irishlaw18 subscriptions

These are the people whose notices irishlaw18 listens to.

  • NewPatrol newpatrol NewPatrol Tomorrow

    Things and Stuff.

  • Josiah Collinge skywishes Josiah Collinge San Jose, California

    I am a brony of course, my favorite ponies are rainbow dash, rarity and fluttershy. my favorite sport is downhill mountain biking. i own a gt iDrive 4.0 and a intense uzi slx. my favorite game counsel is the xbox 360 and my favorite game is assassins creed 2 and mw3 my Gamertag is InfamousPlanet to those who want to add me. i go to liberty baptist school(friends are easy to make and there awesome but the school itself sucks) so im hoping to go to Summit and that would be a good school to go to and i think thats about it. Thanks for Reading!!! OOHH and my favorite books are Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mocking Jay, and Christopher Paolini's Inheritance cycle (Eragon books)

  • chaosmagic chaosmagic Oberdrosen/Burgenland/Austria

    My name is Chaosmagic or Chaos for short. I'm interested in lotsa stuff xD I like to make friends and stuff. My manelanguage is german, but my english is not too bad either X'D I'm from Österreich ( austria ) ^-^ I'm androgyne and interested in males c:

  • Scribble scribble Scribble Trowbridge, UK

    Slightly insane British brony and Gravity Falls fan. TV and Film student. Bi and forever in love with @spamcan. Also pegasus and collar lover. Braeburn is best pony.

  • Stephen Child stecissunrise Stephen Child Cumbria, UK

    SteC here, multimedia and graphics student, artist of the 'Soarin for Vengeance' T-shirt and generally a nice person. Video games, alt music and sports entertainment take up my time but I'm also an artist lending support to my favourite shows (especially this one!)

  • Richard E. Schade richarded Richard E. Schade Guelph, Ontario
  • Milo milo Milo Richmond, Virginia

    I'm a derp. Catch me here:

  • Jon primesonic Jon Rosario, Argentina A bi-lingual, bi-cultural brony living in Argentina. I try to stay up to date on all internet memes and that's how I came to find MLP FiM. The show hooked me and I've been a huge fan ever since.

  • Chris Bell mrdragon Chris Bell

    What are you doing here?

  • Crash lightningcrash Crash Hamilton, Ohio

    A lone pony trots along an empty dusty road. His wings furled back against his sides, he pushes on as the wind whips dirt into his face. He quests for two things: his purpose in life and a pony to share his heart with.

  • Ellis ellistia Ellis London, United Kingdom

    If you want something just let me know. Otherwise I've no reason to say anything. Might post my art but that's about it. PSN/Skype: ecmc1093

  • Cerulean Spark ceruleanspark Cerulean Spark United Kingdom

    I would fight to make that bright and innocent past our future once again. Even if it means dashing myself against the evil and cruelty of this wasteland until there is nothing left of me. And then, when I am too broken to go on, I will float my dying body right down the throat of the darkness and make it choke on me.

  • Cerulean Lulamoon-Spark ceruleansparkold Cerulean Lulamoon-Spark United Kingdom

    My old username. Currently undergoing an identity crisis

  • Schicksal Thelen schicksal Schicksal Thelen Shrewsbury, Massachusetts

    Well, I don't see myself as the most interesting fellow, but I came here on recommendation of a friend in order to find some bronies nearby! I work on a couple of farms and ride horses between both New Hampshire, and Massachusetts (I'm in NH every other weekend). 16 as of May 1 (2012), and I'm hoping to go to school for engineering! I do love being outside and doing demolition works. Definately hoping to find some nearby friends! :D Yaaay! And I draw. I do a lot of arts, still trying to get more into digital arts. At the moment I mostly do paintings and metal engravings! I would like to try out some chiselwork! I'm a bit clumsy though, so that may not be the best idea...

  • Keel Cahir keel Keel Cahir South of the Mason/Dixie line


  • sb42 sb42 sb42 United States

    Yo! I should really write a bio sometime shouldn't I? Gah... I guess I will. Someday... Oh! I know! I'll write it tomorrow! Yeah, that's it! =D Cool? Cool.

  • Sir E. Hooves III eaglehooves Sir E. Hooves III Cleveland, Ohio

    Just as a clarification, the name (if I'm not using a gag one) is a reference to my time with the BSA. Three big interests (excluding ponies) are cars, computers, and scouting, and the last one means the most to me (There's a very long, personal, story there) (plus the fleur-de-leis looks nice). For the people linked here, the '/signature' is pretty much my universal signature for texts and emails, and the one thing that my pony and non-pony accounts have in common across the web. Other than that, I'm your average pegasus from the suburbs. Also, I finally got a dedicated e-mail: eaglehooves (at) gmail, a dedicated pony Skype: eagle.hooves, and am on Steam as "Lord Elusive"

  • RDN's Lucifer nerthos RDN's Lucifer Sea Hitler's water apocalypse

    For the cat is cryptic, and close to strange things which men cannot see. He is the soul of antique Aegyptus, and bearer of tales from forgotten cities in Meroe and Ophir. He is the kin of the jungle’s lords, and heir to the secrets of hoary and sinister Africa. The Sphinx is his cousin, and he speaks her language; but he is more ancient than the Sphinx, and remembers that which she hath forgotten. Federation is getting worse by the minute so contact info Steam: sirnerthos Skype: nerthos.osea.yo

  • Micheal Schlongcoptor thatonestocking Micheal Schlongcoptor Austin, Texas,

    lmao turn down for what

  • Thomas redstreak Thomas earth, USA

    im an aspiring comic book writer, i got into the show around season 1, and i have happily been a brony eversince.

  • Frost Flow frostflow Frost Flow Where ever.

    Been a long, loooong time. Grad school for a PhD in Microbiology. Life goes on.

  • kirurakiru kirurakiru n/a

    yeah. i'm that one dude that you see on rdn. enough said.

  • - aaaa - -


  • lilytheamazingfaintingpony lilytheamazingfaintingpony Østlandet, Norway


  • Pinkie Pie partypinkiestyle Pinkie Pie

    Helllloooooo. I'm a 18 y/o pegasister and I enjoy anime, manga and chatting along with mlp ^^

  • Solidus Sans liquidusmira Solidus Sans Donkey Kong Country

    sometimes i go to the store and eat all the cheddar cheese

  • Macpony55 macpony55 Macpony55 United States

    I dunno, I suppose I do stuff, there's pretty much no limit to the stuff I do. Enjoy new things, enjoy old things, talk to me about something, maybe I'll know what you're sayin', or maybe I won't and I'll be learning something new. Win-Win, for me at least :p TCButters is my name for other online things

  • madington flavors madflavors madington flavors Somewhere over the rainbow


  • derps derps
  • Jeff Stathers dusty Jeff Stathers Delta, British Columbia, Canada

    Once known as Pinhooves, I am now just a retired brony. Sorry guys. If you want to contact me, I use the following: Twitter (DustyPinhead), Skype (sonicpinhooves) and Gmail (