Daisy Azuras's home timeline


  1. Did you guys know that Facebook is banning bronies? If you make an account and have MLP stuff all over it and Facebook's admins notice you they ban you. It's the ponywars all over again.

    Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 17:11:33 UTC from web
  2. http://www.ponychan.net/chan/oat/res/36649587.html Oh, !ponychan. You're all insane.

    Wednesday, 31-Aug-11 04:20:29 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    • Is !ponychan down? I get a connection timeout or a connection reset every time I want to open the site.

      Tuesday, 30-Aug-11 15:30:44 UTC from Choqok
    • @rotation Silly Pinkie is silly. !plot http://tinyurl.com/3olmq7s

      Tuesday, 30-Aug-11 13:28:52 UTC from web
    • Cant wait to see the !plot in season 2!

      Monday, 29-Aug-11 02:56:04 UTC from web
    • I'm going to bed. My grapes is hurting from this crapy chair and I wasted my night typing here instead of on my story. Don't do anything cool for a week until I come back, okay?

      Sunday, 28-Aug-11 10:07:04 UTC from web
    • I remember a time when I was a teenager but had to lie that I was 20 so I wouldn't get banned from the Talker boards. Now those very boards are empty except every once in a while when some old timer will go on to see if anyones still around to talk to. Kind of brings a tear to my eye.

      Sunday, 28-Aug-11 10:04:11 UTC from web
      • @thatonepony Wow. now I feel old.

        Sunday, 28-Aug-11 10:02:01 UTC from web
      • When I blast my MLP music at the gas station I risk some one coming up and yelling at me to turn off my horrible music which I either have to do or I can call my husband over to beat the guy to death. Love and tolerance doesn't work there without sacrifice.

        Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:43:21 UTC from web
      • I'll KILL YOU ALL! I mean I love you all!

        Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:58:42 UTC from web
        • Personally I think everyone should just Clop as much as possible so they never feel pent up.

          Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:50:27 UTC from web
        • @anaveragesizedhorse Why so negative? I thought MLP was supposed to make you think positive and be happy. Could the rules of our micro society already be breaking down?

          Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:19:48 UTC from web
        • Love and tolerance works fine on the web cause you can't be hurt by that which you don't wish to be hurt by. In the physical world it's a very different matter.

          Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:41:03 UTC from web
          • @anaveragesizedhorse It's cool, you gave me a lot to think about when my make my proposal to Hasbro.

            Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:38:17 UTC from web
          • I'm just glad I found this fandom since it taught me so many new ideas and ways of speech. I never heard of Plot before MLP or any of the other MEMEs. I didn't even know what they were until I found MLP so even if it collapses like everything else at least I can say I learned something.

            Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:35:05 UTC from web
          • We are Ted, we are many.

            Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:32:38 UTC from web
            • Well I'm glad I was able to stir up some talk.

              Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:31:56 UTC from web
              • @daisymare I personally think it's more of an issue with stigma, than anything. A lot of the Trekkie fictions have been published through the same companies for years, and most furry work is done with smaller presses that take anything they can get or are connected with that community.

                Sunday, 28-Aug-11 09:13:25 UTC from web
                • Morning everypony. I just started my pony story. I only have a page done and a couple of pages of notes but I think it will turn out interesting.

                  Sunday, 28-Aug-11 08:20:14 UTC from web
                • @anaveragesizedhorse @daisymare has a valid point. Nobody at Hasbro, or even on the MLP design team would have imagined this happening. Although, I think it's gonna take a while for the public to warm up to us. Hell, look at Trekkies, furries and other sci-fi enthusiasts. Most of the public still thinks they're weird, if not creepy.

                  Sunday, 28-Aug-11 08:59:13 UTC from web
                • !calgarybronies one! two! four! ("three sir") huh? oh. three!

                  Sunday, 28-Aug-11 08:28:38 UTC from web
                • If !secretbuttfun ever wants to catch up with !hugs, it's got a long way to go. But I guess in the end, !hugs are far more applicable than !plot in general cases, and thus not going to see as much use. Anywho, hopefully !plot will continue to serve it's purpose as an way to stay up to date and aware of all the newest # developments in the world of pony. ...Wait this doesn't have any hugs in the image. Oops. http://is.gd/LwteMh

                  Saturday, 27-Aug-11 04:18:16 UTC from web
                • @greydragon412 e621 scares me...a lot. I haven't been there since I got into MLP, for fear of running into r34.

                  Friday, 26-Aug-11 22:17:50 UTC from web
                • @daisymare From Hesperia to Upland? Yeah, that's some drive. Well hopefully this job will help you get by until it starts taking off. What do you usually write on?

                  Friday, 26-Aug-11 22:41:01 UTC from web
                  • Show all 58 replies
                  • @sonicdash Hey, that sounds like a fun night out, then! :) I hope everyone has a good time, then, and that your friend's studies in Italy go well. (Wow, what an incredible place to study architecture!)

                    Friday, 26-Aug-11 22:50:03 UTC in context
                  • @astra Thanks :) It's been a while since I went out, so this should be fun reconnecting with old high school friends! :) I'll let him know you wish him the best. Hopefully, I might be able to catch you later tonight. Hope the rest of your day keeps going well. TGIF! :D

                    Friday, 26-Aug-11 23:01:20 UTC in context
                  • @sonicdash Eh, I'm not sure that will mean much to him, but if it makes him feel better, by all means! :) And I don't think that I'll be doing more than peeking in tonight, if that much. Getting together with my honey for the weekend, and it's the last chance we'll get to for a while, so we'll be trying to make the most of it. :) If all else fails, though, I'm sure that I'll see you another time soon. :)

                    Friday, 26-Aug-11 23:17:39 UTC in context
                • Well I have to get going before I get beat for not cleaning the house.

                  Friday, 26-Aug-11 22:45:11 UTC from web
                • @daisymare well, just try to keep it SFW on here :)

                  Friday, 26-Aug-11 22:38:34 UTC from web
                • Well at least I'm a home on my iPod Touch using RDN even though I'm a # here :)

                  Friday, 26-Aug-11 22:22:06 UTC from web
                • I should be working on my book right now but my brain if fried.

                  Friday, 26-Aug-11 22:24:35 UTC from web
                  • I'm super wet and tired now. That was a long walk in the humid heat.

                    Friday, 26-Aug-11 22:20:40 UTC from web
                    • Well everypony it's been fun but I have to pick up my kid from school. See ya'll later.

                      Friday, 26-Aug-11 20:27:53 UTC from web