Scribus's home timeline


  1. I have only the performance art of violence to express my feelings for the mid-game railroading and complete lack of direction in Pathfinder: Kingmaker !vgp

    about 11 months ago from web
    • I think this hotel is not for people like me, it’s next to a bunch of corporate headquarters and data centers, the lobby is a trendy bar where a bunch of tech guys are drinking top shelf liquor, and the TV knows my name.

      about 11 months ago from web
    • ChatGPT seems to believe that Sora from Kingdom Hearts would be perfectly willing to ally with Tony Soprano but would draw the line at Walter White and I’m uncomfortable with the knowledge that, to an AI, the line between friend and foe lies somewhere between “murderous mob boss” and “murderous drug lord” and not well before both points.

      about 11 months ago from web
    • Twitter is essentially dead for me. I used to lurk some creators on twitter but my open source twitter client choqok failed to fetch any new data for a week now.

      about 11 months ago from web
    • Exed? Ecksed??

      about 11 months ago from web
      • But I also think that "The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings" was the best ending hands-down no-contest and anyone who thinks otherwise has negative a million concept of storytelling. Yup. :p

        about 11 months ago from web
        • Maybe it's just because I am absolutely not going to sign up for every idiot corporation's streaming service, no matter the stunt programming they attempt

          about 11 months ago from web
          • New Futurama’s pretty funny. Billy West‘s voice ain’t what it used to be though. Fry sounds like he’s been in the future for 23 years or something.

            about 11 months ago from web
          • If I were famous, I'd try to get the casual karate gi to catch on as fashion

            about 11 months ago from web
          • OK what kind of jerk wears flip-flops to the library, and why did it have to be me? ;_;

            about a year ago from web
          • Well now I'm just confused and over it lol

            about a year ago from web
            • Hello !

              about a year ago from web
            • My D&D group started a new campaign and the starting level is 2. I managed to be at 0HP three times within the first two sessions. The first time was a mimic (a barrel), then a quickling, and then some goblinoids with slings.

              about a year ago from web
              • Show all 4 replies
              • @scribus It's a female lizardfolk grassland druid with the name "Chamilia Moonsicle". This type of druid is not a tank. With the natural armor and a wooden shield she has 16 AC. Not bad but still too squishy for my taste.
                The first down-to-zero-HP moment happened as she examined a weird barrel that happened to be a mimic-like animated creature. The next time it was a Quickling she managed to percieve (Quickling moved extremely fast) and followed a few steps out of the door, where she got stabbed 3 times with high damage rolls. Then she was hit to the head with a sling by a goblinoid savage (having little HP at the beginning of the battle didn't help either).
                I didn't play unreasonable and not without caution but it was more dumb luck than anything else.

                about a year ago in context
              • @adiwan Man, does dumb luck get stupid sometimes, though... lol

                about a year ago in context
              • @scribus To be totally frank: I have a long history of having many dead characters and stupid moments initiated by my dumb decisions. This time, I swear, wasn't the case.

                about a year ago in context
            • "melancholy nostalgia" is my new band name

              about a year ago from web
              • It sounds obvious in retrospect that you should just play 0 first anyway but I wasn’t expecting them to insert much from 0 into the remakes given how closely the actual story cutscenes stick to the source material

                about a year ago from web
                • @zeldatra I started with 0 as it is basically the beginning of Kiryus story, even though it was told much later after the Yakuza 1 release. 0 has some minor spoilers for 4 and quite some references to other installments. It didn't bother me. I rather liked it because I got an 'aha' moment and understood the reference retroactively, making the scene a little bit richer and due to the backstory aspect more understandable. The problem one can see more is making the decision when to play 0. When it comes to real downgrades Yakuza games 3 is the one that aged the worst, as it didn't get the Kiwami treatment and modernizing the controls and gameplay feel. Looking back on it it has some endearing retro aspect of the PS3 era when looking past those flaws. Generally starting with Kiwami 1 isn't bad either gameplay-wise, as the other games feel much more open and there are more areas besides Kamurocho.

                  about a year ago in context
              • Not that I think this is a bad thing, but I got whiplash upon learning that Kiryu, a Japanese man in 2005 approaching middle age who in the lead-up to Yakuza has been in prison since the 90s, and before that having been in a criminal syndicate since the 80s, is not homophobic, and is perfectly pleasant and even supportive of his cabaret date upon learning she’s a lesbian.

                about a year ago from web
              • OK well Moho keeps basic, fundamental necessities like "manipulating bezier handles" behind their $400 edition so I think they can mango themselves just on principle alone

                about a year ago from web
              • ...I wonder how much of this is subconscious; like, maybe at this point I've put in so much effort that when I do find out how to do it, it'll be "too easy". . . .

                about a year ago from web
                • An octagon has a center, height, width. Known quantity of sides and vertices. I wouldn't even cry if they wanted me to provide all eight of the (x,y) coordinates!! A circle is a simple enough formula of (x,y,z) where (x,y) == center and z == radius or diameter as long as its standard. I can say by how much to move things in a for loop for 360 frames with a 1 degree change per frame. But why is there no Fluffle Puffing software that can do this TI-BASIC level processing?

                  about a year ago from web
                  • Am I actually the madman here? Are the words I use making zero sense??

                    about a year ago from web
                    • Anybody online who might maybe be able to talk me down from self-inflicted head trauma, please?

                      about a year ago from web
                    • I tasted mead recently but it tasted more like acetone and couldn't stomach more than a few drops. But it's a "me"-problem. It was good and not spoiled. I just have a different taste. Even normal wine tastes like some kind of acetone to me. Grape juice itself is alright for me. I guess the fermentation products are causing the putrid smells and tastes that my nose and tongue cannot deal with. Also beer smells like wet and half-eaten bread with vinegar. Pure vodka also is very nasty as it creates a very strong burning sensation in the esophagus.
                      Never gonna be drunk because of that alone.

                      about a year ago from web
                    • Well it looks like my mead is turning out to be a success, and even my mad science "cherry Coke wine" might be working out

                      about a year ago from web
                    • I think a big part of it is in bad practices in Corel and/or Inkscape with my SVG vectors

                      about a year ago from web
                      • @scribus my CGI models are all built in an incredibly stupid way that would make any other 3D artist pull their hair off so for this pilot I’ve had to go in and clean up some things in the event that somebody else has to look at it.

                        about a year ago in context
                    • Jesus. mangoing. Christ. I think I might have finally managed to get the bastard to import the already-created vector graphic for frame 1.

                      about a year ago from web
                    • That is definitely something that should have taken two godrotten calendar days

                      about a year ago from web
                    • I could've downloaded a POS freeware virus in the 90s that would do this in an afternoon!!!!

                      about a year ago from web
                      • It's easy. I have vectors. I have coordinates. I have the change-per-frame mathed out. It isn't batcaveing hard. It doesn't need to make me want to kill myself!!

                        about a year ago from web
                        • I feel like all I should have to do is set everything in place on Frame 1, move them every 4 or 8 or whatever frames, and the goddamned program should do the boring Potato Knishesty interim work. It should be easy. It is easy! For apple's papayaing sake.....

                          about a year ago from web
                          • Fluffle Puffing thing cannot even import a simple god damned appleing circle for apple's Fluffle Puffing Potato Knishesed-out sake

                            about a year ago from web