Delrotronic Developers's home timeline


  1. Weirds me out to recall that I've had my account with RDN longer than my account with !EquestrianDawn MUSH. I invested far more time into that MUSH than anything else in the past year and a half. Seems like my interest in RPing just totally fell by the wayside though. Almost like listening to fanfics via Text-to-Speech has totally overshadowed RPing in terms of efficiency for my lifestyle to the point that it's hard to justify RP VS reading a fanfic / watching a video / attempting to write my own darn stories. Don't have to spend those extra hours of time waiting for the back and forth from the whole read-response cycle and whatnot. Anywho. Happy New Year, y'all! And Happy Holidays too! (There were a bunch of them and I don't remember half of 'em.)

    Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 15:04:29 UTC from web
  2. Bye again~

    Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 15:06:58 UTC from web
    • @spectrumflash Just saying hello while I'm in the neighborhood~ Hope you're having a good on'!

      Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 15:05:29 UTC from web
    • Goddamnit @retl

      Friday, 14-Dec-12 20:06:37 UTC from web
    • The @retl in it's natural environment.

      Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 01:14:17 UTC from web
    • Just now I had to block my first user in !tumblr. spams me with the same question all the time. Not only in the ask box but also he/she uses the submit box. Both anon and non-anon.

      Sunday, 16-Dec-12 15:25:57 UTC from Choqok
      • I didn't say anything about it last time I logged on, so I will now: Digging the new look of the site. It's still taking me a bit to get used to the sidebar, but it's nice.

        Wednesday, 05-Dec-12 22:32:37 UTC from web
        • # # Twilight (botches a spell and) ascends Scootaloo to alicorn status by accident. It's non-reversible. Scootlestia establishes the country of Red Racer and with the makeup tutelage under Twilight becomes Alicorn # Or err. # Shoot. How many of those do we have now? !oat

          Wednesday, 05-Dec-12 22:28:51 UTC from web
        • I am entirely too amused by Brony Seed's name.

          Wednesday, 05-Dec-12 22:24:50 UTC from web
          • OTP Archer/loo

            Wednesday, 05-Dec-12 22:19:46 UTC from web
            • I have a bunch of MP3s. I want to put them with a single-frame image and post it them to Youtube. How do I do this? (Win XP or Linux-based solutions only, please.)

              Wednesday, 05-Dec-12 21:56:36 UTC from web
              • @retl For Windows: Windows Movie Maker; Linux: PiTiVi or OpenShot would be my recommendations (KDenLive also possible). Just put one image on one track, and all the songs on the audio track (one at a time if you want to upload them apart, or after each other if you want to upload the complete thing). Then just render it, and upload it to YouTube. (I should, of course, tell you you shouldn't upload things that you don't have the rights of, but nobody takes that serious anyway, at least I've told you and so)

                Wednesday, 05-Dec-12 22:01:05 UTC in context
                delete_ likes this.
              • @omni Thanks! I'll probably try PiTiVi, then WMM and OpenShot if that doesn't work out. I appreciate the help! I'm uploading TtS readings of fanfics, actually. If it becomes an issue, I'd gladly go back and nuke them, but I'm fairly certain the authors won't mind.

                Wednesday, 05-Dec-12 22:19:26 UTC in context
            • Dear derpibooru userbase: why is "featureless crotch" a tag

              Sunday, 02-Dec-12 15:11:53 UTC from web
            • And now to get back outta here before I accidentally have fun or something.

              Wednesday, 05-Dec-12 12:54:06 UTC from web
              • Also, Hiya, Mr Pickle! Because I haven't really pestered you in a long while, and I still sorta miss you.

                Wednesday, 05-Dec-12 12:53:44 UTC from web
                • @retl Disappear for a week. Two of three posts are about crotches. You sure do wear your heart on your sleeve, dude.

                  Wednesday, 05-Dec-12 12:51:56 UTC from web
                  • Let's try this again with a physical keyboard this time.

                    Wednesday, 05-Dec-12 12:47:35 UTC from web
                  • !technoponies Here, have an hour of EDM, mashups, and a bit of Balloon Party ;) (59MB, OGG format) # for language in some songs - I'll put up a tracklist when I load up Ableton again :P

                    Saturday, 01-Dec-12 23:21:59 UTC from web
                    • !bln !art because reasons!

                      Saturday, 24-Nov-12 23:00:06 UTC from web
                    • # Sbnypba Svrfgn!

                      Saturday, 24-Nov-12 16:40:13 UTC from web
                    • Is still being actively maintained, or has it just been left to run on its own devices from now on?

                      Saturday, 17-Nov-12 15:03:08 UTC from web
                      • Bed.

                        Tuesday, 13-Nov-12 05:12:57 UTC from web
                      • @retl I have no idea what he was, just looked menacing to me...

                        Tuesday, 13-Nov-12 05:11:15 UTC from web
                      • Wait shoot it's past midnight. :/ Poof again. Keep safe, all!

                        Tuesday, 13-Nov-12 05:11:21 UTC from web
                        • Let's see, 48 hours? I think it's been 48 hours. He had Nightmare Moon, who was selfish. Discord, who was disruptive. Queen Cheeselegs who was motherly but a bit derp. And then there was Goldenblood, who RUINED ALL THE CANON. Wait, you mean Goldenblood was a fanfic character? PHEW. Oh and there was that shadowcloudslavething. Dark Lord Smoozegak or something.

                          Tuesday, 13-Nov-12 05:04:09 UTC from web
                        • # Despite that slam at Goldenblood, I'm not that against him as a plot device. I've honestly got more issue with the Ministry Mares not sounding like themselves at all and some abuse of 'I' to remind us we're not Blackjack than I do with Goldenblood. Unless it turns out Goldie is Somber. Then I'll hate all the everything irrevocably.

                          Tuesday, 13-Nov-12 05:08:16 UTC from web
                          • Time's at a premium. There's value in brevity.

                            Tuesday, 13-Nov-12 05:00:41 UTC from web
                          • Poof.

                            Sunday, 11-Nov-12 23:02:10 UTC from web
                            • Also LPS got all the Pop/Rock.

                              Sunday, 11-Nov-12 23:01:57 UTC from web
                              • Friendship is Magic, Strength From Love, Believe in Yourself. #

                                Sunday, 11-Nov-12 22:59:16 UTC from web