Sugar's home timeline


  1. TEREZI: D4V3, YOU D***!!! DAVE: what DAVE: dont blame me DAVE: i cant control the crab !Homestuck

    Thursday, 21-Mar-13 09:28:57 UTC from web
  2. !homestuck Your lord has returned, you may begin to kiss the ground where I have walked.

    Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 22:26:48 UTC from web
  3. I hate all of you. Especially @Nerthos for making me feel nogalistic with his pony porn.

    Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 22:11:58 UTC from web
  4. Wait grapes let me rephrase that

    Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 22:12:31 UTC from web
    • I really don't like the local group, honestly. They rarely get together and if someone proposes an event everyone's complaining about how they might have to actually drive/get a ride to get to the event. Plus the FB group admin spends all his time advertising BFF and trying to make money off of that and doesn't give anything else the smallest lick of attention. There's no sense of community between the pony fans around here. :/ !austinbronies

      Sunday, 14-Apr-13 23:50:44 UTC from web
    • Someone tell nerthos that or something, I'm gone again

      Monday, 08-Apr-13 01:39:49 UTC from web
      • Oh yeah, I'm back because I found the package I was supposed to send nerthos a few months ago in my closet andI was going to talk to him about it.

        Monday, 08-Apr-13 01:39:25 UTC from web

        Monday, 08-Apr-13 01:34:25 UTC from web
      • Didn't mean for caps but that's cool too

        Monday, 08-Apr-13 01:34:40 UTC from web
        • I heard poison who said that

          Sunday, 17-Mar-13 05:42:13 UTC from web
        • anyone at all?

          Sunday, 17-Mar-13 01:27:59 UTC from web
        • Very interesting.

          Saturday, 16-Mar-13 15:39:37 UTC from web
        • @snowcone D: But

          Sunday, 10-Mar-13 11:03:09 UTC from web
        • Oh my god I haven't used this in years.

          Sunday, 10-Mar-13 10:40:38 UTC from web
        • I should probably edit it right about now...

          Sunday, 10-Mar-13 10:46:51 UTC from web
          • My profile makes me cringe.

            Sunday, 10-Mar-13 10:46:40 UTC from web
            • I'm starting to think I should give up trying to set up a proper lighting rig and just take my photos on the settee like Ashens does.

              Wednesday, 06-Mar-13 11:06:59 UTC from web
            • Oh god there's mould all over the underside of this mouse

              Wednesday, 06-Mar-13 11:02:53 UTC from web
            • @thelastgherkin I'm pretty sure it's not, but every time I see your avatar I think it's an equestria girls version of Pun Pony.

              Wednesday, 06-Mar-13 10:52:09 UTC from web
            • @mrdragon Hey you there?

              Wednesday, 06-Mar-13 10:54:25 UTC from web
              • Ok time to go bye.

                Sunday, 03-Mar-13 17:32:25 UTC from web
              • I wonder what will happen when the top bar gets too full to hold everything on one row

                Sunday, 03-Mar-13 16:33:39 UTC from web
              • !austinbronies Welp I am moving back to Tulsa...

                Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 17:58:41 UTC from web
              • Here

                Tuesday, 26-Feb-13 02:06:04 UTC from web
              • @snowcone you probably shouldn't be so naughty here though.

                Thursday, 21-Feb-13 23:42:15 UTC from web
              • @snowcone I dunno the IRC channel..

                Thursday, 21-Feb-13 23:52:36 UTC from web
              • I can't not put these socks on.

                Thursday, 21-Feb-13 23:50:18 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • !homestuck update

                Sunday, 17-Feb-13 08:32:46 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                • Mmm, dat homestuck update.

                  Sunday, 17-Feb-13 07:11:51 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • In the ~year and a half I spent here, I learned how to sound like a reasonable person.

                    Friday, 15-Feb-13 20:43:48 UTC from web