Tyler Doesitmatter's home timeline


  1. im makeing "connections" with other people

    Thursday, 25-Feb-16 03:18:05 UTC from web
    • Or leaving my computer desk...

      Thursday, 25-Feb-16 03:15:35 UTC from web
    • How are you wonderful buttheads doing?

      Thursday, 25-Feb-16 03:14:18 UTC from web
    • "- Less triggering and more PC welcome/congratulatory messages (Slightly)"
      Like what kind of triggering messages?

      Thursday, 25-Feb-16 03:09:52 UTC from web
    • I want to ride the vomit comet.

      Saturday, 20-Feb-16 06:23:30 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • s what happens when you say stuff about an os you've never used

      Saturday, 20-Feb-16 05:42:38 UTC from web
    • you crazy drunks

      Saturday, 20-Feb-16 05:48:46 UTC from web
    • Mint is pretty nice to dual-boot because GIMP's tablet support on Windows is ass and Mint was easy to set up drivers for

      Saturday, 20-Feb-16 04:40:40 UTC from web
    • i use os x and windows 10 like a cool kid

      Saturday, 20-Feb-16 05:27:41 UTC from web
    • Linux is for peasants and nerds, get rekt

      Saturday, 20-Feb-16 04:41:43 UTC from web
    • Aww man I missed linux jokes. I love linux jokes

      Saturday, 20-Feb-16 03:54:40 UTC from web
    • apt-get remove pants

      Monday, 15-Feb-16 01:58:22 UTC from web
    • Okay that's enough trying to be edgy on the Internet for tonight. I go.

      Tuesday, 19-Jan-16 05:02:04 UTC from web
      • remember the time ellie did ellie

        Tuesday, 19-Jan-16 05:00:47 UTC from web
      • *holds up spork*

        Tuesday, 19-Jan-16 04:55:05 UTC from web
        • I should be going to bed but damn it im a grown adult! I go to bed when I want and have a juice box whenever I like, not just for lunch time!

          Tuesday, 19-Jan-16 04:54:35 UTC from web
          • I don't remember being mad about that, thats great.

            Tuesday, 19-Jan-16 04:49:51 UTC from web
          • Remember that time I got super drunk and joined a skype call with several users on this site.

            Tuesday, 19-Jan-16 04:46:14 UTC from web
          • im really tired. How was everyone else's day?

            Thursday, 07-Jan-16 03:05:04 UTC from web
          • Don't let me get in my zone...

            Tuesday, 05-Jan-16 02:25:33 UTC from web
            • As a horrible person I consider it an honour when I'm made fun of because it's hilarious.

              Monday, 04-Jan-16 04:20:02 UTC from web
            • as a white person I consider it an honour when we're made fun of because it's hilarious

              Monday, 04-Jan-16 03:49:27 UTC from web
            • TIL Christian Bale is English

              Monday, 04-Jan-16 03:08:20 UTC from web
            • Ink me up inside! I cant ink up D=<!

              Monday, 04-Jan-16 02:57:31 UTC from web
            • bark. I am doge

              Monday, 04-Jan-16 02:07:59 UTC from web
            • happy newish year, i hope many a drunk happened

              Monday, 04-Jan-16 02:08:46 UTC from web
              • Damnit, I can't shrink the Windows partition to lower than 400GB. Okay, backup plan; just make a smaller (~100GB) partition for files to share between OSes. I'm not gonna need to share much anyway

                Thursday, 03-Dec-15 04:33:31 UTC from web
              • If I wanna keep a files partition accessible to both OSes and put as much as I can on that, what would be the best size to leave the Windows partition at?

                Thursday, 03-Dec-15 04:03:38 UTC from web
              • war. war never changes

                Tuesday, 17-Nov-15 01:13:24 UTC from web
              • So far Firefox seems to use way less resources than Chrome, but also crash and show errors way more often.

                Tuesday, 17-Nov-15 00:54:19 UTC from web