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!saved moar pic ponyfolder

Pool your pony pics! Pick and choose for a quality collection, or go for sheer quantity. Either way, if you have a pony folder with an image collection large or small this group is for you!

Saved (saved) group, page 7


  1. !blameredenchilada !swass !hakunamatata !hughaku !aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !lyricastream !halobronies !thunderlane !soarin !hugwoona !waifucrusaders !skypers !yet !hugrenovatedkitchen !rdngaming !chrishemsworth !stallions !groupname !thebrits !blamegherkin !hugscribble !mintrefresh !saved !hugcavatina !lurk !tummywubwub !scootabuse !rdnbirthday !northengland !teamfortress2 !mrscake !lolsleep !forscience !eqdaily !lyreponies !lnrdn !lgbt !thankmrdragon !coffeehousebackup !rdncomic A full 2 pages of groups I'm in... yikes!

    Tuesday, 14-Aug-12 00:08:45 UTC from web
  2. !ponyfolder @foxgopher all of the safe ponibooru collection is ready, but due to the size I'll only be able to make segments available at a time.

    Monday, 13-Aug-12 12:29:38 UTC from web
  3. Track 2: COMPLETE!

    Thursday, 09-Aug-12 06:50:22 UTC from web
  4. Morning everypony.

    Wednesday, 08-Aug-12 10:35:59 UTC from web
  5. @darkw00d Rai* and I cant find the Mod blog so heres another one

    Wednesday, 08-Aug-12 07:52:10 UTC from web
  6. @abigpony that one was a bit overboard for the site k

    Wednesday, 08-Aug-12 07:58:18 UTC from web
  7. time for my daily meanl.. later ponies!

    Tuesday, 07-Aug-12 00:26:11 UTC from web

    Monday, 06-Aug-12 09:57:43 UTC from web
  9. There are just over 100 pics still unrecognized due to illegal file name characters in Windows.. Now how will I find them hidden among 166,696 files? I Managed to remove all the most common illegal characters, but there's some crazy stuff in that archive. Well.. back to research I guess. !ponyfolder

    Sunday, 05-Aug-12 22:15:24 UTC from web
    • @aceark @thelastgherkin !ponyfolder has some links way back in the history.. If you want pre-compiled archives you'll have to sort through some # stuff though.

      Sunday, 05-Aug-12 21:16:28 UTC from web
    • nearly done with removing all the illegal characters from the ponibooru archive. It's coming along nicely and I should be able to make the archive available soon-ish !ponyfolder

      Sunday, 05-Aug-12 09:42:41 UTC from web
      • # #

        Sunday, 05-Aug-12 05:28:40 UTC from web

        Sunday, 05-Aug-12 05:25:10 UTC from web
      • Now this is what a wet-mane pic is supposed to look like

        Sunday, 05-Aug-12 05:02:56 UTC from web
      • *sigh* so I was having some weird issues with my Complete Safe Ponibooru torrent files, and ran check disk only to have things made worse.. It looked like 3/4 of the files were corrupted or something. Luckily Ubuntu can read them all still even though Windows can't. I'm currently trying to recopy the folder with all the downloaded images and see if that fixes things magically somehow. !ponyfolder As soon as the mess is sorted I'll look into a way to torrent or upload the collection.

        Saturday, 04-Aug-12 08:27:38 UTC from web
      • I'm gonna repost this because it's my birthday and I can. @noribatch drew me a very awesome birthday surprise present <3

        Saturday, 04-Aug-12 08:18:53 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • hm... ok, i need the lightest shipping pic you have for me to recolour

        Friday, 03-Aug-12 20:49:02 UTC from web
      • @greydragon412 Chrysalis and Pinkamena. !saved fo sho

        Friday, 03-Aug-12 08:41:36 UTC from web
      • @darkw00d I agree about cadence's figure and Luna's color. Awhile Celestia does risk not fitting in well for her size I still like her design and her expressions. Her role in the finale was a big disappointment though to me in that she misjudged Twilight and was defeated quickly (not that I hold it against her. At least she tried)

        Wednesday, 01-Aug-12 06:27:59 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • this made my day!

        Thursday, 02-Aug-12 10:37:27 UTC from web
      • I crai evertim.

        Thursday, 02-Aug-12 10:00:55 UTC from web
      • @greydragon412

        Monday, 30-Jul-12 11:52:12 UTC from web
      • Drum roll please! .. Thank you Ubuntu!! !ponyfolder

        Monday, 30-Jul-12 10:27:24 UTC from web
      • @greydragon412

        Monday, 30-Jul-12 09:38:59 UTC from web
      • Up until the second I took this screen shot, the downloading was going much faster than usual. Anyway.. hooves crossed it should finish tonight! !ponyfolder

        Monday, 30-Jul-12 07:02:53 UTC from web
        • @widget Oh. Well here is some more context. I have tons.

          Monday, 30-Jul-12 02:33:47 UTC from web
        • @widget !saved

          Sunday, 29-Jul-12 05:52:50 UTC from web
        • @silverfeather well thats a bummerrrrrrr fluttershy is beast

          Saturday, 28-Jul-12 13:40:59 UTC from web
        • !ponyfolder With luck tonight will be the night it finishes! No guarantee since the speed here varies, but it's looking real good right now.

          Saturday, 28-Jul-12 06:32:53 UTC from web
          • i will just leave a masterpiece here

            Saturday, 28-Jul-12 00:38:07 UTC from web