Luke Johnson's home timeline


  1. !mnbronies What do you guys plan on doing this weekend since it is a holiday weekend? I'm just staying at home and playing video games since I have no reason to leave...

    Thursday, 23-May-13 23:31:41 UTC from web
  2. !mnbronies I'm planning on playing some video games, and working on some art.

    Tuesday, 28-May-13 00:19:14 UTC from web
    • !ppr !saved # picks -- !Twilight_Sparkle @#Twilight -- # @#Spitfire -- !Luna @#Luna -- !Fluttershy @#Fluttershy -- !Celestia @#Celestia -- !Pinkie_Pie @#Pinkie -- !Rainbow_Dash @#RD -- # -- # @#Derpy -- # @#Vinyl -- #

      Thursday, 23-May-13 20:01:15 UTC from web
    • !ppr !saved !Rainbow_Dash @#RD

      Thursday, 23-May-13 19:57:50 UTC from web
      • !ppr !saved !Fluttershy !Rainbow_Dash !Applejack @#RD @#AJ @#Fluttershy

        Thursday, 23-May-13 19:23:17 UTC from web
        • !Rainbow_Dash

          Monday, 20-May-13 07:00:17 UTC from web
          • @russianbronymn !mnbronies If they were truly your best friends then they wouldnt shun you for being a brony, and dont worry you have plenty of chances to make new friends, you have a whole life to live.

            Thursday, 16-May-13 03:53:41 UTC from web
          • !mnbronies Just got my name in for my first plush commission. I guess in a month or so I shall finally have a Scootaloo plush!

            Thursday, 16-May-13 23:04:19 UTC from web
          • So is the rari-trend still going on?

            Thursday, 16-May-13 05:34:01 UTC from web
          • !mnbronies I've been lurking around on occasion, and I've gone to a few anime cons in the area, but I haven't actually gone to any of these meetups yet. When are they?

            Wednesday, 15-May-13 14:27:57 UTC from web
            • !mnbronies

              Sunday, 12-May-13 21:52:25 UTC from web
            • !mnbronies Sounds like the meetup went well. Sucks my mom had to work so I didn't have a car but I ended up going out to watch Ironman 3 with my sisters and we took my mom out for dinner this afternoon for Mother's Day a day early. Hopefully I can make the meetup in June.

              Sunday, 12-May-13 05:19:35 UTC from web
            • Dashies so fresh you can give her hugs! !Rainbow_Dash #

              Saturday, 11-May-13 12:11:07 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • @vt3c !mnbronies You're mistaken. She comes in August. Really you shouldn't see a picture and assume it means out right now.

                Thursday, 09-May-13 12:28:08 UTC from web
              • !mnbronies It would be fun to finally go to a meetup but I doubt I will be able to go again since I don't have my own working car and my mom will probably be working on Saturday so I wouldn't be able to take hers. One day...

                Monday, 06-May-13 13:43:25 UTC from web
                • @vt3c !mnbronies Cool! How old is your sister?

                  Sunday, 05-May-13 16:43:58 UTC from web
                • Best pillow! !Rainbow_Dash

                  Saturday, 27-Apr-13 00:20:33 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                • I dropped my rd headphones in the sink well washing dishes. Started to shock me. Took them out, still sound perfect. Magic. # !Rainbow_Dash

                  Friday, 26-Apr-13 00:14:16 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                • I own the real !Rainbow_Dash now <3 #

                  Thursday, 25-Apr-13 21:32:09 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                • Id sell my invisible car for this. !Rainbow_Dash

                  Wednesday, 24-Apr-13 02:49:35 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                  • @#lightshipping # !Pinkie_Pie !Rainbow_Dash !Twilight_Sparkle !ppr

                    Friday, 19-Apr-13 14:31:33 UTC from web
                    • Ah. A picture to go with my old joke!

                      Wednesday, 17-Apr-13 00:19:50 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    • So I bought those !Rainbow_Dash earphones and they are easy the best sounding I ever had. Shouldnt be suprised but wow. !cambronies

                      Tuesday, 16-Apr-13 05:22:13 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      • !mnbronies I was kind of hoping to go, but ended up having to work again... Hopefully I can finally get to go to a meetup next month, I got a car available and lets just hope I don't have to work again.

                        Sunday, 14-Apr-13 06:39:16 UTC from web
                        • !mnbronies @vt3c Couldn't go or too afraid to take the bus? If you're able to get to another mall to play arcade you're able to get to the MOA. Roseville Center, Burnsville Venter, Rosedale Mall, Maplewood Mall, all connected by buses. I dunno wtf is with peoples irrational fear of taking the bus.

                          Sunday, 14-Apr-13 04:01:19 UTC from web
                          • Google's improving. !Rainbow_Dash

                            Thursday, 11-Apr-13 21:17:48 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                          • !mnbronies MoA meetup this Saturday. Meet spot is Legoland at 11am. If you arrive late, just walk around and look for us.

                            Tuesday, 09-Apr-13 19:03:45 UTC from web
                            • !mnbronies Just wonderin': what's the general age range of the MoA meetups?

                              Tuesday, 09-Apr-13 05:10:34 UTC from web
                              • Laughed so hard at the end !Rainbow_Dash

                                Monday, 08-Apr-13 19:47:57 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                              • @vt3c !mnbronies I would, but I'm sick...

                                Saturday, 06-Apr-13 21:55:50 UTC from web