vcgriffin's favorite notices, page 2

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  1. @tiffany Damnit, I shouldn't leave my arm visible in the frame!

    Tuesday, 18-Aug-15 17:13:14 UTC from web in context
  2. @ceruleanspark I last crashed my car.

    Sunday, 16-Aug-15 11:15:05 UTC from web in context
  3. yeah alright

    Friday, 07-Aug-15 13:23:27 UTC from web

    Saturday, 01-Aug-15 20:03:49 UTC from web in context
  5. I finally got my act together and bought a pair of Shadowrun rulebooks. Let's see where this trainwreck lands

    Monday, 27-Jul-15 17:08:20 UTC from web in context
  6. I'm on my mobile otherwise I'd delete the posts myself. I don't want my finger to slip on this UI and accidentally delete Metal or something

    Sunday, 26-Jul-15 08:25:18 UTC from StatusNet Android in context
  7. [MetalTao is not available in your country]

    Sunday, 26-Jul-15 08:31:33 UTC from web
  8. @vcgriffin At first I thought you said "workplace related accidents" at which point I began speculating that, at your job, you're some kind of serial maimer.

    Saturday, 25-Jul-15 15:58:51 UTC from web in context
  9. a heartbreaking story i wrote

    Monday, 12-Aug-13 00:48:55 UTC from web in context

    Friday, 24-Jul-15 22:03:04 UTC from web in context
  11. actually, it's about ethics in subreddit moderation

    Friday, 03-Jul-15 19:20:28 UTC from web
  12. Some people call me pringles dick

    Wednesday, 10-Jun-15 19:02:07 UTC from web in context

    Monday, 22-Jun-15 12:58:35 UTC from web in context
  14. THIS@! Is how I feel about the last donut in the box!

    Saturday, 20-Jun-15 05:42:06 UTC from web in context
  15. If anyone here still watches My Little Pony after last week's travesty, please remember to tag your spoilers.

    Saturday, 20-Jun-15 13:25:42 UTC from web in context
  16. @metaltao # You say that, but I'm aware of the shipping, and I was expecting it, but it was like one of them was letting the other down gently.

    Sunday, 14-Jun-15 08:57:27 UTC from web in context
  17. @northernnarwhal As of yours, 3,941,223.

    Sunday, 14-Jun-15 15:06:56 UTC from web in context
  18. I was always outside My Little Pony's demographic, but now I think I'm being edged out of My Little Pony's second demographic.

    Saturday, 13-Jun-15 19:55:43 UTC from web
  19. @vcgriffin You're right, there's definitely a clear conflict of interests in terms of how we define the term, which is probably because even the term "brony" is already incredibly connotative. I don't align with the prospect of "brony culture" as an extension of the term "brony", which as I discussed in my previous post is really more of a contrived identity complex than an actual method of engagement with media. I certainly agree with your sandpit analogy too, e100 was very clearly submissive to that prospect of "brony culture", which has sort of become an entirely separate mentality of viewing the show. @thelastgherkin made a great post here about demographic that I think really rings true for this conversation.

    Sunday, 14-Jun-15 14:48:47 UTC from web in context
  20. # So I decided to watch that new episode of everyone's favourite show after hearing you guys talk about it. That... that was beyond abhorrent. That was genuinely difficult for me to watch and it felt incredibly nauseating throughout its entire runtime. I don't think I've ever seen any episode of any show, or hell any piece of media so obnoxiously indulgent and stupidly self-obsessed, that was beyond any sensibility of meta self-parody or reference and just deliberately excessive in every asset of its goals. That was honestly the most intensive display of unequivocally reprehensible and loud fanservice I've ever witnessed and I cannot think of a single redeeming quality in that experience.

    Saturday, 13-Jun-15 18:10:37 UTC from web in context
  21. Here's where I get stuck: if we apply the dialectical method to capital, like Marx did, we learn that the price of something is determined by social relations and not their actual use-value. But how is this knowledge useful?

    Monday, 08-Jun-15 23:46:02 UTC from web in context
  22. @tiffany There's actually a guy in my class who's doing his final presentatiom worth ~15% of his mark on Atlas Shrugged.

    Though I can see why the book is popular with teenagers. It promotes a reductive worldview they can understand, and the notion of the world being much simpler and self serving than it actually is empowers them.

    Monday, 08-Jun-15 22:30:53 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  23. Furthermore what really bugs me about objectivism is yes, I get the whole personal responsibility bit. I abide by it. But to make it law makes it seem as though humanity is incapable of charity on its own accord, also stifling the idea. It's too narrow a point of view. Given who came up with it, it is not at all a surprise either.

    Monday, 08-Jun-15 22:30:33 UTC from web in context
  24. @rarity Essentially, yeah. Libertarianism prides itself on being a school of thought structured around this idea of "I do what I want and live life how I want! Yeah!" but when applied to a broader real world context it comes off as incredibly misguided, immature, and self-obsessed. It tries to ground itself with this notion of humans all being in this hypothetical race at the same starting point, with ostensibly the fastest being the most successful and the most "objectively" good person, ethically or otherwise. But this view of the world is awfully childish and reductive, because it COMPLETELY neglects the concepts of privilege, class, race, gender, cultural climate, and several other legitimately influential components of the likelihood for a person's supposed "success". It's because of caveats like those that the only people who can really abide by Libertarianism are people who have advantageous placements in many of those components and are too naive to see otherwise.

    Monday, 08-Jun-15 21:45:25 UTC from web in context
  25. I can appreciate Atlas Shrugged as a well constructed narrative, but I disagree with a lot of its philosophical framework. The system of Objectivism is incredibly reductive of the nature of art, promotes a presumptuous and obstinate engagement of epistemology grounded only on loose empiricism, and effectively romanticizes the prospect of being a totally selfish jerk to everyone around you.

    Monday, 08-Jun-15 21:30:49 UTC from web in context
  26. @awlditzy

    Tuesday, 19-May-15 02:20:42 UTC from web in context
  27. @vcgriffin

    Sunday, 17-May-15 11:37:09 UTC from web in context
  28. This is about ethics in horse journalism

    Friday, 15-May-15 16:11:47 UTC from web
  29. BUCK 2016: 9/10 April, EventCity Manchester UK.

    Wednesday, 13-May-15 13:31:27 UTC from web
  30. @nerthos If you were considering it, don't bother reading the King in Yellow. It's not a good book

    Tuesday, 21-May-13 13:10:24 UTC from StatusNet Desktop in context