justin brownell's home timeline


  1. Heeeeey kids! Which member of japanese feudal society was most likely to openly brandish a firearm? ... the show-gun!

    Tuesday, 29-Apr-14 00:53:06 UTC from web
  2. @thtaoneladywiththereallydumbusername mine arent all that bad either...

    Tuesday, 29-Apr-14 00:52:05 UTC from web
    • Who liked the new episode?

      Monday, 28-Apr-14 21:27:24 UTC from web
    • So I learned gun safety today. Inb4 liberals hate me

      Sunday, 27-Apr-14 01:27:43 UTC from web
    • Why is it dead here

      Friday, 25-Apr-14 04:36:40 UTC from web
    • Hi just joined and would like to make new friends check my profile for more info

      Friday, 25-Apr-14 02:45:18 UTC from web
    • follow meh on tumblr guise tumblr.com/ezzactly #

      Thursday, 24-Apr-14 08:53:53 UTC from web
    • Why cant it be next wednesday already

      Wednesday, 23-Apr-14 07:50:16 UTC from web
      • @vt3c yeeeeeeeees

        Wednesday, 23-Apr-14 07:05:16 UTC from web
      • Take THIS Enterplay..

        According to the Comprehensive Rules:
        (203.1) Cards can have one or more colors. A card’s color is defined by the icon in the top right-hand corner.
        (203.2) A card of a color contributes power of that color, but a card which ‘adds its power’ to another card does not add its colors to that card.
        (507.3) A player’s power of a color is the combined power of characters he controls in play of that color.
        (611.3) A player meets the confront requirements of a Problem if that player controls characters at that Problem contributing power in the required amounts of the required colors to confronting that Problem.
        (611.3b) Characters can’t contribute power of more than one color, even if that character has more than one color.

        Monday, 14-Apr-14 07:55:07 UTC from web
      • Should I add this foil Luna card to my Twi/AJ deck? I'm thinking yes.

        Tuesday, 22-Apr-14 06:09:16 UTC from web
      • hey guys

        Monday, 21-Apr-14 18:22:16 UTC from web
      • @cmaven555 howdy

        Monday, 21-Apr-14 08:23:09 UTC from web
        • So who thought the new episode was amazing

          Monday, 21-Apr-14 01:14:59 UTC from web
        • So hopefully my painting job will do the US army justice http://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0309/8965/products/US-Army-1000pts_c2240b14-5684-4f93-8682-2afe6725d900_1024x1024.jpeg?v=1386097353

          Monday, 21-Apr-14 01:11:52 UTC from web
          • nearthos
            wherever you arethos

            Monday, 21-Apr-14 00:18:52 UTC from web
          • I watched an old 90's sitcom recently, called Everybody Loves Ramen

            Monday, 21-Apr-14 00:30:19 UTC from web
            • I wish I could remember all my old avatars here..... ... .

              Monday, 21-Apr-14 00:19:44 UTC from web
              • @stardust watch zitegiest (sorry on phone no video)

                Sunday, 20-Apr-14 22:48:50 UTC from web
              • every time @mushi changes avatars an avatar dies.

                Monday, 21-Apr-14 00:13:05 UTC from web
              • This is why I didn't to tell my parents........ I am at academy, he says "hey, do you want the hello kitty backpack" or driving down the road, "oh look, do you want to go to Toys R US, they have a barbie toy sale". I just want to yell at him for being such an ass!!!! but he wont stop. how do I stop this!

                Monday, 21-Apr-14 00:15:31 UTC from web
              • West-er is the opposite of East-er

                Sunday, 20-Apr-14 23:26:29 UTC from web
              • @stardust oh yeah. it was Easter wasnt it

                Sunday, 20-Apr-14 23:23:32 UTC from web
              • I heard that Hasbro some time ago announced that everything released for Transformers will be canon. Due to a technicality in their wording at the time, this means fanfiction would be canon. I will therefore want to write a steamy romance fanfic of Hotrod and RC and call it "Careless Transmissions"

                Sunday, 20-Apr-14 23:22:12 UTC from web
                • nice to paint and display and/or play, and It may finally motivate me to go back to macro photography

                  Sunday, 20-Apr-14 22:43:29 UTC from web
                  • God, people want to marry their Twilight Sparkle plushes? Next they'll want to marry their Fluttershy plushes! These damn democrats are ruining our country.

                    Sunday, 20-Apr-14 22:23:40 UTC from web
                  • i played three games of mlp today. My Rarity/Twilight deck is nigh unstoppable at this point, whereas my appledash is more behaved...

                    Saturday, 19-Apr-14 02:11:15 UTC from web
                    • ok, talking about that damn movie isnt among the few things i'm in mood to do. bye.

                      Friday, 18-Apr-14 12:20:52 UTC from web
                    • Is it weird that Im a big fan of twilight becoming a princess, and an even bigger fan of equestria girls?

                      Friday, 18-Apr-14 10:44:39 UTC from web
                    • I think the best thing about being a brony is keeping up with Equestria Daily, the number one news source for MLP enthusiasts

                      Friday, 18-Apr-14 09:36:01 UTC from web