Astra (astra)

  1. @dezzierose It looks like lots of people are migrating over to

    Tuesday, 06-Mar-12 20:39:49 UTC from web in context
  2. @mushi Take this back for him to read:

    Wednesday, 15-Feb-12 19:02:02 UTC from web in context
  3. @ceruleanspark Ah, yes, I did notice Looks like fun! I might have to sign up for that, though, to be honest, it'd probably be yet another IM account that sits around doing nothing and I get grumped at for never being on. Anyway, yes, you can certainly get a lot more accomplished and happening out there, than you can sitting in front of a social network screen (or video game, for that matter, but we all need our recreational outlets, lest we fry our brains trying too hard to be productive). Still -- and to that recreational-outlet end -- it's good to see you still nosing in here, from time to time. :)

    Saturday, 11-Feb-12 00:05:06 UTC from web in context
  4. @richardedbronie Check on Equestria Daily ( the morning of a new episode. (I usually hit the Hax Mega stream, myself, and mute during the commercials, since he tends to talk over them in loud, annoying voices.) Those mornings, they have a listing of several sites streaming the episodes as they are being aired in the first article. As for when, normally, it'd be on at 10:00 AM for you, but due to the Mare-A-Thon leading up to it, the new episode will be at 10:30 AM this Saturday. :)

    Friday, 10-Feb-12 02:56:26 UTC from web in context
  5. @macpony55 Check the last entry: (For those who consider episode names and summaries to be a # do not click the link.)

    Thursday, 09-Feb-12 04:25:20 UTC from web in context
  6. @pony Agreed. Case in point:!/search/realtime/%23savederpy For everyone else -- those of us who doesn't starve for drama -- yes, it's over.

    Saturday, 04-Feb-12 01:45:01 UTC from web in context
  7. @colfax

    Saturday, 28-Jan-12 01:05:45 UTC from web in context
  8. @scribus @pony

    Friday, 27-Jan-12 02:23:24 UTC from web in context
  9. @madflavors Apparently, it's army. The shirt is actually navy-styled, as contrasted to the other one of Spitfire laying out on an artillery barrel, where she's wearing a bomber jacket (Some may consider #: Note the artist's comments here:

    Saturday, 24-Dec-11 02:54:41 UTC from web in context
  10. This is huge (by virtue of the fact that the worlds found aren't). These worlds won't sustain life as we'd be able to identify it, but it brings us a lot closer to being able to find worlds that could. (And -- in the interest of keeping things on-topic -- if we find Equestria out there, I swear, I am buying a surplus Russian space suit and Soyuz craft, and developing an FTL drive using three million agitated 2-liter bottles of Sprite.)

    Tuesday, 20-Dec-11 19:35:59 UTC from web in context
  11. A heads-up for folks in North America: If you're up to waking up a little earlier before the show, bundle up warm and look to the west at the setting moon. Luna will be putting on a bit of a show with a lovely eclipse, which will be reaching peak at 6:33 AM, making for a very pretty dark red (and, as it gets closer to the horizon, big-seeming) moon. Then, of course, head on in to catch this week's episode at 7. :) (NOTE: The eclipse will also be visible to varying degrees all over the world except South America, Antarctica and parts of Africa, so if you're getting up to catch one of the live streams, you may be able to go out and see it as well. I just thought the timing of it was kind of neat. :) )

    Tuesday, 06-Dec-11 22:01:07 UTC from web in context
  12. @quetzalcoatl If it helps, ROT13 is very popular with the geocaching set. So, if you can't find a ROT13 app that can be cut and paste into easily just by looking for ROT13, try checking out the geocaching apps. (It's how I was able to find a decoder for my HP Touchpad, of all things, and there's an easy ROT13 app for Android, so there's got to be SOMETHING for iOS.) And, if all else fails, you can pull up on your browser.

    Saturday, 03-Dec-11 18:39:50 UTC from web in context
  13. @chromadancer Interesting test! I wound up with Twilight by landslide, which makes sense, all things considered. Fluttershy was tied for second, which didn't surprise me. What surprised me was that she was tied with Pinkie Pie. *blink* I can be rather random at times, but I definitely don't have that social butterfly thing going on like she does. Anyway, thanks for sharing! That was fun. :)

    Saturday, 19-Nov-11 02:16:23 UTC from web
  14. @pinhooves In case you haven't heard, you might want to grab today's copy of the Vancouver Sun, and turn it to page D18. (Or just read it here, though an article with Daniel Ingram in it is something you might want to keep a physical copy of.) :)

    Thursday, 17-Nov-11 19:42:57 UTC from web in context
  15. @lilytheamazingfaintingpony That is really nice of you to consider doing that! Probably nust not really worth the hassle, though. Would you believe that is selling them for €8,99? €8,99! That's just a little over twelve bucks US! Quite cheap, especially compared to folks on eBay selling them upwards of three times that. Unfortunately, I've learned that "Bitte beachten Sie: My Little Pony 34142 - MLP Adventskalender kann nicht an die ausgewählte Adresse versandt werden," is German for, "No ponies for you!" *pout*

