Joie's home timeline


  1. Did anybody get to see the recent aurorae?

    about 4 months ago from web
  2. Listen okay, it's been a minute since I've used this site.

    about 5 months ago from web
  3. So I guess Biden declared today to be the day that all trans people rise from their graves or something?

    about 11 months ago from web
  4. I thought this site was dead for the last 6 months cause I kept getting this error. I tried different browsers and devices and same thing but today it finally worked. Anyone else have this issue?

    Thursday, 22-Jun-23 02:11:30 UTC from web
  5. how was everyone’s weekend????? anyone do anything fun?

    Monday, 12-Jun-23 01:58:50 UTC from web
  6. In the spirit of jokes that literally only I am probably even capable of finding funny, I present to you Weird Alice Cooper's "Dare to be Stoopid" -____-

    Sunday, 14-May-23 20:59:20 UTC from web
  7. OK.... Tears of the Kingdom... What does "tears" refer to? Is it the liquid coming out of the eyes (for example while crying) or is it the edge of two pieces of a material/object that has been ripped apart (for example tearing a piece of paper in two pieces)?

    Friday, 12-May-23 13:18:20 UTC from web
  8. 何回も説明するのはDRY原則に反して、手間なので、引用についてもどこかで記事にまとめますかね…

    Saturday, 26-Nov-22 07:32:13 UTC from
  9. Always pleasantly surprised to see this place still kicking

    Monday, 24-Oct-22 01:08:08 UTC from web
  10. your local console pleb bought yet another console. praise me

    Sunday, 09-Oct-22 15:15:07 UTC from web
  11. I spoiled myself with a game treat and bought the game Tunic. It's a fine game. It is a cross between Zelda and Dark Souls. I had quite some fun but oh boy it is hard. Thankfully there is an accessibility option to make it easy. I used it only two times because my thumbs were already hurting enough and I didn't want to start a boss fight 100 times over. It is best to get into the game blind. I do admit that I looked up stuff at the end of the game because the puzzles to get the true ending are hard as heck and I have a life beyond that game.

    Monday, 27-Jun-22 20:04:49 UTC from web
  12. Nothing quite so uniquely sucks as waking up with the same headache with which one went to bed

    Monday, 30-May-22 15:36:29 UTC from web
  13. talking kiwi on a Disney movie gets you ratio’d harder than saying something racist

    Saturday, 14-May-22 00:40:37 UTC from web
  14. my second full day in England was spent asleep because I caught something on the plane. to whomever did that: you are a dick

    Friday, 15-Apr-22 16:54:35 UTC from web
  15. Who is paying to keep this site running and more importantly who is paying for that person’s mental healthcare

    Thursday, 14-Apr-22 19:49:32 UTC from web
  16. Whatever DID happen to Grimey?

    Monday, 20-Sep-21 22:01:29 UTC from web
  17. Long horse is loooong !art #

    Saturday, 24-Jul-21 19:30:04 UTC from web
  18. So you know how they've got those nigh-pornographic art models with the poseable skeletons and all that jazz? Do they make them in non-human? Looking for a mouse or a rat... uh, also non-lewd. I don't need a sexy mouse. Not yet....

    Saturday, 27-Mar-21 20:26:28 UTC from web
  19. Playing Metal Gear Solid again... I bodyslammed Meryl while she was disguised because I recognized her walk cycle and I wanted to see what would happen. Nothing happens, she just sprints into her next cutscene to prevent you from impeding her any further. And then she still claims to have gotten the jump on you.

    Tuesday, 23-Mar-21 08:21:12 UTC from web
    • @zeldatra Borderlands II. A bad case of "You need to kill the boss before he pushes the doomsday button!" And then you kill them, with an acid rocket to the nards, all the way across the arena... and wait for a monologue, and a dead guy to push the cussing button anyway. It got to where I wasn't invested in the story missions because I knew nothing I accomplished would accomplish anything. !vgp # maybe?

      Tuesday, 23-Mar-21 18:38:04 UTC in context
    • @scribus This is why I always enjoyed the mostly-unscripted nature of the later Fallouts & Elder Scrolls. New Vegas particularly introduces you to a major antagonist (or ally, if you choose to go that route...) fairly early on, while you’re on your way to a story quest, and you can just let him do his thing, or, if you have the firepower, you can just FrankerZin shoot him and he won’t appear again for the rest of the game. (And then you can shoot his replacement later, too!)

      Tuesday, 23-Mar-21 19:04:40 UTC in context
  20. Err.. Sorry. @ceruleanspark

    Wednesday, 26-Aug-20 01:03:48 UTC from web
    • @scribus Fix SSL plz k thx.

      Wednesday, 26-Aug-20 00:57:45 UTC from web
    • Shape your watermelon. Shape the young watermelon

      Wednesday, 10-Jun-20 14:06:08 UTC from web
    • Good morning, everypony! I hope you have a super duper luper day!! It's 2011

      Wednesday, 01-Apr-20 08:28:03 UTC from web
    • !vgp Several fun games made by, give them a try

      Friday, 13-Mar-20 14:40:02 UTC from web
      • Bought "Cities Skylines" on Steam over the # sale. !vgp I'm stuck. I've been playing for 30 of the past 72 hours.

        Wednesday, 29-Jan-20 23:09:19 UTC from web
      • My own personal Mandela Effect is that I thought the N64 was code-named Dolphin, and the Triforce were color-coded RGB. (That was the grapepost I was after, thanks for waiting)

        Friday, 17-Jan-20 00:55:08 UTC from web
      • For old times' sake

        Tuesday, 14-Jan-20 09:57:09 UTC from web
      • Usually I put a book series in the shelf from right to left in ascending order. However these double-volume books have the annoying thing that the two volume numbers are side by side. So Right now the shelf looks like this: 7 + 8, 5 + 6, 3 + 4, 2 + 1. I think I'm the only one (member of the left-to-right-reading society) putting books in "reverse" order.

        Monday, 25-Nov-19 21:56:58 UTC from web
      • It's Throwback Thursday, or as I like to call it, Thursday

        Thursday, 14-Nov-19 14:41:00 UTC from web
        • Good news! Pinkie Pie is still the best one

          Wednesday, 13-Nov-19 16:25:18 UTC from web