Logan's home timeline


  1. There's also a mod called the my little brony mod. it adds the mane six and every other pony into the game. Even doctor whooves! heres a link to the form. http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1115484-wipsmpforge152-mine-little-brony-more-than-just-ponies-rainbows-clouds-trees-and-more/

    Friday, 04-Oct-13 14:58:08 UTC from web
    • hey do any of you want to make custom skins for mine little pony mod. heres a link to what is probably the best site for it. If you don't have a browser like google chrome, its not going to work in the editor. http://ponyskincraft.com/

      Friday, 04-Oct-13 14:55:27 UTC from web
    • omg i just found this on cheezburger.com/bronies. everyone in the U.S. should get it. https://i.chzbgr.com/maxW500/7832661760/h666C35C4/

      Friday, 04-Oct-13 14:41:28 UTC from web
    • We all wish we could be kinder more then likely. But we are who we are, theres no changing that.

      Friday, 04-Oct-13 14:38:10 UTC from web
    • I really wish more people knew about this site rather then the few hundrad that actually come on here. is the brony way dieing?

      Thursday, 03-Oct-13 12:41:23 UTC from web
    • @spirte it's no way to do fix problems, I just say my mind and that's it. that Or I write a bit

      Thursday, 03-Oct-13 12:49:49 UTC from web
      • My moring goes as it normally does. breakfast, write. and go to school.

        Thursday, 03-Oct-13 11:46:19 UTC from web
        • @vt3c you sound like you must have the most interesting life

          Thursday, 03-Oct-13 11:44:27 UTC from web
          • @rarity why? can't take a comment or two Rarity? I don't nescecarly hate, but I don't perfer.

            Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 17:53:50 UTC from web
          • How can Discord understand speech pattern's when he was put away longer then Luna?

            Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 17:40:44 UTC from web
          • @thatonedrpout he's not a spirit if I remember correctly, he's the lord of choas. and he does all magic with his claw. therfor he IS a caster and not able to do so without

            Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 17:52:29 UTC from web
          • I never liked rarity all that much, sure she is genoris and that is the kind of person we will all remember. But I can't feel her value for some reason.

            Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 17:47:17 UTC from web
          • True, but he was in stone and can't move or do anything. so how can he even condor up any sort of spell?

            Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 17:45:25 UTC from web
          • @thelastgherkin oh, right good to know when writting

            Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 17:42:31 UTC from web
            • if only going to school could mean something more to me other then girls and internet. i'd probably be actually learning something rather then doing this in class. lol

              Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 17:38:33 UTC from web
              • I have no idea what else to say now. other tehn I write stories on fanfiction.net

                Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 17:34:04 UTC from web
                • @firestormdangerdash jeez, that cant be good

                  Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 17:29:28 UTC from web
                • I meant @rarity not pony

                  Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 15:56:00 UTC from web
                • @pony ha that's pretty good!

                  Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 15:55:35 UTC from web
                • I consider myself a novince writer. I try my best to come up with something no one has. but I never really seem to.

                  Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 15:49:25 UTC from web
                • I thought I was going to do good with my first actual attempt to right a story, I got like 200 view's in two chapter's. I thought I was going to do pretty good. Then I had to stop for a while because I have no internet at home and I have to publish at school. summer break came. after I came back. No body seems to read my story's anymore.

                  Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 15:52:53 UTC from web
                • I think Discord is awesome, what else could any one want to do then make a dairy product explode?

                  Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 15:50:31 UTC from web
                  • OK, i write a bunch. normally I just do it for fun. but here's a link to a page of my stuff on fanfiction http://www.fanfiction.net/u/4066802/Mecha-pony

                    Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 15:47:47 UTC from web
                    • @sprite So you dont anymore

                      Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 15:45:51 UTC from web
                      • It's not that, but I cant remember who they say it is. But it's really something like clever bot.

                        Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 15:45:01 UTC from web
                        • Does anypony read fanfiction here?

                          Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 15:43:45 UTC from web
                          • indeed. just like MSN messenger with what ever they call that message system

                            Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 15:42:50 UTC from web
                            • I know a thing or two about computers, even though I have no real experince with them

                              Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 15:41:20 UTC from web
                              • hello defalut system messaging, I guess this is what happens with every new brony

                                Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 15:39:02 UTC from web
                              • Yes, I would probably bake some oatmeal chocolate chip cookie's. There quite good when there chewy, so irresistible after you eat one, you might eat your entire batch before you even bake it!

                                Wednesday, 02-Oct-13 15:37:17 UTC from web