Eric B Club: We're in Space Edition. (ericb) group
<.< >.>
Monday, 20-Jul-15 08:18:02 UTC from web-
@darkcore \(._.\) ƪ(‘-’ ƪ)(ʃ ‘-’)ʃ (/._.)/ I can do ascii faces too
@critialcloudkicker <o<
Be sure to spam @Loak so he has more time.
Thursday, 03-Oct-13 21:54:43 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin Not me you idiot, him.
@anarchycarcino Everypony is !ericb.
@thelastgherkin Well, especially him.
yeah some said I could get in, fit in.. don't think that's going to happen >.< you are all in your own little circle and never let any in... >.<
Monday, 01-Jul-13 16:41:36 UTC from web-
@aloriality HHHEeeeeey! dont go calling me crazy! Anyway (in this site) i dont see problem in socializing, so feel free to talk if you want. Actually, you had even promised a thing when we first talked >_>, but it feels like i'd be forcing too much if i talked about that
@mushi waht id I promise?
@aloriality i feel a bit ebarrassed for showing this to you, but maybe you remember (i censored your name and avatar because reasons) >_>. really, i dont want to be forcey or anything, just rememebring you were seemes to get along in the first night we talked
Don't say everypony was !ericb.
Saturday, 22-Jun-13 20:01:14 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin but everypony was !ericb (i know, i know. very late reply, but im hardly ever on here anymore)
@nutterguy !!
Guys I forgot who was !ericb, help me out here
Saturday, 22-Jun-13 20:01:00 UTC from web-
@loak I tried to beat All-Powerful Trixie once and I ran out of energy about two-thirds of the way through the song.
@redenchilada HAH
@ceruleanspark Let's see you do better
So who else is looking forward to Q in ponies?
Tuesday, 13-Sep-11 09:18:31 UTC from web- Scribus repeated this.
@ceruleanspark OH MAN if it was John Cleese that would be SO AWESOME
@scribus I like how what that guy described it as, is pretty much what we got. [s]AND IT WAS GLORIOUS[/s]
Hi guys!
@derpyshy YAY FOR TACOS :D
@lovetolerateandsquee YAY~
@largist >Throws bit of taco in the air >Holds the A-button >Watches 2 seconds of the movie >Slides the circle-pad to the left >Eats falling piece if taco >Wins the race >does victory-dance >posts this notice while dancing
Sunday, 27-May-12 13:33:55 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin EVERYPONY IS !ERICB
@communistprime Commie I don't fit in the E of !ericb :/
@thelastgherkin I don't fit in the c of !ericb either, but it's still funny :p
Whenever I realise I go to far with sexual talk;
Tuesday, 01-May-12 15:12:08 UTC from web -
@sonorouscadenza and everyone was !ericb.
Saturday, 28-Apr-12 16:56:06 UTC from web -
Oh yeah, in case anypony forgot: everypony is !ericb
Saturday, 21-Jan-12 20:43:07 UTC from web-
@abigpony I'm actually an Erik B, but that works too. I'm around!...lots of lurking :3
@thatonespecter I'M ALWAYS WATCHING YOU
@abigpony Nooo I am Erik B D:
So guess who has two thumbs and is hanging out with @gangstashy ? Anyone?
Saturday, 17-Sep-11 03:59:20 UTC from web-
@ericb I KNOW JUST WHAT I CAN DO WITH THIS. Now where's the silence button? #sheepishgrin
@redenchilada Oh you~ <3
@ericb <3
@haganbmj YOU TELL ME
Thursday, 01-Sep-11 06:35:39 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@greydragon412 Oh well I GOT VIDEO!
@haganbmj no, roomie has Cs
@greydragon412 OH WELL YOUR FAMOOUS
Sunday, 28-Aug-11 01:47:39 UTC from web
So yeah, not gonna dampen up the site with my news. Some stuff happened, I'm not feeling too hot, can't wait to get home. I dislike this country strongly. Not really wanting to talk about it, just need to vent it somewhere.
Sunday, 28-Aug-11 01:23:16 UTC from web -
@lelouch Who is this Jonathan? I'm Ryan P. Tanner. Obviously.
Monday, 15-Aug-11 01:15:36 UTC from web-
@lelouch Son, I am proud.
@lelouch And friendship is magic. And with all that magic, we can stop world peace!
@thebrilliantspy We would like to ask anyone who is attending our first official meetup on September 17th to donate some money towards the cost of the rental space if at all possible. Anything that you can give to help soften the blow of renting out a $200 space to host the event will be much appreciated!
!EricB gonna lurk.
Wednesday, 10-Aug-11 00:07:51 UTC from web-
Good evening gentlemen.
Friday, 22-Jul-11 03:17:39 UTC from web-
@kingcarcinopony WHAT THE HELL
Alright ponies, I'm out. I have work in 7 hours sooooooo thats like 5 hours of sleep. Lovely. Sleep well ponies.
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 08:16:06 UTC from web -
Hey guys, am I doin' it right?
Thursday, 21-Jul-11 07:49:21 UTC from web -
Saturday, 16-Jul-11 03:10:11 UTC from web-
@starshine Less amazing than DC.
@moonprincess Aww.
@fialvert basically sit through it, it will go away and whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. But I would like to know the given situation to expand my knowledge
Still procastinating on editing this damn E3 2011 video XD
Wednesday, 13-Jul-11 00:27:39 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@loak I'm not your son
@kingcarcinopony #obscurememereference Brother, I am disappoint.
@loak ok
Sunday, 10-Jul-11 06:07:20 UTC from web-
@lelouche LOL, thanks :3
@rnbwdashiswin HERRO BEAU
It seems a certain pony has paid !ericb a visit. :o
Saturday, 09-Jul-11 00:36:07 UTC from web-
@starshine Hai thar!
Alright, time for sleep. I might be gone for a few days, maybe not. I don't know. I'll see how I'm feeling. Love to you all. Byeeeeee~
Friday, 08-Jul-11 08:18:58 UTC from web -
ponies ponies ponies ponies/
Thursday, 07-Jul-11 04:42:33 UTC from web -
Oh and uh, hi there ponies.
Tuesday, 05-Jul-11 01:50:33 UTC from web-
@nvrrmbr What type of avatar do you want?
@princesspinkamena I'm pretty sure I can find one. I do have over 500 pony pictures.
@nvrrmbr Ok :D
"Coming up next on Boomerang, new My Little Pony!" RIGHT LET'S TRY THIS AGAIN.
Monday, 04-Jul-11 14:57:28 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin OH right I forgot about that. its on boomerang?
sigh. I come back after not really being online much for a while, and the very first thing I see is a NSFW thumbnail. @fluttershyismywaifu, don't upload that sort of stuff here directly, tag or not, it doesn't belong on this server.
Saturday, 02-Jul-11 16:02:11 UTC from web-
@leonkfox Haha, I just told him that XD
@rnbwdashiswin Just mentioned about you beating me to it XD Ah well =p
@leonkfox Haha
Goodnight. I love you all. Mostly @kingcarcinopony and @tinwhistle and Trixie. But yeah, you all have my love.
Saturday, 02-Jul-11 07:17:03 UTC from web