Kadziet "Kazuhira" Yagami's home timeline


  1. i'm having a bit of a suicidal episode (unrelated to my pervious post) and i'm pretty sure it's an adverse after-effect of an over-the-counter mood relaxer I took earlier today, which is nice that i know what's causing it and how to avoid that in the future, but it doesn't help me RIGHT NOW, so that's fun

    Sunday, 09-May-21 07:24:01 UTC from web
  2. Tiger Queen launching a cryptocurrency, inb4 the next Fallout launches with "bottlEcaps" crypto tie-in

    Wednesday, 05-May-21 15:15:37 UTC from web
  3. I’ve always subscribed to John K’s character design philosophy that more expressive > more consistent and that keeping a character exactly on-model all the time isn’t very fun to look at, so imagine my surprise when I learn that cartoon watchers these days not only want characters to be drawn the exact same way in every frame because if it’s not on-model it’s “lazy”, but they ALSO want those exact same faces to be redrawn every time because if you reuse a drawing that’s also lazy. What, exactly, is the point in redrawing things if you’re going to want it looking exactly the same as it did in the last shot, scene, or episode? We should all just use Flash puppets at that point and go back to 2008-era Newgrounds.

    Monday, 03-May-21 23:47:03 UTC from web
  4. Finally got around to "Sonic the Hedgehog." I bet that isolation montage at the beginning hit a little different fourteen months ago.

    Friday, 30-Apr-21 06:53:58 UTC from web
  5. Is this a bit? You don’t even have to get very far into it. There’s a 1970s Shake & Bake ad two minutes in.

    Thursday, 29-Apr-21 08:00:20 UTC from web
    • @zeldatra I remember VHS tracking bars in the DVD of "Meet the Feebles," and my "Mothra" DVD only fills half the screen and looks like an 18 FPS framerate, but that is something else, lol

      Thursday, 29-Apr-21 20:39:48 UTC in context
    • @scribus with such a massive library of stuff, a good 70% of which was super obscure and hard to come by to begin with, it's understandable that you have to use some weird sources since the original print is, in a lot of cases, not available, and they did do a really good job in a lot of areas - like managing to produce HD copies of things that were made decades ago - but it's insane to me that they didn't cut any of the commercials, especially since they DID cut contemporary movie trailers and multiple references to the NBC network, where it aired, from the same program. What was the editing standard?

      Friday, 30-Apr-21 00:14:10 UTC in context
    • @zeldatra I wonder if they own Shake & Bake so they didn't bother?

      Friday, 30-Apr-21 06:51:39 UTC in context
  6. Got my second Fauci ouchie, only feeling slightly apocalyptic about gathering, masked, in the husk of the old department store where I used to get my school clothes

    Wednesday, 21-Apr-21 19:13:45 UTC from web
  7. In German the word for queue is "Schlange". It's the same word for the word "snake". "In der Schlange stehen" means "standing in the queue". Translating it literally it means "standing in the snake". I'm happy that the snake population in Germany is low enough that this expression doesn't mean anything bad except for wasting time.

    Monday, 19-Apr-21 08:15:51 UTC from web
  8. Not to advocate violence, but wouldn't the world be a better place if more pranks videos ended with a college bro getting beaten to within an inch of his life?

    Saturday, 17-Apr-21 00:48:40 UTC from web
  9. No, but seriously, playing through the entire series again after having (once again) beaten Metal Gear Solid V is making me appreciate the series’ side characters a lot more. It’s not ACTUALLY a series about Big Boss and his sons. It’s a series about Big Boss’s legacy and the people who were affected by it. In Metal Gear Solid, Snake works with Hal “Otacon” Emmerich. Thirty years earlier, in Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker, Naked Snake works with his father, Huey, and they’re largely identical in most ways, so identical that one has to wonder for a minute if Snake was the only subject in the Patriots’ cloning program. But if you played MGS2, you already know they /aren’t/ the same because Huey goes nuts and drowns himself and tries to drown his stepdaughter in a vengeful murder-suicide after he catches his second wife molesting Hal. “Revenge” is explored in MGS5, where we learn that Hal & Huey are pretty much only identical in appearance.

    Friday, 16-Apr-21 23:54:02 UTC from web
    • In MGS5, Huey has a bad habit of stabbing literally everyone he knows in the back. He tries to put Otacon, two years old at the time, in the cockpit of Metal Gear Sahelanthropus to be a test pilot, which his wife objects to somewhat. Naturally, Huey puts his wife in a Peace Walker AI Pod and batcavein suffocates her. This is AFTER he had already betrayed Naked Snake and MSF by letting XOF come aboard Mother Base while Snake was off on a mission. THEN he betrays XOF to go work for Snake again. Then he bizarrely decides to let a vocal cord parasite loose on Mother Base because I guess betraying people is in his nature? What I’m trying to say is that Huey is an asshole. And we learned already that HUEY’s father was one of the designers of the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima. But Otacon isn’t really like either of them, to the point that by the end of the series, he’s like the only one of Solid Snake’s allies who hasn’t stabbed him in the back.

