Bryan aka BlueTea's home timeline


  1. Probably a "hot take" or whatever, but I just cannot with this school of poetry that's just badly-linebroken prose.

    Wednesday, 29-May-19 06:41:58 UTC from web
  2. The graphics on # for NES are pretty impressive. !vgp

    Tuesday, 28-May-19 05:01:20 UTC from web
    • Basically, I kinda just want a Calexit, and then also to live in a van in a cave in the jungle by the river all alone anyway, with solar panels on my Nintendo.

      Thursday, 23-May-19 14:36:04 UTC from web
    • Gotta love being 'shamed' for playing a video game in offline mode. Why is there even such a mode if the game then mocks you for using it ?

      Friday, 24-May-19 07:23:39 UTC from web
    • Who rember posey

      Friday, 24-May-19 05:43:31 UTC from web

        Thursday, 23-May-19 07:59:58 UTC from web
        • we need some politically incorrect leftists to combat politically incorrect people who are actually for real racist, who’s with me #

          Thursday, 23-May-19 01:42:02 UTC from web
        • Trying for once to get a new warframe within the first 24 hours of it coming out, and the bugs match the expectations.

          Even the unstuck command is bugged!

          Thursday, 23-May-19 07:56:34 UTC from web
          • My spoilerfree opinion on the ending of GoT.

            FFS I just saw the episode where they threw Cercei in jail. That is only Season 5. I do not even KNOW anything about the ending of GoT. I do know that the 2 main guru's are the most hated toons in the eyes of the fans, such a strong reaction from the fanbase I have not seen for YEARS. The only thing that comes close is when I was in spittle range of some uber-nerd's litteral waterfall of words regarding how 'Han shot first'.

            Talking about Star Wars. The main guru's behind GoT are going to get their own Star Wars trilogy. But also Ryan Johnson was supposed to get his own trilogy. Meanwhile if I can take this thing anywhere close to serious

            If I had a betting sort of personality though I know what I would put my money on. But I am not. I'm just going to enjoy the Hindenburg-Train-Airbus-Hybrid-Crash while sipping my favorite beverage.

            It makes me feel like a winner.

            Tuesday, 21-May-19 01:51:45 UTC from web
          • Got my 8-way switcher so my NES, Genesis, TG16, SNES and N64 are all hooked up, and no more R/F switches. With room for a future Atari and Dreamcast, to boot! !vgp

            Wednesday, 22-May-19 23:38:40 UTC from web
            • It seems there was a study saying that women enjoy sex as much as men. And the idiots of the internet are saying "But I've never met a woman who enjoyed it!" Like, come on. Think, then post.

              Tuesday, 14-May-19 04:56:37 UTC from web
            • for a while now I've wanted to try streaming RPG Maker so that viewers could help create the world, characters, plot etc. only issue is it would need a moderate number of people to actually be fun

              Sunday, 12-May-19 21:55:34 UTC from web
            • @mushi

              Monday, 13-May-19 19:45:13 UTC from web
              • Somebody's been busy

                Tuesday, 30-Apr-19 10:56:20 UTC from web
              • Thanos should have gone for this head *pulls down pants revealing another Thanos head*

                Monday, 29-Apr-19 16:17:38 UTC from web
                • Hay everypony! It's 2011!

                  Friday, 26-Apr-19 08:16:21 UTC from web
                • According to one of my friends. "This will never stop being funny". Then why does it make me cry on the inside ?

                  Maybe he cries on the inside manifest themselves as laughter ?

                  Tuesday, 16-Apr-19 09:56:27 UTC from web
                • Oops. I may have bought a # The next hour will tell.... !vgp

                  Wednesday, 24-Apr-19 23:37:32 UTC from web
                • Holy chrome, I want it. !vgp I love new release retro games.

                  Monday, 22-Apr-19 01:43:13 UTC from web
                • I just remembered For Honor. The video game where you could live out your fantasy of being a knight and play with a sword. Alternatively a Viking or ?Samurai? if you were one of 'those' people.

                  I would really like a game like that on the Nintendo Switch, but focused on couch-play instead of whatever For Honor's main aim was.

                  Wednesday, 17-Apr-19 23:04:15 UTC from web
                  • @drinkingpony I just stumbled across a documentary (?) on Netflix about that game! Have yet to watch it, and never played, but the concept sounds neat. !vgp !movies

                    Wednesday, 17-Apr-19 23:16:49 UTC in context
                  • @scribus It was a great concept, but the lack of dedicated servers (Meaning P2P networking, with the game selecting the fastest 'node' as host, like with CoD on the XboX360, a thing that everypony and everyhuman hated) lack of balance, and dishonourable killings in a game called 'For Honor' ultimately brought nothing but toxicity. There even was a day-of-infamy, orchestrated by Reddit, to have a day of NOT playing the game trying to make the dev's aware that the game had huge problems.

                    Thursday, 18-Apr-19 15:34:49 UTC in context
                • Bid a fond farewell to little semen loads, frail climaxes, and spilling discharges

                  Wednesday, 17-Apr-19 21:07:56 UTC from web
                • Damn Korok seeds. I cannot find them and I NEED more item storage for weapons.

                  Wednesday, 17-Apr-19 18:18:29 UTC from web
                • cherrying apple Majora's mangoing Mask. !vgp

                  Saturday, 06-Apr-19 02:54:30 UTC from web
                  • I actually think I have not-ponied for longer than I ponied, now. Not sure if sorrowful.... Wistful?

                    Tuesday, 02-Apr-19 04:19:11 UTC from web
                  • Is this the place for dreams? Or did I take a hard left?

                    Friday, 29-Mar-19 01:54:50 UTC from web
                    • @maiyannah I was honestly disgusted earlier at a local news anchor praising the measure with a "journalists and content creators get no revenue for social media sharing and now facebook and google will have to pay them, this is great" speech.

                      Wednesday, 27-Mar-19 08:53:35 UTC from web
                      • Got these two cables to replace the wire of my headphones. Silicone coating instead of rubber, high quality. The black one is much nicer looking, but has 4 wires so it can only support the headphones. The orange one has five so it can support stereo headphones and a microphone, but is heavier and was used in an industrial welding area so it's not super pretty. I could try to use the common wire for both mic and speakers but I don't have a composite jack port on the computer and I'm not sure if it works with two separate jacks.

                        The connectors are compatible between both so that's not an issue, they'd connect to the same port.

                        Anyone experienced in audio hardware around?

                        Wednesday, 27-Mar-19 08:49:47 UTC from web
                      • The failure that was the last week of printing I underestimated the side forces too much.

                        Monday, 25-Mar-19 20:18:58 UTC from web
                      • In case anyone is interested, Morrowind is free for today

                        Tuesday, 26-Mar-19 01:18:57 UTC from web
                        • Hey does anybody know what boobs sound like? Asking for an after-dark sound effects show.

                          Thursday, 21-Mar-19 23:22:42 UTC from web