Shadow Blaze's home timeline


  1. Oh right. I think I had that group deleted.. Welp..
    # event:

    Monday, 07-Jul-14 16:32:37 UTC from web
    • C'mon Widgey and Mintu! Make those features!

      Monday, 07-Jul-14 16:30:51 UTC from web
      • "Roses are red, so is ketchup. Have a corndog.

        Happy Birthday United States!"

        Monday, 07-Jul-14 16:04:15 UTC from web
      • I'd turn autocorrect off but I kind of need it. I can't type for murdock.

        Monday, 07-Jul-14 07:56:35 UTC from web
      • @sc It's a fact that gravity was invented by Isaac Newton.

        Monday, 07-Jul-14 07:51:52 UTC from web
      • @vt3c Oh that reminds me. I gotta eat some leftovers.

        Monday, 07-Jul-14 07:13:25 UTC from web
        • Nighty night RDN! See ya tomorow

          Monday, 07-Jul-14 06:44:35 UTC from web
        • The college I'm looking at sent me an email. I think their goal may have been to make me drool.

          Monday, 07-Jul-14 06:13:50 UTC from web
        • even though I remember something mentioning how it's bad writing to repeatedly refer to someone indirectly like that and that it's better to just refer to them by name. I think it was on FIMFiction's writing guide

          Monday, 07-Jul-14 06:25:23 UTC from web
        • Am I ready for this?? Hoo pony, I dunno. Sparks may fly.

          Monday, 07-Jul-14 06:01:27 UTC from web
        • Pay to buy stuff you want

          Sunday, 06-Jul-14 23:28:53 UTC from web
        • Watch out. I'm just about to be brilliant!
          How about we ponify... ponies?

          Featuring the new and improved Elebits of Harpony, Trotlight Sparkle, and her young pony assistant, Sprint, who delivers messages (by hoof) to Ponycess Celestia.

          Monday, 07-Jul-14 05:31:58 UTC from web
        • hey! it has been while

          Sunday, 06-Jul-14 13:35:58 UTC from web

          Sunday, 06-Jul-14 12:58:14 UTC from web
        • morning all! Who wants the morning Huggles! *huggles*

          Sunday, 06-Jul-14 12:44:10 UTC from web
        • @vt3c Yep. I agree.

          Sunday, 06-Jul-14 08:56:25 UTC from web
        • How come when other people complain that America is infringing on freedom it's a legitimate claim, but when Americans complain that America is infringing on freedom we're just gun-toting rednecks

          Saturday, 05-Jul-14 18:54:24 UTC from web

          Saturday, 05-Jul-14 18:46:43 UTC from web
        • I'm being facetious, obviously, because if you think that a string of random slurs all grouped together is "offensive" or "edgy" you need to be sterilized.

          Saturday, 05-Jul-14 18:37:08 UTC from web
        • Welp.. Guess I should go exchange this new laptop for one that doesn't have the clicking noise of impending HDD death.

          Saturday, 05-Jul-14 18:37:44 UTC from web
          • My girlfriend just did a test for an animation about a mouse walking around her house, it's pretty damn cool!

            Saturday, 05-Jul-14 18:10:38 UTC from web
          • @snowcone Yeah. Normal books, though, have the big advantage of starting from a place that the target audience will understand, where encyclopedias and articles don't exactly, or else they dumb things down too much for the serious learner.

            Saturday, 05-Jul-14 18:08:11 UTC from web
          • I think the multiverse theory is fun to think about, but at the end of the day, who cares? We'll never get to the technological level needed to even prove the hypothesis correct, especially not in our lifetime.

            Saturday, 05-Jul-14 17:57:54 UTC from web
          • RT @snowcone @thewaifutyphoon Science nerd, religion guy.

            Saturday, 05-Jul-14 18:02:43 UTC from web
            • @snowcone yeah. I agree.

              Saturday, 05-Jul-14 18:00:11 UTC from web
            • My day started out rather humorously, so I'm pretty happy today! What's going on?

              Saturday, 05-Jul-14 17:37:16 UTC from web
            • Creationism? That's obviously true. I recall a related discussion we had here well over a year ago, I think. It involved whether or not the universe only appears orderly by chance or actually does have persistent order. I was surprised to see that many believed order was only by chance, or, in other words, that the universe is in its current state indefinitely due to infinite possibility, and that, though maybe unlikely, the laws of universe could cease to work at any moment.

              Saturday, 05-Jul-14 17:16:38 UTC from web
            • i will ignore what happens here and pay atention to this pic

              Saturday, 05-Jul-14 16:51:03 UTC from web

              Saturday, 05-Jul-14 16:17:22 UTC from web
              • @vt3c Is it anti-conservative? Should I say how wrong it is? Or it it just satire like most of Matt's stuff?

                Saturday, 05-Jul-14 05:53:34 UTC from web