randomkid subscriptions, page 6

These are the people whose notices randomkid listens to.

  • ばっばか犬すっ好きじゃっじゃないよ bakasenpai ばっばか犬すっ好きじゃっじゃないよ 42 Wallaby Way Sydney


  • trickytrixie trickytrixie United States Of Spaghetti

    You lost or something?

  • fatcorgi fatcorgi


  • h noname66666 h
  • scaredy colt scaredycolt scaredy colt

    just a guy who loves to chat

  • Techdisk techdisk Techdisk Toronto, Ontario, Caneighda, Eh? http://techdisk.tumblr.com/

    I'm a nerd who likes obsolete technology. Yep. That basically covers everything. I created any background graphics you see on my profile. Yay pixel art! 3DS Friend Code: 4699-7067-0114 I am an incurable optimist. I will always try to be the happy guy around. If I act sad, it is not normal.

  • randd randd
  • The Cherry Twins redcherry The Cherry Twins Bentong,Pahang Malaysia http://kittypie-kid.tumblr.com/

    Hi...I'm just here for fun..not that kind of fun...you perv and also..I'm a 14 year old boy...you probably thought that I'm a girl..didn't you...Umm,what else...there's somepony I like but...I don't really have the guts to y'know, talk to her...her name is scootaloo, she went to the same kindergarten as I am. Wish I could talk to her for at least once. At night, I have lessons with Princess Luna...But it's suppose to be a secret so don't tell anypony.

  • Brendan Herbert technovore Brendan Herbert Lake Ariel PA

    I am a brony and a writer I write creepypastas mlp fanfics and I also have a youtube channel called T3chnovore.

  • Jason Swierczynski buddy Jason Swierczynski Fort Collins, Colorado

    I am a fellow brony and I love my fellow bronies.

  • Narwhal narwhal Narwhal I come from a land down under


  • Stumperman stumperman Stumperman United States of da mericans

    Sup I'm a random dude who's not a brony anymore but only here cause friends

  • Shine shine Shine Sofia, Bulgaria

    I live in Bulgaria. My interests include programming, drawing, music, basketball, skiing, beer and ponies. You can usually find me in the threads on /b/, though I sometimes lurk ponychan. Uhm... what else should I say...? I don't know...

  • Star Toucher rainbowdashismycopilot Star Toucher Seattle

    I am a relatively young brony from Seattle who enjoys techno, mlp, science, and general nerd stuff. :3 Also RDNRP now sucks -.-

  • puck puck
  • Laurent vivthefeline Laurent SLC, Utah http://www.furaffinity.net/user/seilas/

    Aspiring actor, sometimes writer. Big fan of MLP:FiM, Firefly, Doctor Who, and other random bits of geek culture. Shy, but friendly. ^_^

  • Fluttertree fluttertree Fluttertree Ponyville, Equestria

    Haayyy everypony! I'm Fluttershy - as a tree! I'm LEAF-ING the dream, as one might say ;). I'm great with animals and fillies and if you need me to pet-sit or filly-sit I'm always happy to help!!

  • celestiaforequestria celestiaforequestria celestiaforequestria
  • fduvsdhvsdvoi idfidfiosdvidsdhvihsidhvisovhs fduvsdhvsdvoi
  • chipthe3rd chipthe3rd

    I'm mostly found on the RP section, but I drop by every so often.

  • Derek McElroy bigponymac Derek McElroy Alabama, US http://bigponymac.deviantart.com/

    Just an artist and a musician who happens to love the crap out of some ponies.

  • chaosmagic chaosmagic Oberdrosen/Burgenland/Austria http://chaosmagicsmod.tumblr.com

    My name is Chaosmagic or Chaos for short. I'm interested in lotsa stuff xD I like to make friends and stuff. My manelanguage is german, but my english is not too bad either X'D I'm from Österreich ( austria ) ^-^ I'm androgyne and interested in males c:

  • Gherkin ☑️ thelastgherkin Gherkin ☑️ Airstrip One http://thelastgherkin.tumblr.com/links

    I love my boyfriend! He is always happy and he plays video games with me. I'm giving him five stars even though he didn't warn me about how many pizzas he requires every day. It's like two pizzas.

  • Cynae droplet Cynae Israel
  • Sweetie Belle sweetiebelle99 Sweetie Belle Ponyville, Equestria

    Hay everypony!! I'm Sweetie Belle, Rarity's little sis. My best friends are Scootaloo an' Applebloom an' Sugar - together we are THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!!! xD We are on an epic quest to find our Cutie Marks, so if you have any tips on getting a Cutie Mark or if you could share with us the story of how you got yours - that would be AWESOME!!! On a random side note, I enjoy singing REALLY LOUD!! xD

  • cheerilee cheerilee http://steamcommunity.com/id/Cheerilee

    Hello everypony! My name is Cheerilee and my special talent is teaching, which is why i became a school teacher to help my students learn and grow.

  • Diana Solano rabbitsandponiesareawesome Diana Solano New York City

    Cellist, aspiring novelist, and ocarinist. Anime artist and composing dabbler. What else can I do? I don't know.

  • kirurakiru kirurakiru n/a

    yeah. i'm that one dude that you see on rdn. enough said.

  • Steve D. delc17 Steve D. Timonium, MD

    Applejack's number 1 fan, friend of Apple Bloom, and also a XBL and PSN gamer.

  • retiredaccount retiredaccount

    I am a grad student!