Logan's home timeline


  1. I'll be back in a mintue guys. Switching calsses

    Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:48:21 UTC from web
    • I just deal and hope he recovers. sure I'll sit there with him and play games. It's all I really do other then torrent videos for my offline playstation. But the fact thats all he does makes me think he may not have a life anywhere else.

      Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:39:08 UTC from web
    • Yeah no mom feel free to sleep and not pick me up that's cool

      Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 15:55:17 UTC from web
    • Got that court thing tomorrow... not looking forward to it, I just know the judge will give me a deadline to clear out my stuff that I wont be able to meet.

      Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 15:59:30 UTC from web
    • Hello my fellow bronies.

      Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 16:07:23 UTC from web
      • Got to go now, see ya.

        Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 12:56:49 UTC from web
        • I hear all these negative comments about what the general population thinks we are. Grown men who love clourful ponies. But what most don't realize is, not all of us a re grown men. Im 15 years old and theres a good amount of us who are under 19 who love the show and all ascoiated with it.

          Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 12:56:22 UTC from web
          • My peoples! How are we right now?

            Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 12:52:10 UTC from web
            • So, what has every one been talking about since yesterdays sarcastic argument about who to worship and such?

              Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 11:37:47 UTC from web
            • [r]I got to go to math now see ya all later!

              Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 11:44:54 UTC from web
              • Mainly because they would lose probably most of us.

                Tuesday, 08-Oct-13 11:43:20 UTC from web
                • I have to go know, I'll bring a topic out tomorrow

                  Monday, 07-Oct-13 16:52:30 UTC from web
                  • The only horse-based religion you people should be following is one that worships Trixie.

                    Monday, 07-Oct-13 16:37:23 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                  • There are reasons I don't associate with this fandom anymore.

                    Monday, 07-Oct-13 16:43:22 UTC from web
                  • @snowcone Probably should, after all I might end up being called the brony who took it to far or something. LOL

                    Monday, 07-Oct-13 16:36:12 UTC from web
                  • Guys join my Madoka based religion.

                    Monday, 07-Oct-13 16:39:48 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
                  • And you may think its all crazy. But I am perfectly sane. and there is enough people in the world that can be convinced of worser things then pony gods.

                    Monday, 07-Oct-13 16:31:02 UTC from web
                  • @sprite No body hates me. Excpet for the few anti-bronies I have meet. I just tell them I can like what I like and so can they. So go away! and what not.

                    Monday, 07-Oct-13 16:18:34 UTC from web
                  • Besides. I see no point in hate. sure its fun to Fluffle Puff someone off sometimes, but I don't do it often.

                    Monday, 07-Oct-13 16:15:07 UTC from web
                  • I cant wait to eat lunch! Im so hungery I could eat a... (Thinks of something other then horse) Pony? I dont know OKAY!!?

                    Monday, 07-Oct-13 15:07:23 UTC from web
                  • Has anyone seen BEN DROWNED?

                    Monday, 07-Oct-13 14:57:08 UTC from web
                    • I feel bad for my mother who's trying to sleep while I'm sitting here laughing at one thing after another.

                      Monday, 07-Oct-13 14:46:04 UTC from web
                    • Hello everypony!

                      Monday, 07-Oct-13 13:42:39 UTC from web
                    • I'm back!

                      Monday, 07-Oct-13 14:45:29 UTC from web
                      • Loging off for gym, see ya all in an hour!

                        Monday, 07-Oct-13 11:45:58 UTC from web
                        • Today which is coined by my school is world smile day! every one put out a big smile to our Favorite party animal, make that pony. Pinkie pie!

                          Monday, 07-Oct-13 11:44:33 UTC from web
                          • @randomwonderbolt One does not simply mistaken tweaks for twerks ya know.

                            Monday, 07-Oct-13 11:43:13 UTC from web
                          • I don't totally understandf the chicken/Scootalo thing. But I love refrencing to it.

                            Friday, 04-Oct-13 15:47:13 UTC from web
                          • ok happy topic. how are you guys preparing for season 4?

                            Friday, 04-Oct-13 14:48:39 UTC from web
                          • He will of coausre not be wareing the wing armor

                            Friday, 04-Oct-13 15:13:18 UTC from web