Rachel Merser's home timeline


  1. !yorkshirebronies Hey new member here, curious about more details of the meetup in Sheffield

    Monday, 19-Nov-12 20:45:28 UTC from web
  2. !yorkshirebronies Wow, today's meetup in Leeds was absolutely amazing! So great to meet you and I eagerly await doing so again! Sorry for the major Derpyage, won't happen again. ;) Also, see the latest episode as soon as you get the chance. Definitely among my favourite of the series!

    Sunday, 18-Nov-12 00:03:06 UTC from web
  3. !xboxbronies B-baka! It doesn't matter, I'm never on anyway...

    Friday, 16-Nov-12 23:16:23 UTC from web
  4. !xboxbronies Yeah what he said!

    Friday, 16-Nov-12 22:52:40 UTC from web
  5. !xboxbronies I'm listed under my same name here, xeleanorxrigbyx :)

    Friday, 16-Nov-12 22:51:32 UTC from web
    • !xboxbronies Add me on xbox for frequent chats on Mlp, META1 RIFT (all caps)

      Friday, 16-Nov-12 22:50:47 UTC from web
      • !xboxlivebronies anyone still alive?

        Friday, 16-Nov-12 15:48:12 UTC from web
      • !yorkshirebronies Hello all, it has been way too long I posted something here. And well, some things happened here: after 3 years of job applications I finally got a job, in Norfolk. So soon I'll have to leave these rolling hills and my friends (both those on four hooves and those on two feet) to start a new life. I never like to say goodbye, so I won't. After all, I can always come back oop north to visit. And knowing that I am going to work with ponies, horses, and donkeys is something to look forward to.

        Sunday, 11-Nov-12 22:01:28 UTC from web
        • !yorkshirebronies Hey. Recent convert/herd-joinee here, sadly temporary Yorkshire resident. That Leeds thought-bubble meetup sounds great!

          Sunday, 11-Nov-12 16:11:58 UTC from web
          • @wychwood Brill, thanks mate! Quick newb questions: What's the account name for the Yorkshire Bronies group? Can't seem to access it, tho I'm probably doing something wrong...also, the fb link doesn't seem to go to the event...If you're at the event Saturday, hope to see ya there, if not, I eagerly await whenever the next official meetup is

            Wednesday, 14-Nov-12 22:15:56 UTC in context
        • !yorkshirebronies Tumbleweeds just sayin

          Sunday, 11-Nov-12 01:23:05 UTC from web
          • !yorkshirebronies Is the Thought Bubble meet going to be happening? =)

            Saturday, 10-Nov-12 16:32:16 UTC from web
            • !yorkshirebronies Fantastic piece of White Rose artwork, by Kay! http://i47.tinypic.com/167pifo.png

              Wednesday, 07-Nov-12 21:48:18 UTC from web
              • !yorkshirebronies Any plans for another meet? =)

                Saturday, 03-Nov-12 14:56:54 UTC from web
              • !yorkshirebronies Epic meetup was epic. Especially the parts where we danced Gangnam style, we met the Doctor Whos + assistants, and Tabby was scared *squee*less by Slenderman!

                Sunday, 21-Oct-12 13:08:40 UTC from web
              • !UK Oh hey, I think I spotted the new wave of brushies in ASDA today. Anyone who's on the look out for Trixie or something should check it out!

                Wednesday, 03-Oct-12 20:15:38 UTC from web
              • !xboxlivebronies Hello everypony. I may have forgotten to join the group lol. but add me on XboxLive and we will soon be playing!. GT- Scar x Wolf

                Wednesday, 03-Oct-12 00:25:19 UTC from web
              • @starenchilada i want mlp to be like that...id call it the !Rainbow_Dash show. *sighs happily*

                Tuesday, 25-Sep-12 04:17:28 UTC from web
              • !Rainbow_Dash # Awesome style and pose! And it's so glowy! /)^3^(\ http://ur1.ca/aeov0

                Monday, 24-Sep-12 20:29:36 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                • Pony repeated this.
              • !UK guys, Leonardo is back on CBBC at 5pm tomorrow and you should watch it because it's great. It's about a young Leonardo da Vinci having free-running adventures while inventing things and fighting evil.

                Wednesday, 19-Sep-12 21:15:06 UTC from web
              • !yorkshirebronies The Nottingham bronies have approached me to ask you guys if we could merge our groups. They even wanna make a female OC and ship her with the yorkshire pony. Told em it wasn't my group but I'd let you guys know.

                Wednesday, 19-Sep-12 14:41:20 UTC from web
              • /)^3^(\ Got my !Rainbow_Dash limited edition # in! # # # And Spyro chillin in the back. Yes she has a CM but you just can't see it. And RDN couldn't handle the cute so I had to shrink it a bit. http://ur1.ca/aawak

                Monday, 17-Sep-12 21:54:27 UTC from web
                • Idk what this is from but this somehow made my night. !Rainbow_Dash # http://ur1.ca/aa81z

                  Monday, 17-Sep-12 11:24:38 UTC from web
                • !buk !yorkshire !buck http://ukofequestria.co.uk/threads/manchester-mini-meet-22th-september.5031

                  Thursday, 13-Sep-12 18:37:51 UTC from web
                  • !yorkshirebronies Harrogate meet this weekend! Don't miss out! http://ukofequestria.co.uk/threads/harrogate-brony-meet-up-yorkshire-bronies.4664/

                    Monday, 10-Sep-12 15:24:13 UTC from web
                    • I got a strong urge to get a wallet sized photo of !Rainbow_Dash for (obviously) my wallet.

                      Sunday, 09-Sep-12 03:33:05 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    • In other news, !Rainbow_Dash is best pillow. Says Tara Strong.

                      Friday, 07-Sep-12 20:23:58 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      • !yorkshirebronies # http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/304529_421603981220845_2125576290_n.jpg

                        Thursday, 06-Sep-12 12:13:20 UTC from web
                      • !yorkshire !yorkshirebronies Thinking of having kind of a mini-meet on saturday since it's my birthday tomorrow. Meet at the usual time and place, maybe go to Strawbs afterwards. Any other ideas?

                        Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 07:31:17 UTC from web
                      • !transponies is cool cause !Rainbow_Dash is everywhere. SHE"S TAKING OVER MY BRAAAIIN.

                        Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 06:20:01 UTC from web
                        • Ponystock '12 poster with !RainbowDash on it. http://ur1.ca/a3y7v

                          Tuesday, 04-Sep-12 05:12:15 UTC from StatusNet iPhone