Zach's home timeline



    about a year ago from ban me pls
    • If you are a chrome user, my broken, forgotten account has broken the time space continuum.
      I cant even type because the message box has bugged out lol. Using IE

      Wednesday, 17-Jul-19 12:59:16 UTC from web
      • It keeps asking “remember me” at login but let’s be honest, no one remembers.

        Monday, 15-Jul-19 17:44:37 UTC from web
      • oh my god all the mods and admins are like gone

        Tuesday, 30-Jan-18 06:53:35 UTC from web
      • I remembered this place out of nowhere

        Tuesday, 30-Jan-18 06:33:05 UTC from web
        • sweet christ on a pogo stick. This site is still alive!?

          Sunday, 14-Jan-18 12:17:30 UTC from web
        • this single shaven forearm feels nice af

          Sunday, 16-Apr-17 04:21:49 UTC from web
        • ayyy lmao

          Sunday, 16-Apr-17 04:21:27 UTC from web
          • It's convenient that I was gonna consider getting a tattoo if some of my friends would do it and it turns out we're all in that boat

            Saturday, 15-Apr-17 21:58:42 UTC from web
          • How do people do this, I just shaved for 20 minutes and all I got done was my forearm

            Saturday, 15-Apr-17 21:49:56 UTC from web
          • (It's Donald Glover)

            Saturday, 15-Apr-17 14:24:29 UTC from web
          • If you're watching today's episode, keep your ears peeled for a rather familiar (handsome) voice

            Saturday, 15-Apr-17 14:22:10 UTC from web
          • tfw you have to use a service you hate to get something you want

            Saturday, 15-Apr-17 14:26:08 UTC from web
          • yep, imma sleep now

            Saturday, 15-Apr-17 09:16:12 UTC from web
          • I just had a dream where a black singer called Lemonade Pink crashed into my house and came in and made some toast (I was a big fan of her work)

            Saturday, 15-Apr-17 09:11:36 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • also looked into HRT today, and DAYUM, dat expensive. I was way too optimistic thinking this $5 would pay for it.

            Saturday, 15-Apr-17 09:12:14 UTC from web
            • If you're watching today's episode of My Little Pony and the Last Jedi, please remember that we still have a 48-hour no spoiler policy in place following the end of the episode. Please be considerate of other users during this time by tagging your episode discussion with the tags 'spoiler' or 'spoilers'. Thanks!

              Saturday, 15-Apr-17 08:19:56 UTC from web
            • do u lyke my ourt

              Saturday, 15-Apr-17 09:06:44 UTC from web
              • lmao, I've been gone for like at least a year or two and my daily average only dropped to 7.

                Saturday, 15-Apr-17 08:46:49 UTC from web
                • boop

                  Saturday, 15-Apr-17 08:14:36 UTC from web
                  • this place is not as fast as it use to be ;0

                    Friday, 24-Mar-17 23:43:12 UTC from web
                    • booperino

                      Friday, 24-Mar-17 23:37:25 UTC from web
                    • ayyyy, been a while.

                      Tuesday, 07-Mar-17 18:17:31 UTC from web
                    • nothing beats that warm, all-over feeling you get from nailing another man

                      Tuesday, 31-Jan-17 17:04:27 UTC from web

                      Tuesday, 31-Jan-17 17:01:02 UTC from web
                    • Does anybody know the steps to the Safety Dance?

                      Tuesday, 31-Jan-17 16:36:06 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    • I kinda wonder if the swear word changer still works.... cherry

                      Monday, 14-Nov-16 22:50:06 UTC from web
                    • this reminds me, all these people in my class are complaining that they don't want to go to their job and I'm just like, I'll take it.

                      Monday, 14-Nov-16 22:39:43 UTC from web
                      • oh right, I've also taken the hobby of drawing back, However I don't have enough money for the materials to truly begin practicing <.>

                        Monday, 14-Nov-16 22:37:21 UTC from web
                        • herro, this is previously therainbowdashx :3

                          Monday, 14-Nov-16 22:33:32 UTC from web