Leo "lionheart" Gabriel's home timeline


  1. Go Team Canada at Rio 2016!!! :)

    Sunday, 07-Aug-16 05:54:26 UTC from web
    • anyone want to get together for some MLP CCG games???

      Thursday, 07-Jul-16 18:29:20 UTC from web
    • Well, this group seems dead. Anyone wanna liven it up?

      Saturday, 13-Feb-16 06:16:30 UTC from web
    • Meeting today? I know I'm going to have to drop by the Sentry Box eventually to pick up D&D 5th Ed. books for a new campaign.

      Saturday, 06-Feb-16 22:13:53 UTC from web
    • Wondering if this group is still active lately. I drop by every now and then just to see what's up.

      Saturday, 09-Jan-16 22:01:38 UTC from web
      • Warning: It's a pony fanart, if you don't like that, just go on with your life.

        Wednesday, 23-Dec-15 16:23:12 UTC from web
        • Welp. I tried twice, just the link then



          Wednesday, 23-Dec-15 16:22:00 UTC from web
        • Oh they forgot me now. Never mind then. :)

          Monday, 21-Dec-15 08:21:48 UTC from web
        • Red, too. Omg, that is so cool. *waves again*

          Monday, 21-Dec-15 08:16:44 UTC from web
          • Holy... Metal's online! *waves*

            Monday, 21-Dec-15 08:16:24 UTC from web
          • Now to refine the drawings like crazy with close-to-lethal dosage of caffeine. :D

            Monday, 21-Dec-15 06:57:41 UTC from web
            • So, why am I still here? Well let me be perfectly honest with you, I do not want to stay. I just get back to those few who gave me confidence, who were in awe of my potential way back when I started dabbling with digital art. Without them, would not be as proficient and passionate with what I do even if is not the profession I am going to choose until I die.

              So to update you what I have done with my life, well I became a "no life" student of advanced mathematics, physics and thermodynamics. I am completely aware people would find these boring or rather out of place to talk about. So, point is, I am alright where I am in life.
              I get to blame my depression streak to nobody, it was my choice to be an outsider, even on the internet. So, with that being said, I would leave a package on a date you would probably guess in a heartbeat.

              For the record, I miss you all. Crazy, insane and zany people of my beloved practice ground; RDN.

              TL;DR - IT'S COMING.


              Monday, 21-Dec-15 06:49:34 UTC from web
              • MetalTao likes this.
              • @decesased I am just afraid the people who I have made gifts for would have choose the same decision as I did, gone like myself. But no matter, I trust in the new and old people of this site, and I hope you send it to them if you happen to know them.


                Regards, Lee Thompson

                Monday, 21-Dec-15 06:51:56 UTC in context
            • I will leave you this, a sign that there were more than one person involved, and we both tried our best, both jaded of fate falling short. Goodbye~ http://pny.lv/njlb

              Thursday, 27-Aug-15 03:54:17 UTC from web
              • Internal server error after internal server error.I guess it is lights out for now. I might not even come back unless a miracle happens. Sei says goodbye and so do I, it was worth a shot but we are busy people.

                Thursday, 27-Aug-15 03:50:42 UTC from web
              • That's... something

                Thursday, 27-Aug-15 03:21:47 UTC from web
                • Sei is having a similar "Arin Battle Kid" moment, except it is about registering... in rdn.

                  Thursday, 27-Aug-15 03:21:27 UTC from web
                • This feels close to waiting in an airport only to be texted "I got my flight delayed, again". over and over.

                  Thursday, 27-Aug-15 02:43:44 UTC from web
                  • Yeah... I am technically done here but Sei asked me where is a good place to stay and aspire for making digital art. I said there are many good souls in RDN than any other place I have lurked on so... yeah. I am technically done here

                    Thursday, 27-Aug-15 02:07:56 UTC from web
                    • is beatstrings just so you know. Or rather, just so you had know, for the last... I dunno, year and a quarter (?)

                      Thursday, 27-Aug-15 02:01:08 UTC from web
                    • Still staying to see it get the account up and running.

                      Thursday, 27-Aug-15 01:58:17 UTC from web
                    • Sei, redo and make another account, it might be frustrating, I know. But might as well start your new social network here. ;)

                      Thursday, 27-Aug-15 01:44:08 UTC from web
                    • This is the only reason I went here, I feel like abandoning a child for adoption. *sigh*

                      Thursday, 27-Aug-15 01:51:26 UTC from web
                    • While you are at it doing your work, let me pretify my account. Brb

                      Poor Sei, rough start in RDN. :<

                      Thursday, 27-Aug-15 01:39:32 UTC from web
                    • Oh right, you can't reply. Anyways, if mods are awake could you please unban Jeanie? It's a close friend of mine wanting some training grounds and exposure for digital art, her username is @digitalscrewup, if there is anything needed to be changed I'll just tell via PM. Thanks~

                      Thursday, 27-Aug-15 01:29:37 UTC from web
                    • D'aww, banned already. Jeanie what did you do sweety?

                      Thursday, 27-Aug-15 01:27:35 UTC from web
                      • Ugh, @digitalscrewup Sweetheart, you there yet?

                        Thursday, 27-Aug-15 01:24:04 UTC from web
                        • Anyways, if you are interested in ol' beatstrings' (me) shenanigans, give a watch on DA. I got new ones bi-weekly or weekly depending on the occasion. But if you are not in the slightest have a clue or have no kiwis to give, ignore the next paragraph. It is okay you do not care about this.

                          Link to DA: http://pny.lv/ijd0

                          You see, I was really thinking for the longest time what is going on with my psyche and still have no idea why I am resisting so hard to go to this site. Not that it sucks, by all means I love every bit of sarcasm and drama as the next person. But after graduating quite some time and going to college I realize my time has been long overdue. I believe it is time to move on and so, I made my DA page and stay there for the better.


                          Friday, 03-Jul-15 21:55:15 UTC from web
                          • Oh, someone did archive me on Derpibooru

                            Friday, 03-Jul-15 21:13:01 UTC from web
                            • Bahaha, looking back, I never knew I would go anywhere with the crap I drew.

                              Friday, 03-Jul-15 21:10:55 UTC from web
                              • There will be a mlp ccg game night in Camrose, at Anime Hypercubed (5015-46 Street), at 700 pm on May 2nd. We will be drafting with a $20 entry fee, but everyone will receive participatory packs in addition to their draft picks and some promo cards will be handed out as well. As usual for us, no experience necessary and no card collection needed. Come out, have some fun and learn a great game!

                                Friday, 01-May-15 05:35:26 UTC from web