philosodash's home timeline


  1. going. See ya

    Tuesday, 14-Apr-15 20:14:00 UTC from web
  2. [20:05:06] Flaxx: I remembered that I need to check RDN every now and then because ýou keep posting bullFluffle Puff there

    Tuesday, 14-Apr-15 19:05:27 UTC from web
  3. Jump scare got me. Well done, Silent Hill. Well done. !vgp

    Monday, 06-Apr-15 00:39:32 UTC from web
  4. !vgp !coderponies !equestriagaming !important !streamers !eatrameninthecoldwhileupsidedown !twitchfaces The Diamonde Kwest DLC is finished! Get it now!

    Wednesday, 01-Apr-15 16:22:01 UTC from web
    • Cloud, you ass-papaya! You've got NOTHING on Terra as a protagonist! NOTHING!! !vgp

      Tuesday, 31-Mar-15 05:13:57 UTC from web
    • Hehe... Green.

      Wednesday, 18-Mar-15 01:54:03 UTC from web
    • @cabal thats cool, i still need to play that game :/ - and DJ IRL or in second life?

      Tuesday, 17-Mar-15 14:51:07 UTC from web
    • Also, Happy St. Patrick's Day!

      Tuesday, 17-Mar-15 14:52:56 UTC from web
    • Anyway, I thought I pop in to let you know that I have been invited to DJ on the trotsdale sim in SL at 10 PST. You are all invited.

      Tuesday, 17-Mar-15 14:52:40 UTC from web
      • pokes

        Tuesday, 17-Mar-15 14:39:26 UTC from web
      • !skypers if any one needs me for any reason my skype is

        Monday, 02-Mar-15 23:04:12 UTC from web
      • I accept this as gospel for some reason. !Rainbow_Dash

        Tuesday, 17-Feb-15 17:02:20 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • Damn Skippy! !vgp

        Monday, 02-Feb-15 21:34:05 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • eyes are hard but I drew one anyways

          Saturday, 31-Jan-15 00:02:18 UTC from web
        • I've been listening to Brodyquest for a solid hour

          Friday, 30-Jan-15 23:52:52 UTC from web
        • @darkw00d please no and goodbye

          Friday, 30-Jan-15 23:49:35 UTC from web
        • rape jokes are not appropriate anywhere thank you.

          Friday, 30-Jan-15 23:36:42 UTC from web
        • @darkw00d cease please

          Friday, 30-Jan-15 23:36:22 UTC from web
        • Why am I even doing this I'm stupid

          Friday, 30-Jan-15 23:25:37 UTC from web
        • No I'm trying to draw Alfred Hitchcock in Street Fighter style

          Friday, 30-Jan-15 23:21:28 UTC from web
        • tfw inclination to draw

          Friday, 30-Jan-15 22:48:05 UTC from web
        • The singer reminds me of a !Rainbow_Dash VA.

          Friday, 30-Jan-15 06:06:06 UTC from MuSTArDroid
        • im gonna vocode to sound of animals pooping and make a track out of it. this will be my crowning achievment. !music

          Wednesday, 21-Jan-15 05:00:12 UTC from web
          • So after you see the tree lady in Okamiden and the village is all frozen, the theme starts sounding exactly like Dino Crisis and IM FREAKING OUT about walking around now. !vgp

            Thursday, 15-Jan-15 00:29:39 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • Party time! !music

            Tuesday, 13-Jan-15 04:08:57 UTC from web
            • Its amazingly hard to draw !Rainbow_Dash's cutie mark in Okami. Had to settle with RD. !vgp

              Monday, 12-Jan-15 07:50:28 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • !music If you are into weird experimental electronic works check this out

                Monday, 12-Jan-15 03:03:07 UTC from web
              • !Rainbow_Dash

                Tuesday, 06-Jan-15 06:55:23 UTC from web
                • Matt confirmed for being the reason why moonprincess didn't come on here for six months

                  Monday, 05-Jan-15 23:16:29 UTC from web
                • now i remember why i didn't come on here for six months

                  Monday, 05-Jan-15 23:15:52 UTC from web