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    Tuesday, 23-Sep-14 14:24:12 UTC from ban me pls
  2. "Got something to say? Need to say it? Unfulfilled?"

    Sunday, 10-Aug-14 22:33:50 UTC from web
  3. Do robots even have genders?

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:11:33 UTC from web
  4. @admin ahaha.

    Tuesday, 24-Jun-14 12:07:15 UTC from web
    • Laptop is thoroughly bunsed. Apologies but i cannot run any miner on it and until i have a newer computer i can't do anything concerning this.

      Sunday, 16-Feb-14 22:17:22 UTC from web
    • Though if you already have a bespoke string, don't worry abou tit.

      Monday, 20-Jan-14 10:07:59 UTC from web
      • Switching DGC pools, as D2's uptime has been utter balls this week.

        Monday, 20-Jan-14 10:00:33 UTC from web
      • Switched from Feather to DigitalCoin. Same value, 5X lower difficulty. Should see your number of "Yay's" increase.

        Friday, 17-Jan-14 23:33:15 UTC from web
      • darn it just sold for 1,000 dollars

        Thursday, 16-Jan-14 23:47:30 UTC from web
        • @rancidrob ikr it sucks i have only had one my sister took our of canada :D

          Thursday, 16-Jan-14 22:23:47 UTC from web
        • !rdnminers PS, if you're mining for RDN, join this group so I can keep you up to date on whats going down

          Wednesday, 15-Jan-14 16:23:17 UTC from web
        • If anyone wants my Vinyl + Octavia dual monitor wallpaper, here you go.

          Thursday, 16-Jan-14 03:49:08 UTC from web
        • this is a really funny brony vid

          Thursday, 16-Jan-14 03:32:53 UTC from web
        • !hl I made a new group for Half life, so if you like Half-life, GET OVER THERE!

          Monday, 30-Sep-13 22:44:46 UTC from web
        • @snowcone Yeah, it probably is. It comes with the territory of being a crazy artist type. That, and drinking. Lots of drinking.

          Thursday, 16-Jan-14 02:58:34 UTC from web
        • Imagine being so tired you surprised yourself by farting

          Thursday, 16-Jan-14 02:16:27 UTC from web
        • @vt3c .-. wat

          Thursday, 16-Jan-14 03:13:08 UTC from web
        • who is best pony? (lets take a vote)

          Thursday, 16-Jan-14 01:42:37 UTC from web
        • @snowcone and n>2

          Thursday, 16-Jan-14 01:48:42 UTC from web
          • @snowcone .-. im in a engineering class where we learn physics (the teacher is a x college physics teacher) but not that level or anything yet but it is really cool and love to watch numberphile and vsauce and people like that on you tube and x^n+y^n=z^n >:D no decimals - no negatives -

            Thursday, 16-Jan-14 01:48:16 UTC in context
        • @mallencraft pinkie pieeeee

          Thursday, 16-Jan-14 01:44:43 UTC from web
          • If I had the money I would buy two if these and Crossfire them.

            Thursday, 16-Jan-14 01:37:16 UTC from web
          • @vt3c i have a spare case - motherboard - 2 spare graphics cards - a spare psu - and a cooling fan -----and im looking to do a give away sometime in the future
            you would need to get a
            hard drive
            its just a simple motherboard but its got a geforce gtx 670 or a radeon 7770 (670 is way better)

            Thursday, 16-Jan-14 01:39:37 UTC from web
          • @vt3c there is a tesla store in the fashion mall at keystone at the crossing
            there cars look awesome

            Thursday, 16-Jan-14 01:20:39 UTC from web
          • I still have the second monitor, but I need a VGA to DVI converter. I gave my spare one to my mom.

            Thursday, 16-Jan-14 00:47:18 UTC from web
          • I'm really miss having two monitors. I can't do this now:

            Thursday, 16-Jan-14 00:44:43 UTC from web
          • my desktop pony (octavia) has gotten stuck on my second screen and keeps trying to walk to my 1st screen and the turns around over and over its kinda funny but sad at the same time :( derp

            Thursday, 16-Jan-14 00:43:24 UTC from web
            • IT WORKED THANK GOD I GOT PAST registration! 8D

              Tuesday, 14-Jan-14 23:40:57 UTC from web