justin brownell's home timeline


  1. ew anime

    Monday, 05-May-14 07:45:49 UTC from web
  2. Rainbow Dash Host Club -- I'm the host that will appeal best to home wreckers.

    Monday, 05-May-14 06:21:31 UTC from web
  3. @flashmint why one week? I see them whenever. Also, people rarely talk about the show here, ironically enough

    Monday, 05-May-14 07:22:38 UTC from web
  4. Anybody like Ouran

    Monday, 05-May-14 01:42:32 UTC from web
  5. Or not... http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/758871

    Monday, 05-May-14 04:16:58 UTC from web
    • Tadaaaa

      Monday, 05-May-14 03:12:33 UTC from web
      • I'm helping a buddy of mine write a paper for his college and he has to write about Lobbying Groups. I already helped outline their influence on government (iron triangles etc.), and the pros and cons. Any input?

        Sunday, 04-May-14 17:35:10 UTC from web
      • Dear SquareEnix, you f***ing assholes, next KH game make sephiroth f***ing easier

        Sunday, 04-May-14 16:04:44 UTC from web
      • @thtaoneladywiththereallydumbusername What? Never seen a Pony.MOV Character on RDN?

        Sunday, 04-May-14 15:17:40 UTC from web
      • Anyone have any first series MLP trading cards they're looking to part with? I have quite a few holes in my set I need to fill.

        Saturday, 03-May-14 14:31:31 UTC from web
      • Nananananananana batmaaaan http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/758727

        Saturday, 03-May-14 06:00:46 UTC from web
        • Im popular again, muahahahahaha

          Thursday, 01-May-14 21:27:05 UTC from web
          • Anyone know a close place to the 757 doing a mlp:ccg pre-release for the Canterlot Nights expansion?

            Thursday, 01-May-14 16:52:38 UTC from web
          • The new EQG promo with pinkie pie is awesome

            Thursday, 01-May-14 11:46:54 UTC from web
            • Presumably it's about the girls finding out their pony magical girl transformations are as a result of mutated genes, and they run off to join the X-Men.

              Thursday, 01-May-14 08:31:28 UTC from web
            • Retirony be damned, I survived my last day of bus driving! Though, I may be speaking too soon.... I have to go back for one last thing - payback payday.

              Thursday, 01-May-14 07:45:43 UTC from web
            • Titanfall

              Thursday, 01-May-14 06:59:09 UTC from web
            • Someone should write a dark fanfic where luna learns how Dash learns and uses that to turn her into a sleeper agent. Her trigger phrase is "I'd ship that"

              Thursday, 01-May-14 06:09:42 UTC from web
              • Pokemon heartgold, its been so long. Missed me, babe? Yeah you did. But i missed you too. Shhhhhh its gunna be all right

                Wednesday, 30-Apr-14 14:30:47 UTC from web
              • Learning about J.F.K. in American History! YAY!

                Wednesday, 30-Apr-14 13:50:36 UTC from web
              • @cinnamonswirl Huh. Just noticed you're Cerulean.

                Wednesday, 30-Apr-14 11:26:02 UTC from web
              • I win the "Better than Hussie at choosing names" award

                Wednesday, 30-Apr-14 12:23:31 UTC from web
              • https://31.media.tumblr.com/73d329e32bb24374253f4c94e72bf17a/tumblr_n3zh9zpbhS1snb60zo1_400.gif

                Wednesday, 30-Apr-14 05:15:03 UTC from web
              • When will it be 7am so i can get off work???!!!

                Tuesday, 29-Apr-14 09:30:14 UTC from web
                • For the record I think Buffy the Vampire Slayer is very silly. I only knew what Spike looked like offhand because my sister likes the show.

                  Tuesday, 29-Apr-14 01:27:27 UTC from web
                • why is it that i can't draw spike for the life of me

                  Tuesday, 29-Apr-14 01:19:35 UTC from web
                • why is it that RDN can band together to make Melonetta literally the popular, yet we can't... well we can't do anything else.

                  Tuesday, 29-Apr-14 01:14:31 UTC from web
                • Well that's sad, im not cool enough to be on popular notice bar

                  Tuesday, 29-Apr-14 01:12:08 UTC from web
                • Someone needs to ponify the Ouran high school host club right away!

                  Tuesday, 29-Apr-14 01:03:54 UTC from web
                  • I love making the pun pony look like an amateur

                    Tuesday, 29-Apr-14 00:59:54 UTC from web