randomkid subscriptions, page 7

These are the people whose notices randomkid listens to.

  • adiwan adiwan adiwan Germany http://adiwan.deviantart.com

    Making some pony art. Computer science student. Retro gamer. Linux user. Loves epic soundtracks. Just a typical Geek/Nerd who loves new things. Mod of http://askthevetpony.tumblr.com Main tumblr http://adiwan.tumblr.com

  • Conner Skye conairskye Conner Skye United States http://youtube.com/user/conairskye

    Ponies are relevant to my interests. I am also part of the MLP:FiM Abridged Team. Ain't that cool?

  • Patricia Weber pinkiederp Patricia Weber Beloit, WI http://www.facebook.com/LeaF317

    I attend Beloit College. I live in Gurnee, IL for the summer. My major is Human Sexuality, Track 3 Education and a Music minor. I plan on being a sex educator. The music minor is a hobby minor. I play the oboe and know a little guitar and piano. I call myself a brony, despite me being the female sex. I tend to be on !skype more but feel free to send me a notice on RDN and I will reply.

  • God a God All over the world

    I watch over you.

  • Luna Hughsson brohoof Luna Hughsson Canada http://twitter.com/BroHoof

    Is it obvious I love MLP? I'm kinda into web design and graphic design. Haven't yet tried my hand at drawing ponies yet.

  • Hanalei E. pokerface Hanalei E. NC http://anthrosunite.com

    Hey there! I'm a big pony fan, but I've only been for a month or two. Big fan of AJ and Pinkie Pie I am, don't like the rest of the characters too much though. :L You can find me on the RainbowDash RolePlay Network under the same name! :D

  • Silver Spark silverspark Silver Spark Pennsylvania, USA

    Thank you all for caring about whatever I have to say. Anyway, I am male (at least i was the last time I checked).

  • Equestrian Dawn Princess Luna lunaepona Equestrian Dawn Princess Luna Canterlot, formerly the Moon. https://profiles.google.com/Luna.Epona

    Princess Luna from the MUSH Equestrian Dawn. Assistant Builder Wizard. tangent.dune.net port 8789

  • Jonathan Conrad fnordly Jonathan Conrad Knoxville, Tennessee, USA http://facebook.com/FNORDLY

    Born on the 16th of October, 1975. Energetic and outdoorsy. Programming at 7 years of age. RPGing on-line in 1993. IRCing in the final hours of 1999 and first few of the new millennium. Roofing. Electrical work. Shovels, tractors, concrete, recreational surfaces. Etc. Puppetry. Tae-Kwon-Do. Little school. Blah, blah, blah... Watched "My Little Pony" for the first time a few hours ago. Friendship *is* magic! I will probably not sleep until my free, open-source Brony Tripcode Generator for Windows is complete. (See http://4chan.org/b/ where "b" is for pony!)

  • b jfvjivjifvjuifrvuidcnjkdfvuihiscnji b Nottingham, England http://www.youtube.com/MMAWarriorDan

    I Love Ponies and Nerdcore and Ponies and Butterflys and Unicorns and Rainbows and Ponies Yay. Fluttershy is My Waifu.

  • Justin princeomni Justin Honolulu, HI
  • Lupal Fillyus lupalfillyus Lupal Fillyus Leiden, Netherlundz

    I came to the pony partay pretty late, like mid-May. In my nonsecret life I'm just a uni student that games alotl. And puzzles oh my. Yay.

  • Milo milo Milo Richmond, Virginia

    I'm a derp. Catch me here: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198043976118/

  • Scribus scribus Scribus IE, CA

    The tragic aftermath of an accident between Greg Universe and Squanchy at the LHC. Narrator for the Sage And Savant steampunk adventure podcast. Largely dead inside, but getting better.

  • theowl theowl


  • derps derps
  • Shaun Stacey neonflash Shaun Stacey Brisbane, Australia

    My interests? Come on shouldn't ya'all wanna find out more about me personally?

