sci's home timeline


  1. Everypony! I have joyful news, the humans have a new pope. And His name is Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Venezuela. To be known as Pope Francis, Congratulations!

    Wednesday, 13-Mar-13 19:23:31 UTC from web
    • I have to stay here til 3 AGAIN

      Wednesday, 13-Mar-13 18:01:33 UTC from web
    • Whats going on everypony?

      Wednesday, 13-Mar-13 00:24:27 UTC from web
    • Man, Mr Ingram is MAD. And Tara Strong is saying what everyone was afraid she'd say:

      Tuesday, 05-Mar-13 08:40:25 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    • Beware... Beware!

      Thursday, 28-Feb-13 02:08:58 UTC from web
    • @vt3c Automatic. Also I am naturally poor. The engine was completely redone, new tires and everything. I suppose It could have re-sale value, but I play for keeps since its not a pleasure vehicle. It gets me to work!

      Sunday, 17-Feb-13 18:25:51 UTC from web
    • This is amazing. I can literally say "make this a fad, guys" and you'll all do it. It's like my own personal circus troupe.

      Wednesday, 13-Feb-13 00:57:50 UTC from web
    • @zeldatra @snowcone And at what point did I complain about the latest changes to the show?

      Saturday, 16-Feb-13 16:11:19 UTC from web
    • Wow! Its finally over!

      Saturday, 16-Feb-13 16:10:12 UTC from web
      • so much birthday, the site crashes when repeating multipledashes and liking dashes. @widget @colfax

        Sunday, 10-Feb-13 17:38:09 UTC from web
        • ♫Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me!♫ Happy Birthday Dear Cabal! ♫ Happy Birthday to me! ♫♫♫

          Sunday, 10-Feb-13 17:24:06 UTC from web
        • Heya Stacy.

          Sunday, 10-Feb-13 17:28:08 UTC from web
        • Oh Hey everypony! If you have been following my work on, a new chapter in The Border is now available for you to read!:

          Thursday, 07-Feb-13 22:04:38 UTC from web
        • Oh, and My Birthday is on February 10th this sunday! Cheers!

          Thursday, 07-Feb-13 22:05:05 UTC from web
          • I have a 743:1052 response to post ratio. @ceruleanspark has a 1547:1506 ratio. I wonder who gets the most attention on RDN per dash. My guess is maybe Cerulean.

            Tuesday, 05-Feb-13 19:11:31 UTC from web
          • Its freezing on the east coast!

            Tuesday, 22-Jan-13 17:05:57 UTC from web
          • Sigh... I am stuck at the office and will be sleeping here... again.

            Saturday, 12-Jan-13 07:32:37 UTC from web
          • Story: Blueblood's Blush: [Shipping] Author: Marcella Howard Description: Celestia, in an attempt to get her young nephew off his high horse, has Blueblood go outside and meet new ponies. While outside he bumps into a poster of nopony else but The Great and Powerful Trixie. Will anything come of this? Stay tuned and find out! Additional Tags: New, creative, fun, revealing, eye-opening >

            Thursday, 10-Jan-13 19:10:04 UTC from Sethisto
          • #

            Tuesday, 08-Jan-13 16:37:04 UTC from web
          • Great Christ this is somewhat the best thing ever.

            Tuesday, 08-Jan-13 16:42:00 UTC from web
          • Cabal!

            Saturday, 05-Jan-13 20:50:02 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          • Anyone have any experience at all with Plasma Active? It might almost convince me to get a tablet (as long as I can use a keyboard with it). !techponies

            Wednesday, 02-Jan-13 20:23:42 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • I cross my fingers. I install Arch Linux on my Pogoplug POGO-E02. I hope I won't brick this. !techponies

            Wednesday, 02-Jan-13 16:58:10 UTC from Choqok
          • I got my extremely cheap pogoplug. The original software is extremely dumb. Really dumb. This device doesn't have samba shares nor nfs. You have to use their damn dumb software or use the website to access the data. I'll have to install Arch Linux on this device to get the right amount of functionality I wanted. !techponies

            Monday, 31-Dec-12 11:20:16 UTC from Choqok
          • @scribus Fear me, for I shall sing terribly.

            Sunday, 30-Dec-12 18:04:57 UTC from web