for poor english
                when were you Hub dies?
                i was sat at home easting kendal mint cake when codec ring
                'Hub is kill'

                Monday, 13-Oct-14 18:41:25 UTC from web
              • Hasbro closes down "Hub Network". Twilight Sparkle taken out back, shot. More at 10.

                Monday, 13-Oct-14 18:06:39 UTC from web
              • GOODBYE CAT, YOU ARE GONE

                Monday, 13-Oct-14 17:32:46 UTC from web

                  Monday, 13-Oct-14 17:31:44 UTC from web
                  • Another con, another bankruptcy. Yes that is a Twilight Sparkle pillow and a Rarity scarf.

                    Monday, 13-Oct-14 14:48:57 UTC from web
                  • I am surrounded by an abnormally high number of Doctor Whooves cosplayers... Interesting. More to follow

                    Saturday, 11-Oct-14 09:14:10 UTC from web
                  • I am a 21 year old man

                    Friday, 10-Oct-14 14:08:42 UTC from web
                  • The ride never ends

                    Friday, 10-Oct-14 14:09:00 UTC from web
                    • About to catch the train to my third MLP con.

                      Friday, 10-Oct-14 14:08:29 UTC from web
                      • I will end up updating this every week I swear

                        Friday, 10-Oct-14 11:49:43 UTC from web
                      • Only 90's RDN users remember # and Kendal Mint Cake

                        Friday, 10-Oct-14 10:59:11 UTC from web