    Thursday, 17-Nov-11 01:40:09 UTC from web
  16. I liked it. :) Fun episode. # "Znu fvfgre'f fcrnxva' va Snapl!" znqr zr ynhtu uneqrfg, gubhtu Cvaxvr Cvr'f pbasrffvba jnf n pybfr frpbaq. (

    Saturday, 12-Nov-11 18:09:35 UTC from web in context
  17. @communistprime Sorry, I'm experimenting with ROT13-encoding spoilers, as a means of allowing people to talk about the show without spoiling it for people who haven't seen it, or are otherwise sensitive about such things. You can use (among others) to decode it. Or a Little Orphan Annie Secret Decoder Ring. Or just add/subtract 13 from the numerical value of each letter.

    Saturday, 12-Nov-11 03:05:05 UTC from web in context
  18. @communistprime

    Saturday, 12-Nov-11 02:02:33 UTC from web in context
  19. @ceruleanspark It's @ponydude2143 idea. I think he's going to try to build an option to auto-encrypt/decrypt spoilers into RDN Refresh. But, in the meantime, cutting and pasting to, or one of the multitude of other sites and programs, words fine. Seems like a fair compromise system to me, since it allows folks who want to talk about it a way to do so, without infringing on folks who haven't seen it yet and don't want to accidentally catch a glimpse of something that could ruin their enjoyment.

    Friday, 11-Nov-11 22:07:09 UTC from web in context
  20. @ponydude2143 Actually, I like your ROT13 idea for spoilers. That way, if you don't have RDN Refresh, you can still encrypt and decrypt manually very easily. ( for example.) So, people who want to read it, can, and those who don't, well, they just get a message of goobledy-gook. Just # GUR SHA UNF ORRA QBHOYRQ! And having the functionality added to RDN Refresh to do it automatically would be neat, too. :)

    Thursday, 10-Nov-11 05:12:51 UTC from web in context
  21. @miloth Awww! That story does sound bittersweet, too. But, yes, I got teary-eyed just glancing it over to see if I'd found the right one, let alone when I first read it. Anyway . . . Quick! To cheer you up! Have some adorable!

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 01:59:47 UTC from web in context
  22. @miloth Though the big Spike there does remind me of a tearjerker I saw recently, the one where Twilight explains why she doesn't have to worry Spike trying to fit in the tree when he gets too big. (Had to search to find it, in case you haven't seen it. Very bittersweet.

    Wednesday, 02-Nov-11 01:46:40 UTC from web in context
  23. @cabal In the interest of fairness, the other side: (Not saying I agree. Just making sure both sides are presented. If nothing else, it helps to know your enemy, and where they're coming from.)

    Saturday, 29-Oct-11 01:39:44 UTC from web in context
  24. @shalabajza Cool, that's great that you're learning it. :) I'm all right with reading and writing it. Speaking it? Not so much. Spoken languages have always vexed me. As for typing it, there are a few good on-screen virtual keyboards floating around. ( is a good one.) Slow, but functional.

    Tuesday, 04-Oct-11 20:13:41 UTC from web in context
  25. @princezach121k Thought you might be interested in this, if you haven't seen it already: Cutie Mark Crusaders Cassini Scientists are GO! Yay! :)

    Monday, 03-Oct-11 17:04:32 UTC from web in context
  26. @mrbrown Found a clip of it. :)

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 03:10:08 UTC from web in context
  27. Don't look at me like that! I have proof positive! Go to the page for the studio hosting the convention ( Watch the slideshow . . . Did you see that?! That guy who suddenly teleports in? POOF! INSTANTLY! If they would open up those teleporters, I could set up a stable global transporter network, we could ALL go to BroNYCon, we could negotiate a peace with the Diamond Dogs, and Princess Celestia would HAVE to invite me over for tea and biscuits! But noooOOOooo!

    Wednesday, 21-Sep-11 01:19:04 UTC from web
  28. There, caught everything on the replay, after the Justin.TV stream went all stuttery for the last 5-10 minutes on the first play-through. I liked it all right. Will definitely be back here next week for part 2. I predict Princess Luna will somehow be involved in setting things right. (All right, maybe not, but it WOULD be awesome, and a nice coming-full-circle moment, if you think about it.) For now, off to catch a little more shut-eye.

    Saturday, 17-Sep-11 14:13:48 UTC from web
  29. @woodsy Try That seems to be working, more or less.

    Saturday, 17-Sep-11 13:07:10 UTC from web in context
  30. Switching to the Justin.TV stream (but ignoring the chat, sorry). Bronystate seems to have failed.

    Saturday, 17-Sep-11 13:03:14 UTC from web