Jacob Westerfeld's home timeline



    Friday, 28-Feb-14 17:49:30 UTC from web

      Wednesday, 12-Feb-14 22:28:03 UTC from web
    • @sirnarwhal gesundheit

      Wednesday, 12-Feb-14 22:20:17 UTC from web
    • One last brohoof for everyone (\

      Wednesday, 12-Feb-14 22:19:40 UTC from web
    • Goodbye everyone im leaving all of this behind now

      Wednesday, 12-Feb-14 22:16:47 UTC from web
    • Goodbye im leaving now

      Wednesday, 12-Feb-14 05:44:58 UTC from web
    • i just love rdn it is always random and idk where i was without this site but you all cant say the same about me you all deserve to prosper if it was not for this site my girlfriend would of never became my girlfriend and i would of never knew what to do as far as dating tips by the way thanks the tips were on point i have a girlfriend and besides that point you should all prosper literally you should get so many members your servers crashnot literally but yeah if there wasa scale from 1 to 100 of how great this site is it would be (over 9000000) keep up the randomness and continue to be youall of you no i am not leaving i just really glad i noticed this site on google *crying tears of joy*

      Wednesday, 12-Feb-14 05:46:16 UTC from web
    • The fandom i mean

      Wednesday, 12-Feb-14 05:45:13 UTC from web
      • @celestiaisbestprincess is it Braeburn ?

        Tuesday, 04-Feb-14 03:01:09 UTC from web
      • Knock knock

        Tuesday, 04-Feb-14 02:53:50 UTC from web
      • @snowcone goodbye

        Monday, 03-Feb-14 04:47:08 UTC from web
      • I like this saying http://ur1.ca/gjv01

        Monday, 03-Feb-14 04:37:02 UTC from web
      • @scoot military equipment is awesome http://ur1.ca/gjuyt

        Monday, 03-Feb-14 04:23:19 UTC from web
      • So what is best game, Guys.

        Monday, 03-Feb-14 04:02:58 UTC from web
      • This is probably one of my favorite ships http://ur1.ca/gjuwz

        Monday, 03-Feb-14 04:03:42 UTC from web
      • До свидания каждый сейчас

        Sunday, 02-Feb-14 18:52:05 UTC from web
      • @oracle how about this http://ur1.ca/gi6yn

        Sunday, 26-Jan-14 14:53:14 UTC from web
      • A rather odd thing; the mcdonalds in st anthony has a 30-minite "limit" for being in the store. I'd expect that more in like an inner city area, not a suburb.

        Sunday, 26-Jan-14 14:47:04 UTC from web
      • @snowcone well im glad you took the time to notice it

        Sunday, 26-Jan-14 14:38:33 UTC from web
      • STOP THE MADNESS!!! enlist today.

        Friday, 24-Jan-14 04:30:27 UTC from web
      • Hey there peeps! Sorry I've been so quiet lately, life really is trying it's best to find me in the alps (if you don't get the reference, please watch DBZ Abridged by Team Four Star). I am still alive, however, and trying to keep as close an eye on this group as I can! I started it, and have a responsibility to do my part. However I would not be adverse to a few more Admins....The group is steadily growing, and Negi and I don't have the time, energy, or in some cases funds to keep things moving smoothly on our own.

        Saturday, 18-Jan-14 01:21:41 UTC from web
        • @rabidchama hey bro im new to the group but not to the fandom ive been a brony since 2011 just like you so i am an admin and i would like to help run the group with events and stuff is there anyway you can give me acces to the group to help run it i have been planning events lately even on the facebook page it shows alot of events i planned thanks

          Wednesday, 18-Jan-17 22:11:36 UTC in context
        • @raritymlp2017 Hi there! I'm sorry for the late responses, but things have been rather hectic. To you, and anypony else who's curious, I plan on using Facebook as the primary source for meetups and other events, but understand f there are those who'd prefer the relative anonymity of RDN. ;)

          Monday, 23-Jan-17 23:21:38 UTC in context
      • Bye

        Thursday, 16-Jan-14 05:32:10 UTC from web
        • Just here to mention this new club

          Thursday, 16-Jan-14 05:28:02 UTC from web
          • @snowcone its 12 in the afternoon for me

            Sunday, 12-Jan-14 19:25:28 UTC from web
            • AAWWNNN http://ur1.ca/gefrf

              Sunday, 12-Jan-14 19:10:24 UTC from web
            • I should adopt "buttstuff!" as an all-purpose exclamation really.

              Sunday, 12-Jan-14 19:04:12 UTC from web
            • Well goodbye everyone ill remember you all in therapy

              Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 20:12:00 UTC from web
              • @sprite i sneeze like my dad (high pitched and loud)

                Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 20:01:51 UTC from web
              • This is adorable http://ur1.ca/gdcju

                Wednesday, 08-Jan-14 20:01:15 UTC from web
                • Anyway goodbye everyone

                  Tuesday, 07-Jan-14 20:21:33 UTC from web