coltz's favorite notices

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  1. @bobo For cats like me, death is just a minor annoyance. Unless we're in our last life that is.

    Wednesday, 19-Aug-15 01:13:57 UTC from web in context
  2. @shantae that thing

    Wednesday, 19-Aug-15 01:02:05 UTC from web in context
  3. how to impress the ladies

    Tuesday, 18-Aug-15 23:29:19 UTC from web
  4. @mushi here

    Wednesday, 12-Aug-15 23:33:42 UTC from web in context
  5. When someone tries to start a conversation with you about some outlandish idiotic conspiracy.

    You: "Hey, you know who wants to hear about this?"
    Nutjob: "Who?"
    You: "Illumi not me"

    Sunday, 09-Aug-15 02:49:31 UTC from web in context
  6. >playing Smash with my brother
    >tell him to stop projectile spamming
    >he says, in utter and complete seriousness, "you're melee spamming, use more projectiles"
    >I was playing as Roy
    >utter and complete seriousness

    Monday, 10-Aug-15 19:33:28 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  7. You know what else is RED? The Fire nation.

    Monday, 10-Aug-15 05:04:46 UTC from web
  8. New ink for my sister's birthday.

    Saturday, 08-Aug-15 05:00:45 UTC from web
  9. RDN's moto

    Thursday, 30-Jul-15 21:29:43 UTC from web
  10. @redenchilada Uguuu, redenchirada-sensei-kun noticed me! >//<

    Wednesday, 29-Jul-15 00:10:56 UTC from web in context
  11. @nocoltz [griffin noises]

    Tuesday, 28-Jul-15 23:44:54 UTC from web in context
  12. I haven't seen you in a while. You look cool. I'm nowhere near as cool as you. I'm just average cool. !clm

    Tuesday, 28-Jul-15 23:41:56 UTC from web
  13. If Diamond Tiara was from Canada and enjoyed experimental music she'd be Diamond Tairā

    Sunday, 01-Mar-15 21:02:46 UTC from web in context
  14. @northernnarwhal

    Friday, 10-Apr-15 23:27:42 UTC from web in context
  15. So i get $35/hr for translation in person and $25/hr for document. That's toing to help a great deal with flight time in the future!

    Tuesday, 28-Jul-15 16:44:14 UTC from web in context
  16. Mushi glared down at the Englishman with bitterness in his eyes, the only words capable of manifesting through his infinite contempt and disgust being "you weirdo". He let the words hang for a minute, their weight and impact gestating in the uneasy air that was Public Timeline. Mushi knew what he had done, and he knew Tiffany was, in fact, a weirdo. He was the weirdest of the weird weirdos straight from Weirdsville. A kook. A loony. A mad hatter with his hat on inverted. And it was that moment that Mushi thought to himself "You know, I should post a rage comic meme about science, that'll show him who's weird!" Smiling with a grin that stretched from cheek to cheek, he slowly lowered his finger and hit "Send".

    Tuesday, 28-Jul-15 05:25:02 UTC from web

    Thursday, 09-Jul-15 23:13:16 UTC from web in context
  18. !art me.png

    Thursday, 09-Jul-15 21:27:57 UTC from web
  19. Show me your moves!

    Thursday, 09-Jul-15 22:14:21 UTC from web in context
  20. Rainbow Dash Network: Officially better availability than Furaffinity, Destiny and PSN

    Thursday, 09-Jul-15 17:08:35 UTC from web in context
  21. I value this site and a good deal of you. No I'm not drunk.

    Thursday, 09-Jul-15 02:02:09 UTC from web in context
  22. @bobo the pROSSphecy

    Thursday, 09-Jul-15 00:21:31 UTC from web in context
  23. @tiffany Memes & MasterTDI

    Monday, 06-Jul-15 22:08:56 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  24. @redenchilada Hey Red look what I won at my friend's Smash tournament!

    Sunday, 05-Jul-15 00:54:41 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  25. 06/26, USA banned anime marriage in all the 50 states

    Friday, 26-Jun-15 23:22:56 UTC from web
  26. Mayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy(lma)o

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 20:16:39 UTC from web
  27. @mrmattimation That you voice act in a Brony production

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 03:36:21 UTC from web in context
  28. ANATOMY ᕦ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕤ

    Thursday, 25-Jun-15 01:20:41 UTC from web

    Saturday, 13-Jun-15 01:52:29 UTC from MuSTArDroid in context
  30. for Red

    Friday, 12-Jun-15 21:26:09 UTC from web in context