Jasper Synth's home timeline


  1. I can't sleep because I'm !dangerzone

    Monday, 14-Jan-13 05:36:29 UTC from StatusNet iPhone

      Sunday, 13-Jan-13 07:44:02 UTC from web
    • @widget Lightning Dust wouldn't know the meaning of !dangerzone if I brushed it under her nose

      Sunday, 13-Jan-13 07:27:15 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • !dangerzone

      Friday, 11-Jan-13 15:08:24 UTC from web
      • I am the fearless leader of the !dangerzone

        Friday, 11-Jan-13 14:50:24 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      • Hair is also, self explanatory.

        Friday, 11-Jan-13 14:28:09 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      • Nothing better than the !dangerzone

        Friday, 11-Jan-13 14:26:54 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        • Wake up> keyboard mash on my iPhone> listen to some 80/90's music> listen to dangerzone> followed by dnb. Very !dangerzone morning

          Friday, 11-Jan-13 14:08:17 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          • Going to sleep sad sucks. Maybe I should be thankful for my headache If it gets worse and drowns out all the sad

            Friday, 11-Jan-13 06:25:01 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          • I'm going to start living more !dangerzone

            Thursday, 10-Jan-13 21:52:07 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            • work it harder make it better do it faster makes us stronger more than ever hour after our work is never over <3

              Thursday, 10-Jan-13 05:01:08 UTC from web
            • !dangerzone made some cream of mushroom soup and it tastes horrible

              Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 21:11:12 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
            • We can all agree that out of everyone, I am the most !dangerzone

              Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 09:39:02 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
              • !dangerzone So I watched Top Gun 3 times in the past 2 days

                Wednesday, 09-Jan-13 03:24:02 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
                • !dangerzone Some cool wallpaper from yesterday. http://ur1.ca/cg7s7

                  Tuesday, 08-Jan-13 20:16:28 UTC from web
                • this is nice !dangerzone

                  Tuesday, 08-Jan-13 19:34:39 UTC from web
                • Heyy

                  Wednesday, 02-Jan-13 01:33:02 UTC from web
                  • !yorkshirebronies One year ago, my desk was empty. One year later: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/6674290/Desk%20Jan%202013.JPG

                    Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 21:05:25 UTC from web
                  • I've never seen why people think Scrooge is such a bad guy, but then I only ever seem to catch the last time minutes of every adaptation

                    Friday, 28-Dec-12 16:01:31 UTC from web
                  • Striking fear into the heart of your fearful heart.

                    Friday, 28-Dec-12 15:48:08 UTC from web
                  • I swear my attention is sometimes divide-Ohhh Shiny!

                    Friday, 28-Dec-12 15:34:18 UTC from web
                  • MERRY CHRISTMAS!

                    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 04:37:38 UTC from web
                  • @thatonepony what MMO is it?

                    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 04:26:59 UTC from web
                  • @thatonepony he shouldn't. You know its against the law to drink and fly around in a magical sleigh.

                    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 02:38:27 UTC from web
                  • I like scarves.

                    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 02:22:54 UTC from web
                  • DAILY DOSE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQSCW9FWN7U&feature=youtube_gdata_player

                    Tuesday, 25-Dec-12 01:10:27 UTC from web
                  • Apparently I have the personality type of Rarity

                    Monday, 24-Dec-12 04:48:31 UTC from web
                    • Well, fixed my Wi-Fi, but everyone is in the house and caroling would probably wake them up.

                      Monday, 24-Dec-12 03:44:32 UTC from web
                    • So now we have an Apple Octavia that plays the fiddle. #

                      Saturday, 22-Dec-12 16:02:32 UTC from web
                    • Derpy poked her head out from behind the curtain and waved. Gosh I miss those days.

                      Saturday, 22-Dec-12 15:12:41 UTC from web