      Saturday, 17-Apr-21 00:03:40 UTC in context
  10. man is not sleeping with minors really that difficult? I always found it very easy to not do that. It’s very very easy to not do that.

    Wednesday, 07-Apr-21 23:20:21 UTC from web
  11. Binged through the whole series of "My Name Is Earl". I can somewhat understand why they pulled the cord and cancelled the series at the end of season 4. While fun it was kind of repetitive or insane and thus alienating any new watchers. Also it got increasingly serialized despite of its episodic nature at the beginning.

    Tuesday, 06-Apr-21 19:43:25 UTC from web
    • @adiwan Officially, the cancelation happened because of financial issues over at NBC from the then-recent recession. They had been given the go-ahead to start writing for a fifth season, which is why the fourth one ends on a cliffhanger.

      Tuesday, 06-Apr-21 20:21:48 UTC in context
    • @zeldatra Sure. I have also read that. But when I look at the viewership numbers they were decreasing rapidly towards the end. I don't know what happened in April of 2009 but they might have spooked some people in the upper management in addition to the financial crisis. They could have at least resolve the cliffhanger and do a somewhat proper ending to the series.

      Tuesday, 06-Apr-21 20:36:18 UTC in context
    • @adiwan TV Tropes mentions an official "What if" ending, per the creator. Earl struggles with completing an entry, and happens to meet someone from his past who had wronged him. The guy had heard about Earl, and was inspired to do his own list. Earl realized he's finally had a truly positive influence on the world, and goes on with his life. I like knowing that, even if they didn't get to film it.

      Tuesday, 06-Apr-21 21:37:11 UTC in context
  12. Bout to tell my boss to shove it. If I’m gonna go out like everyone thinks I am, I DON’T want it to be because of this stupid grocery store.

    Sunday, 04-Apr-21 00:54:11 UTC from web
  13. I’M NOT BEING MEAN, he’s legitimately inbred. It runs in the family apparently.

    Wednesday, 31-Mar-21 22:12:10 UTC from web
  14. State secessionist movements are really funny to me, a Virginian, for no particular reason...

    Friday, 26-Mar-21 00:02:17 UTC from web
  15. Playing Metal Gear Solid again... I bodyslammed Meryl while she was disguised because I recognized her walk cycle and I wanted to see what would happen. Nothing happens, she just sprints into her next cutscene to prevent you from impeding her any further. And then she still claims to have gotten the jump on you.

    Tuesday, 23-Mar-21 08:21:12 UTC from web
    • @zeldatra Borderlands II. A bad case of "You need to kill the boss before he pushes the doomsday button!" And then you kill them, with an acid rocket to the nards, all the way across the arena... and wait for a monologue, and a dead guy to push the cussing button anyway. It got to where I wasn't invested in the story missions because I knew nothing I accomplished would accomplish anything. !vgp # maybe?

      Tuesday, 23-Mar-21 18:38:04 UTC in context
    • @scribus This is why I always enjoyed the mostly-unscripted nature of the later Fallouts & Elder Scrolls. New Vegas particularly introduces you to a major antagonist (or ally, if you choose to go that route...) fairly early on, while you’re on your way to a story quest, and you can just let him do his thing, or, if you have the firepower, you can just FrankerZin shoot him and he won’t appear again for the rest of the game. (And then you can shoot his replacement later, too!)

      Tuesday, 23-Mar-21 19:04:40 UTC in context
  16. I was today years old when I learned that Twin Shadow is black.

    Monday, 22-Mar-21 21:11:24 UTC from web
  17. here we...

    Sunday, 21-Mar-21 22:32:19 UTC from web
  18. Why does Apple have to get interesting right when I'm gorram fed up with them???

    Saturday, 13-Mar-21 01:22:18 UTC from web
    • Matt likes this.
    • @scribus I thought the iPad was a Fluffle Puffing lame-ass joke when I was a kid and it was first coming out, it just seemed like a big iPhone, and it seemed even less necessary after iPhones started getting bigger, but now I feel like this is what they should have been marketed for all along.

      Saturday, 13-Mar-21 02:32:27 UTC in context
  19. my new iPad arrived today and the first thing i drew to test out the pencil was a real blasty from the pasty http://rainbowdash.net/url/875850

    Friday, 12-Mar-21 21:05:52 UTC from web
  20. Learned that the pharmacist at my store got yelled at by my boss because he gave me the covid vaccine that made me so sick I had to call out. Oops?

    Monday, 08-Mar-21 20:23:19 UTC from web
    • @mrmattimation Your boss is just plain stupid. Any vaccine can provoke lessened symptoms of the disease, making one feel sick, although the strength of them can vary much.. For example the annual flu vaccine can do that as well. It's not an unusual or unheard side-effect of vaccines. Also, just from the cost-benefit side, he could have a bigger loss of productivity if you caught the real thing later. Also as an employer he has to be aware that anyone can sick at any time. It sucks but that's the job of an employer or manager to deal with sudden sick days.

