coltz's favorite notices, page 4

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  1. @northernnarwhal Free viagra, expand your dong

    Saturday, 18-Apr-15 23:22:00 UTC from web in context
  2. i am loser colored

    Wait, that actually means im white

    Saturday, 18-Apr-15 23:18:48 UTC from web in context
  3. Today I learned that I am Red

    Saturday, 18-Apr-15 23:17:33 UTC from web in context
  4. #spoiler yo, bug calling is a real nice talent, you losers

    Saturday, 18-Apr-15 21:03:18 UTC from web
  5. [12:39:35 AM] Coltz: I need a picture of dane's boobs now

    Saturday, 18-Apr-15 04:39:54 UTC from web
  6. .

    Saturday, 18-Apr-15 04:12:40 UTC from web in context
  7. *deletes internet*

    Saturday, 18-Apr-15 03:36:55 UTC from web
  8. I saw Coltz shirtless.

    Saturday, 18-Apr-15 03:22:42 UTC from web in context
  9. #

    Friday, 17-Apr-15 04:35:50 UTC from web
  10. Death Parade definitely finished off with a bang. Its final episode sort of cemented this deliberate thematic contradiction that actually worked in favour of the show's main ideas, oddly enough. I also thought it was pretty great from a visual standpoint. Aside from Studio Madhouse's generally strong animation, I thought the director (whom if I recall correctly is making his debut as a series director after working in the industry for several years) actually had a lot of ambition in his shot composition and character framing. It's not always perfect but when it worked it worked really well. I'd say it's my favourite new anime of 2015 so far.

    Friday, 17-Apr-15 03:48:11 UTC from web
  11. "i dont remember if female vocal cords exist"

    Wow, father

    Friday, 17-Apr-15 01:07:45 UTC from web
  12. lol ur oc suks m8

    Friday, 17-Apr-15 01:39:03 UTC from web in context
  13. grape. Holy Potato Knishes. I just got out of the first scene. Nearly burst out into tears but managed to snap out of it right before the curtain opened. No papayaing clue what happened there. It has never happened to me before.

    Thursday, 16-Apr-15 23:42:17 UTC from Mayonnaise
  14. @coltz Yeah, I didn't criticize the background because as you mentioned you didn't put too much time into it. But the actual characters and the animal look really good, it's a really dynamic and entertaining picture.

    Thursday, 16-Apr-15 20:01:15 UTC from web in context
  15. I can't believe Coltz finally finished MLB 2

    Thursday, 16-Apr-15 19:36:30 UTC from Mayonnaise in context
  16. Whoever runs the didyouknowstevenuniverse tumblr is my hero. It literally just propagates lies the author has made up to upset the fandom.

    Thursday, 16-Apr-15 09:05:20 UTC from web in context
  17. i'm posting a nude

    Wednesday, 15-Apr-15 23:23:06 UTC from web
  18. @thelastgherkin Moral of the story is work by order, instead of by stock.

    Wednesday, 15-Apr-15 21:28:30 UTC from web in context
  19. Join Matt Connor on his quest to defeat the 1 evil not-ex boyfriend in order to go on the date of his dreams in this action packed summer comedy!

    Wednesday, 15-Apr-15 21:16:56 UTC from web
  20. @firestormdangerdash

    Tuesday, 14-Apr-15 20:12:20 UTC from web in context
  21. Remember that time I said you're all gays? Guess what. Your all still gays.

    Tuesday, 14-Apr-15 04:08:54 UTC from web in context
  22. @Northernnarwhal

    Tuesday, 14-Apr-15 03:43:53 UTC from web in context
  23. I don't come on here very often any more. Your increasing number of horse dongs scared me away.

    Tuesday, 14-Apr-15 04:04:43 UTC from web in context
  24. Now, we all know, Colts is amazing... btu, can he teleport using Human Horse head proxies? I say so! Here you can see subject C shaking Hands with Obama...

    AS youc an also see, Subject Fast is also seen runnign in teh rain, possibly signalling the hurricane that started here..
    Here, we can see Horese mas in the Irish Farm Lands.. where he Burries his old murdered memes...

    Monday, 13-Apr-15 04:13:08 UTC from web in context
  25. pls no

    Monday, 13-Apr-15 03:58:57 UTC from web in context
  26. @tiffany you inspired me

    Monday, 13-Apr-15 03:35:43 UTC from web in context
  27. @coltz I for one welcome our new fast overlords

    Monday, 13-Apr-15 03:09:30 UTC from web in context

    Monday, 13-Apr-15 02:45:18 UTC from web in context

    Saturday, 15-Nov-14 00:34:06 UTC from web
  30. I wish I had three boobs

    Monday, 13-Apr-15 02:24:59 UTC from web