Group actions

!therdnhomestuckthing haruhiflavoredchips rdnhsrp theoverdose
This is a group for us losers that participate in a particular Homestuck RP.
Current human characters are:
Viconia: ?????
Sigfried: ?????
Established Trolls:
We haven't worked on the Trolls in our session yet, so none right now.
Interested? Any other questions? PM @thatonepony
The RDN Homestuck thing (therdnhomestuckthing) group
Speaking of drawing. !TheRDNHomestuckThing
Thursday, 06-Jun-13 23:14:14 UTC from web -
Oops forgot to tag this as !art , here's a thing I spent 10 hours on for @ceruleanspark
Thursday, 18-Apr-13 22:45:47 UTC from web-
@judgeofthesupremecourt Yes it is but I'm some where else but that's my false location because no one wants to go there
@judgeofthesupremecourt I dunno, I'd probably feel quite out of place maybe
@scoot The ooc memo is basically "hey let's talk about crap and figure out what we're doing"
!TheRDNHomestuckthing I forgot to mention, we got fan art.
Saturday, 06-Apr-13 03:47:43 UTC from StatusNet Android-
@anarchycarcino Ok, just link me when you get home.
@kanra So tomorrow.
@anarchycarcino OK
Monday, 01-Apr-13 06:17:45 UTC from web
@nerthos Man, I missed making pon pon mad.
Wait, there is a site like RDN that is not PG-13 that goes by the name of "Sweetie Belle Network" ?!? why do I just find out about that *reads a couple of posts* ... Ohkay I think I will stay on RDN. It seems a way nicer place.
Monday, 25-Feb-13 17:02:58 UTC from web-
@nerthos Oh yeah Grey. Haha
@nerthos PT only came around when I emailed her asking her to do something site-related. :/
@redenchilada I talked to her/him/it a couple times. E seemed pretty paranoid and easy to offend. Always defensive.
!therdnhomestuckthing Probably should mention I did this.
Friday, 15-Feb-13 08:56:18 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Oh hey, #nsfw yeah.
!TheOverdose Know what I haven't done for a while? Draw stuff for this.
Tuesday, 12-Feb-13 08:24:45 UTC from web-
@celestialmoonlight See ya,
@mushi Moosh go awayyy
@anarchycarcino D=
Oh my god I forgot how much the memos in Pesterchum were full of Mary sue Gary Stu people. This is boooooooring.
Sunday, 20-Jan-13 10:25:15 UTC from StatusNet Android- RDN's Lucifer likes this.
@nerthos I feel like this should be tagged appropiately !TheRDNhomestuckthing !Homestuck
@anarchycarcino Sleep then. I'm going to do so myself in a couple minutes.
@nerthos I will in a bit.
!TheRDNHomestuckthing It's got some Siegfried and Viconia. @Nerthos
Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:21:59 UTC from web -
Wow this isn't in the group why? I'm dumb. !TheRDNHomestuckthing
Saturday, 05-Jan-13 10:40:35 UTC from web -
Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 18:06:29 UTC from web
@anarchycarcino I WANT A NAP
@nerthos Me too... But Alice wanted me to record something with her today so I gotta stay up.
Friday, 14-Dec-12 11:21:49 UTC from web
Needlessly complicated charts? Yes please. !therdnhomestuckthing
Wednesday, 28-Nov-12 03:29:38 UTC from web -
Monday, 19-Nov-12 04:19:10 UTC from web
- RDN's Lucifer likes this.
@zeldatra Never
@anarchycarcino Perfect.
@thatonestocking Aw girl, that sounds outside my skill level.
@thatonestocking @greenenchilada @xeleanorxrigbyx Need for Speed Most Wanted, police report. That's like, end game whole cop division.
Sunday, 18-Nov-12 00:58:34 UTC from web-
@redenchilada No, it's a joke from the homestuck RP.
@theoverdose Oh, ok
@redenchilada There was already !theoverdose an #theoverdose, so I made @theoverdose happen.
Saturday, 17-Nov-12 23:45:13 UTC from web
Saturday, 17-Nov-12 23:32:34 UTC from web
@greenenchilada Indeed.
@theoverdose So what's up?
@greenenchilada Not much. Waiting for the pizza.
Saturday, 17-Nov-12 23:25:11 UTC from web
@mushi And all gangsta.
@anarchycarcino wat
@thatonestocking On it.
!TheRDNhomestuckthing All I have from 2012, here
Saturday, 17-Nov-12 22:45:10 UTC from web- Caim likes this.
We here at !Theoverdose fully support Regicide.
Saturday, 17-Nov-12 17:16:07 UTC from web- RDN's Lucifer likes this.
'Sup mah homies.
Saturday, 17-Nov-12 16:54:25 UTC from web-
@scribus * cocks shotgun *
@anarchycarcino I should, shouldn't I?
@scribus It's time to stop posting.
!TheRDNHomestuckthing Here you go losers. @thatonestocking @gladosenchilada @bitshift More of this crap.
Monday, 22-Oct-12 08:50:53 UTC from web -
!TheRDNHomestuckthing It's pretty small and junk, but yeah, made one of those pixels of Vincent. More later. Maybe. @Gladosenchilada @thatonestocking
Monday, 22-Oct-12 00:00:41 UTC from web -
!TheRDNHomestuckThing @Thatonepony #NSFW
Friday, 05-Oct-12 09:53:32 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino That one stocking. That one STOCKING.
!TheRDNHomestuckThing We should really get back to this.
Sunday, 30-Sep-12 22:42:16 UTC from web-
@anarchycarcino Nyoooooo!
@zeldatra Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
@zeldatra No! No please god!
Some men just want to see the world refresh.
Saturday, 29-Sep-12 06:17:14 UTC from web-
@gladosenchilada Well I thought it was funny,
@anarchycarcino It is.
@gladosenchilada Well good.
Bwahha finally done cooking and ... other things. :D Homemade poor-mans chicken soup ftw. :3
Friday, 28-Sep-12 09:10:55 UTC from web-
@thelastgherkin I shall strive to be better.
@anarchycarcino I should give you lessons. You can be my new padawan.
@thelastgherkin Will you die?
MAking a little comic !TheRDNHomestuckThing @thatonestocking
Friday, 28-Sep-12 06:47:39 UTC from web -
Saturday, 22-Sep-12 11:05:50 UTC from web
!TheRDNhomestuckthing @anarchycarcino @thatonestocking You made the CHROME SKULL PIMP SWORD. Wait... this is... This is the most stupid waste of Grist you have seen in ages, no, in your entire life. You curse the gods for allowing this thing to exist at all.
Thursday, 06-Sep-12 00:19:43 UTC from web-
@nerthos Example. Thoug they leave out some cool ones..
@anarchycarcino The really crappy aiming shows me it's a console game.
@nerthos A duh. I think it's on the PC too, but I wouldn't know. The player/players is/are crappy in the video anyway, that's not eh point though, Point is killing big things because f*** nature.
RDN's Lucifer likes this.