  • Scribble scribble Scribble Trowbridge, UK http://about.me/scribbsie

    Slightly insane British brony and Gravity Falls fan. TV and Film student. Bi and forever in love with @spamcan. Also pegasus and collar lover. Braeburn is best pony.

  • lilytheamazingfaintingpony lilytheamazingfaintingpony Østlandet, Norway


  • Sir E. Hooves III eaglehooves Sir E. Hooves III Cleveland, Ohio http://eaglehooves.deviantart.com/

    Just as a clarification, the name (if I'm not using a gag one) is a reference to my time with the BSA. Three big interests (excluding ponies) are cars, computers, and scouting, and the last one means the most to me (There's a very long, personal, story there) (plus the fleur-de-leis looks nice). For the people linked here, the '/signature' is pretty much my universal signature for texts and emails, and the one thing that my pony and non-pony accounts have in common across the web. Other than that, I'm your average pegasus from the suburbs. Also, I finally got a dedicated e-mail: eaglehooves (at) gmail, a dedicated pony Skype: eagle.hooves, and am on Steam as "Lord Elusive"

  • Barton Flank pawnheart Barton Flank Salford, UK

    Used to live in Glasgow. Now I am here. I play Guitar. Yay, woohoo, you rock etc. I think too much about things, drink too much coffee, socialise too little, and hate labels. except on bottles. I love picking those. Oh, and I am the Duke of Kiddermarester, and extremely rich! Lick my decals off, brony. My only other significant net presence: http://rateyourmusic.com. RhymeDragWithDrag at your service. Oh, by the way, MLP:FiM and Earth, Wind and Fire? Best combination ever!

  • Scorchentine Firestine scorchentine Scorchentine Firestine Ohio, USA http://scorchentine.deviantart.com/

    What much is there to say? Imma BIG brony, and can be seen in my HS drawin' ponies every day. Oh, and my PSN user is, you guessed it, Scorchentine.

  • Tobias Brockmueller tobibrocki Tobias Brockmueller Seck, Western Forest, Germany

    Hey everyone, I'm Tobibrocki, 22 years old and really just a friendly bloke from the other side of the earth. My interests range from ponies to drawing (my biggest hobby), computers, games over to all kinds of things. I'm here to meet new people that share my interest in the show and hopefully to make new friends along the way. :)

  • RainbowDash rainbowdash68 RainbowDash Rainapolis,CloudsDale


  • Thomas Bascue flutterpastry Thomas Bascue Toutle, Washington, USA

    Ponies. Are. Pretty. Cool... I'm your average 15 year old nerd. Except the fact that i'm one of 3 bronies at my school. I make music using fl studio and am currently making pony themed music. You can listen to some of my older works, and the newer ones when I post them on my website: http://soundcloud.com/dj-flatusdust I will be making music for as long as I can. Peace out everypony!

  • howboutirustleyourjimmies jimmyrustler howboutirustleyourjimmies Austin Texas http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003277086244&ref=tn_tnmn

    By now people can see that i piss people off a lot. I guess its one of the sadder traits i have. Can make friends with almost anyone but i tend to be able to piss EVERYONE off. I dont know if im much of a brony anymore but i guess since i love the show and i try to be a good friend when im not being an ass then i guess im a brony..

  • Pinkie Pie partypinkiestyle Pinkie Pie http://partypinkiestyle.deviantart.com/

    Helllloooooo. I'm a 18 y/o pegasister and I enjoy anime, manga and chatting along with mlp ^^

  • Gustavo Vargas ponysalvage Gustavo Vargas Chipre


  • Carl Howser stopwatch Carl Howser

    Me? Just some pony who likes time. And traveling through it. And paradoxes. And paradoxes. And paradoxes and [time stream damaged, infinite loop detected]

  • Rarity raritydarling Rarity Carousel Boutique, Ponyville

    Hello darlings! I am a unicorn pony who resides in Ponyville, and is one of the main characters of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic. I am the older sister of Sweetie Belle. I work as both a fashion designer, and as a seamstress at my own shop, Carousel Boutique. My personality traits consist of elegance and generosity. I have a pet cat named Opalescence. I represent the element of generosity.