nolongerabrony's home timeline


  1. Play this while walking, driving, talking, or gaming! !vgp

    Sunday, 26-Jan-14 03:05:55 UTC from web
    • Is it still worth masterbballing Mewtwo? Or is there a better/harder catch in X/Y? !vgp #

      Saturday, 25-Jan-14 21:53:01 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • and These games. These bucking games!#somuchwhat # !vgp

      Saturday, 25-Jan-14 06:29:58 UTC from web
      • Another Resident Evil 4 remake, in HD!!!11 !vgp

        Wednesday, 22-Jan-14 09:53:59 UTC from Choqok

          Wednesday, 15-Jan-14 04:54:27 UTC from web
        • When I'm Pokémon champion, my Delphox and I will burn every last pretentious-ass shop in Lumiose City to the ground!!! !vgp

          Sunday, 05-Jan-14 09:02:16 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • Like Netflix for arcade games! !vgp

          Saturday, 04-Jan-14 20:08:13 UTC from web
          • Must add to !ponyfolder. !Fluttershy # # @#Fluttershy

            Friday, 03-Jan-14 11:15:57 UTC from web
            • so i'm finally going to get myself a 3DS. Should i get normal or XL, and what games should i get? I'm probably going to go for at least the new Zelda.

              Friday, 27-Dec-13 04:02:59 UTC from web
            • Trying to decide between a 3DS and a 3DS XL... !vgp

              Thursday, 26-Dec-13 05:42:53 UTC from web
            • @#fluttershy

              Saturday, 21-Dec-13 17:12:22 UTC from web
              • Sweet. Unreleased Outcast 2 demo material !vgp

                Tuesday, 10-Dec-13 10:40:34 UTC from Choqok
                • Nintendo soaps. WANT! !vgp

                  Monday, 09-Dec-13 10:06:08 UTC from Choqok
                • The EqG clothes don't really suit @#Fluttershy imo !Fluttershy

                  Thursday, 05-Dec-13 08:37:49 UTC from web
                • !Fluttertwi !Fluttershy !Twilight_Sparkle # I guess there are some # parts in this.

                  Friday, 22-Nov-13 04:22:46 UTC from web
                • Anypony play CoD on xbox360?

                  Friday, 22-Nov-13 02:47:24 UTC from web
                • !videogameponies Anybody happen to play ps3 and CoD BO2? I just made some awesome new playercards, and had the idea, what if I could get an entire team of ponies! PSN: DaskC

                  Monday, 18-Nov-13 04:41:44 UTC from web
                • New Brony here. Woot!

                  Monday, 18-Nov-13 03:56:27 UTC from web
                • Does anypony have an xbox live account? So we can like play games n stuff :3

                  Monday, 11-Nov-13 12:22:28 UTC from web
                • So, who has heard of Risk of Rain? It's on Steam! A fantastic pixel indie game, tons of for up to 4 people :D !VGP

                  Monday, 11-Nov-13 09:13:22 UTC from web
                • My wife cut her hair short. And this is what it would look like if my waifu cut her hair short. !Fluttershy @#Fluttershy

                  Sunday, 10-Nov-13 15:32:48 UTC from web
                  • I really like this guy's work @#Fluttershy !Fluttershy

                    Friday, 08-Nov-13 22:27:45 UTC from web
                    • yes. @#Fluttershy !Fluttershy

                      Friday, 08-Nov-13 22:07:45 UTC from web
                      • !vgp The Witcher 3 will come without any DRM

                        Thursday, 31-Oct-13 08:58:46 UTC from Choqok
                        • "Someone made a bootleg version of the Windows 98 operating system to be used with the same console you played Duck Hunt on, because human culture is over and we're living in some kind of strange overtime." Read more: # language !vgp

                          Thursday, 24-Oct-13 18:23:54 UTC from web
                          • @scribus Of course, the game isn't really doing any of that stuff -- you can tell because Explorer didn't take five minutes to open. This isn't actually a functional operating system, you dummy; it's just letting you pretend to do those things because you're hopelessly lonely and it pities you.

                            Thursday, 24-Oct-13 18:38:40 UTC in context
                        • @#RD !Rainbow_Dash @#Fluttershy !Fluttershy

                          Wednesday, 09-Oct-13 02:46:25 UTC from web
                          • I finished playing ICO. It was a great experience playing it. !vgp

                            Monday, 30-Sep-13 22:33:19 UTC from Choqok
                          • !vgp if you like desks, have a desk that is all amazing.

                            Sunday, 29-Sep-13 19:27:33 UTC from web
                            • Wow !vgp

                              Tuesday, 24-Sep-13 09:35:19 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                              • !vgp Like I said in my last dash,

                                Monday, 23-Sep-13 00:33:45 UTC from web