      Monday, 08-Mar-21 20:46:39 UTC in context
    • @adiwan I think the issue was more that it was completely unscheduled and out of nowhere so they didn’t have time to replace me when I was suddenly too ill to work the next day. In retrospect it was probably irresponsible of me to have taken it when I knew I had work the next day but like, hey, the vial was gonna go to waste otherwise.

      Monday, 08-Mar-21 22:26:00 UTC in context
  21. Need help on this script: BESIDES stuff from Marvel properties, what fictional landmarks would one find in New York City that a tourist would want to visit?

    Sunday, 07-Mar-21 21:01:25 UTC from web
  22. Just called out of work for the first time in like three years. Fever spiked to 102.5. Gonna take it easy today.

    Saturday, 06-Mar-21 13:51:49 UTC from web
  23. Hey uh guess who just got a surprise Covid vaccine

    Saturday, 06-Mar-21 01:35:40 UTC from web
  24. Also damnit I may need to learn Blender. Or some kind of free 3D wireframe making thing.

    Wednesday, 03-Mar-21 00:43:41 UTC from web
    • @scribus Blender is crazy easy to learn and there’s a lotta tutorials on YouTube, I’d give it a shot. The latest version has a real-time render engine too and most of its features are compatible with the other, slower, raytraced engine so if you have a halfway decent graphics card you can test materials and lighting situations and such fairly quickly.

      Wednesday, 03-Mar-21 01:08:39 UTC in context
    • @mrmattimation Keen. Right now, I kinda just want to make a logo from my old karate school into 3D. It's been done, but I'd rather not steal someone else's. And I do have other things, like an attempt to create a visual model of the Self as a 4-dimensional being with extensions into the Minds of others like that whole NG:E last two episodes acid trip. I think it'll just end up looking like lightning or a neuron, though...

      Wednesday, 03-Mar-21 01:47:40 UTC in context
  25. I think we need to have a public discussion about The Doctor’s proclivity for picking up 19 year old girls, you’re over 2000, you can’t keep doing that

    Wednesday, 24-Feb-21 09:20:10 UTC from web
  26. Well I just learned that I have a scar (somewhere on one of my knuckles) from the location of the first-ever episode of Bar Rescue. Which was closed after a stabbing murder. And then burned down. And is still a pile of fenced-off rubble 3 years later.

    Sunday, 21-Feb-21 02:49:19 UTC from web
  27. Borderlands 2 is fun right up until I either run up against the usual "What am I stuck on, why am I not running, why can't I even jump, if I'm not supposed to be here how did I even get in and why can't I get out again" antics of every FPS ever... That, or the keyboard-as-controller issues of "I wanted my knife, not to throw a grenade at my own feet..." !vgp

    Monday, 08-Feb-21 06:59:37 UTC from web
    • @scribus True story: I grew up pretty much entirely on PlayStation 2 and Xbox 360, so when I finally got a PC that could properly handle video games I was immediately put off by the keyboard controls and plugged in an Xbox One controller instead. To this day it's really hard for me to play shooters the "real" way.

      Monday, 08-Feb-21 08:48:18 UTC in context
    • @mrmattimation I had had an NES, GameBoy, SNES, Atari XE, and Sega Genesis before we got our first "real" family computer, a 486 running Windows 3.11. My parents declared that the computer was therefore not for games, unless they were educational. I believe I would go on to N64, 3DS, and Xbox 360 before trying WASD-anything.

      Monday, 08-Feb-21 16:58:37 UTC in context
  28. So this guy watched my video about how we can separate the art from the artist... and saw it as a symptom of cancel culture? LMAO http://rainbowdash.net/url/875785

    Saturday, 06-Feb-21 23:43:25 UTC from web
  29. Hey here's one, how are they gonna keep the animation cell fan industry going when everything is all digital?

    Thursday, 28-Jan-21 03:59:36 UTC from web
    • @scribus Three answers: The first is that The Simpsons didn't switch to digital animation until the mid-2000s, so there's always about fifteen years of that to go through (and Disney not-withstanding (they've been doing digital since The Rescuers Down Under in 1990), the rest of the industry was also pretty late on that train), the second is that a 22-minute program averages around ten thousand unique drawings (more than that if it's a Simpsons, less than that if it's a Flintstones or Jetsons) so there's a LOT to go through, and the third is, and you didn't hear this from me, a lot of those animation cels you see on eBay are actually reproductions or pieces of promotional artwork which have been created expressly to be sold, so they quite literally will be able to send you Itchy's arm for decades.

      Thursday, 28-Jan-21 05:44:06 UTC in context
    • @mrmattimation I keep threatening to spend my tax return on a Bakshi cell some time, but something else always ends up seeming more fun

      Thursday, 28-Jan-21 17:53:35 UTC in context
  30. this frame took five minutes to render and it ain’t even from a finished environment, that’s two hours a second, can you believe it? http://rainbowdash.net/url/875749

    Saturday, 16-Jan-21 09:00:41 UTC from web