Replies to yorkiebrony
@yorkiebrony You're taking the plucking pizz. Alternate pronunciation pun: this is the pizz!
@yorkiebrony Fascinating. That can be todays new thing that I've learned.
@yorkiebrony You can play the Cello without a bow?
@yorkiebrony Do you have to be referred to it, or could a person simply buy in.
@yorkiebrony Therapeutic Riding? Like, the horses-for-autistic-kids thing?
@yorkiebrony What is your degree in? Something with Horses, by the tone of your previous post?
@yorkiebrony Congratulations! Now the /hard part/ begins.
@yorkiebrony Con-GRADUATIONS!!
@yorkiebrony Nowhere to go but up.
@yorkiebrony hm.... merry christmas!
@yorkiebrony people hardly do that anymore themselves. The fact that I didn't get angry at all in that last statement shows that I am still interested. Though I did get a slight bit upset at the bringing up of MLP in it and the specification of animals as opposed to humans or the rise of machinery, it brings up a great point. I enjoy the divulging into the relation between humans and animals and the use of horses/ponies do a great job in creating a connection between your points. Though a very blanket summary, that speech WAS informative and I enjoyed hearing your views on the subject.
@yorkiebrony I hope this tedious linking to horses isn't the point of this.
@yorkiebrony this is actually a rather interesting interpretation of the subject.
@yorkiebrony awwe, so sappy
!yorkshirebronies @yorkiebrony Well, whether that is to do with your writing specifically or their community guidelines, I really couldn't say because I don't really post on UKoE myself either. As always, you shouldn't take it personally though knowing you, you will struggle not to. Meets are usually shown here too, and hopefully I'll see you soon at one of them =)
@yorkiebrony People normally pop up to tell me when there are meets, as I'm too lazy to register there, so I'm sure they'll let you know too.
@yorkiebrony Thats unfortunate, I would have really enjoyed seeing you there, ahh well... there's always the inevitable next-time
@yorkiebrony 'll look into it later. Today, I am stupid :)
@derpyshy Hey, I will be online tomorrow evvening again. @mushi I heard that the influence of religion on the Brazian society is growing - esecially from super-conservervative evangelist churches. Really sucks... @yorkiebrony Can't you do your master in pedagogics and do research about the use of animals for that stuff? There is few high-qualified personell in that field (as well as few scientific knowledge)
@yorkiebrony @aeniug2 and I am talkinng about research methods instead of learning for my test in research methods.
@yorkiebrony I don't think highly of rankings since I know how they are made. However, that you don't get funding with a reutation like that is really bad. You make me fear about my future, dood.
@yorkiebrony And this is the reason why i want to go into gender studies. People are WAY to stupid about that stuff.
@yorkiebrony Yeah...... I suppose you could come up with some creative solution to that, but it will always find a way to come back and bite you. Not to mention that, as far as I understand, in psychology face to face communication with the subject is invaluable when gathering information.
@yorkiebrony I know the problem. We protest that our system does not get in the same trouble. The university I visit has a high emphasis on social sciences and history.
@yorkiebrony What is your approach? I'd start with Bourdieu.
@yorkiebrony But if the researchers are paid by the state and when you can use students to do some of the footwork (which students like I want to do since we want research experience), you don't need external funding. What do you need for childrens sociology? Empiricial data (mainly interviews), books and time. I believe that research with low resources is pretty much possible.
@yorkiebrony The point is that the whole system is pretty much independant. So if your overall approach to the disciline is okay with the professor you work with, you most likely can do whatever research you want. My rofessor in Social pedagogics wrote vvarious books about how table manners developed. Btw.: she also accepted a aper which is more likke children sociology than actual pedagogics.
@yorkiebrony Im all over the place, bloody job hunting... trying to accomodate college, and such and such
@yorkiebrony good afternoon wouter! Always a charm to see you
@yorkiebrony That's why I value our public funding based system in Germany...