Matt Simpson's home timeline


  1. I like my women like I like my toast: slightly brown, covered in butter, and sliced diagonally with a knife.

    Monday, 02-Sep-13 14:13:26 UTC from web
  2. I wonder what living in Canterlot must be like. Certainly there's the upper class districts, but that can't be all that it consists of, right?

    Monday, 02-Sep-13 12:20:16 UTC from web
  3. Blue are the streets and all the trees are too.

    Monday, 02-Sep-13 11:11:05 UTC from web
  4. Audio cassettes are 50 years old today. Apparently.

    Monday, 02-Sep-13 09:41:36 UTC from web
    • #

      Monday, 02-Sep-13 08:18:59 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
    • Apparently "let's chill dude" means "wait outside my dorm for two hours while I get my business on with some girl.

      Sunday, 01-Sep-13 20:59:59 UTC from web
    • Hello everygriffin

      Saturday, 31-Aug-13 21:20:54 UTC from web
    • @vt3c You tell me. I haven't seen the car in the flesh, but I understand it's incredibly light, so it'll give the ATR a run for its money.

      Saturday, 31-Aug-13 20:47:13 UTC from web
    • Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home.

      Saturday, 31-Aug-13 19:50:41 UTC from web
      • #

        Saturday, 31-Aug-13 07:39:03 UTC from StatusNet Android
      • Yo homie let's get wasted #

        Friday, 30-Aug-13 22:13:11 UTC from web
      • @randomwonderbolt All of Pixar's full-length films are also Disney films.

        Friday, 30-Aug-13 21:39:54 UTC from web
      • @randomwonderbolt You were warned not to open the Ark.

        Friday, 30-Aug-13 21:27:22 UTC from web
        • I spent tonight at work setting up the Christmas card department.

          Friday, 30-Aug-13 20:46:13 UTC from web
        • @ceruleanspark q

          Friday, 30-Aug-13 18:49:30 UTC from web

          Friday, 30-Aug-13 18:08:39 UTC from web
        • Discussion: What Does Canon Mean to You with FiM?: Meghan McCarthy recently tweeted a series of responses to a question about how canon Equestria Girls was in respect to the Friendship is Magic universe. The simple simple response? EQG did happen, Twilight learned a lesson, but it will not effect the future of the actual show. Until Twilight falls in love with her new offically pointed bodyguard, Flash Sentry, you d >

          Thursday, 29-Aug-13 20:10:05 UTC from Sethisto
        • Where is Damascus i got within 38 miles ^^

          Thursday, 29-Aug-13 20:22:50 UTC from web
        • If anyone's wondering, my opinion on Syria may seem callous. The UK cannot afford a war right now, so we shouldn't get involved. Entering into a war now would be like trying to solve a multi-billion budget defecit by taking money from the poor and the sick. Oh wait.

          Thursday, 29-Aug-13 09:01:22 UTC from web
          • I feel like we should all calm down about Syria. Both the "Lets nuke them" and "WAR IS ALWAYS BAD IN ALL CASES" sides of the argument ignore huge swathes of the issue and basically stifle any meaningful discussion on the subject.

            Thursday, 29-Aug-13 07:25:27 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
          • wake up to find that we may not be going to war tonight after all. How is evrypony else?

            Thursday, 29-Aug-13 07:14:20 UTC from web
          • America:

            Wednesday, 28-Aug-13 20:09:03 UTC from web
          • @awlderpy It's a fake quote attributed to Neil deGrasse Tyson. Someone slapped it on a starfield and showed it to reddits atheism board. They proceeded to circlejerk themselves senseless about how smart they are for being atheists and skeptics without once checking whether or not it was a real quote.

            Wednesday, 28-Aug-13 19:49:12 UTC from web
          • Gah, I still have TWO doleING YEARS on my student loans!

            Wednesday, 28-Aug-13 17:46:30 UTC from web
          • I'm legit considering selling my 3DS and getting a 2DS

            Wednesday, 28-Aug-13 16:44:25 UTC from web
          • @awlderpy My car's only 12 years old. It's practically a baby.

            Wednesday, 28-Aug-13 15:31:18 UTC from web
          • @awlderpy Don't worry, the cars then were no worse than those of today.

            Wednesday, 28-Aug-13 14:58:19 UTC from web
          • Is it legal to keep a small giraffe in your house like a cat or dog

            Tuesday, 27-Aug-13 21:05:06 UTC from web
          • I swear it, I just saw H from Steps in Asda

            Tuesday, 27-Aug-13 20:35:29 UTC from web
          • Amazed my PC can handle Burnout Paradise with no slowdown at all

            Tuesday, 27-Aug-13 20:57:57 UTC from web