Dante's home timeline


  1. http://chzsetphaserstolol.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/sci-fi-fantasy-the-plot-is-great-but-the-ending-sucks-i-mean-would-rainbow-dash-really-say-that-to-cupcake-its-just-not-in-her-character.jpg !Rainbow_Dash

    Tuesday, 05-Jun-12 07:53:15 UTC from web
    • !RainbowDash bit art I bought from my Fanime bony meetup :3 http://ur1.ca/9eem7

      Tuesday, 29-May-12 02:23:50 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
    • !RainbowDash bit art I bought from my Fanime bony meetup :3 http://ur1.ca/9eem3

      Tuesday, 29-May-12 02:23:17 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
      • Guess what I'm playing again~ !sonic http://ur1.ca/9af5p

        Tuesday, 22-May-12 17:09:07 UTC from StatusNet Android
      • !RainbowDash WeLoveFine Hoodie ! ^.^ http://ur1.ca/98k04

        Monday, 14-May-12 02:15:10 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
        • !RainbowDash WeLoveFine Hoodie ! ^.^ http://ur1.ca/98k02

          Monday, 14-May-12 02:14:50 UTC from StatusNet iPhone
          • S4E2 has really fun multiplayer. I did notice it carries over the save data from the single-player save file. Also, the HUD marked the red button as the respawn button when it's actually the green button ^_^ !sonic

            Friday, 04-May-12 01:33:49 UTC from web
            • !sonic !vgp Welp, since I am an idiot (read: have no qualms with piracy), I've played through quite a bit of Sonic 4 Episode 2. Feels soooo much nicer to control than Episode 1, I love it~

              Thursday, 03-May-12 06:13:36 UTC from web
            • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dFzO_LEAFE Guys. !sonic

              Thursday, 03-May-12 01:35:15 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              • S4E2 is really fun from the two acts I've played so far! The physics (my one complaint with E1) have certainly been fixed in E2, and the level design is certainly fun! !sonic

                Tuesday, 01-May-12 22:40:00 UTC from StatusNet Desktop
              • Really excited for Sonic All Stars Racing Transformed (I believe that's its title) though I have no doubt Diddy Kong Racing fans are crying "RIP OFF!" Left right and center. It happened to the original and it'll happen to this. The original was far superior to Mario Kart Wii (which was one of my least favourite entires in that series) in fact it was my favourite non Mario Kart kart racer besides Crash Team Racing, and I'm sure this'll be great as well. !vgp !sonic

                Tuesday, 01-May-12 17:38:42 UTC from web
              • !RainbowDash # http://ur1.ca/942lr

                Friday, 27-Apr-12 03:18:31 UTC from StatusNet Android
                • I like, I like a lot... :o !RainbowDash http://i.imgur.com/Oge6T.gif

                  Thursday, 26-Apr-12 03:58:02 UTC from web
                  • Replaying Planet Wisp as Classic Sonic on the PS3 version of Sonic Generations...god I forgot just how tedious this stage is x.x !vgp !sonic

                    Wednesday, 25-Apr-12 22:32:54 UTC from web
                  • !Sonic 4 Ep II Zone 3 Act 2's BGM sounds like those scene music pieces where everyone is being an idiot THIS IS GLORIOUS

                    Monday, 23-Apr-12 17:49:59 UTC from web
                    • Played Sonic Generations on the PS3 for a bit (got it uber cheap on Ebay). I don't know why, but that motion blur problem that's induced by the 30fps frame rate doesn't bother me nearly as much on this version like it did on the 360 :S !sonic !vgp

                      Sunday, 22-Apr-12 18:28:57 UTC from web
                      • Want a cool !RainbowDash wristband? http://www.etsy.com/listing/96899899/my-little-pony-rainbow-dash-silicone

                        Tuesday, 17-Apr-12 23:42:51 UTC from web
                      • Get your !RainbowDash on! http://www.ebay.ca/itm/RAINBOW-DASH-PINK-FLOYD-MY-LITTLE-PONY-HUGE-GIANT-ART-PRINT-PICTURE-ST865-/370604220237?pt=UK_Arts_Posters_RL&hash=item5649bb9f4d

                        Tuesday, 17-Apr-12 23:29:17 UTC from web
                        • - likes this.
                      • This is great XD http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JWa0kkIRumk

                        Tuesday, 10-Apr-12 06:39:55 UTC from web
                      • !RainbowDash reference, anypony? # # # http://ur1.ca/8yn9l

                        Monday, 09-Apr-12 04:27:42 UTC from web
                      • So bronies answer me this, who is the fastest, Raindow dash or Sonic the hedgehog?

                        Friday, 06-Apr-12 04:16:55 UTC from web
                      • I got a !rainbowdaSh cutie mark pin at my Brony meetup yesturdsy :3 http://ur1.ca/8vqzs

                        Monday, 02-Apr-12 02:12:10 UTC from web
                      • Shadow the Hedgefoot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1s_CXobJmnk !sonic

                        Sunday, 01-Apr-12 23:40:16 UTC from web
                        • So I've been perusing stuff about Sonic 4 Episode 2. The game looks really fun so far! (Coming from someone who enjoyed the first episode, though, so uh...) !sonic

                          Sunday, 01-Apr-12 15:19:11 UTC from web
                          • What!? # multiple !rainbowdash and !pinkiepie ? THERE WILL BE SO MANY # !!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LcS7OX4LTu4&feature=related

                            Monday, 26-Mar-12 04:10:46 UTC from web
                          • # # !soarin http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mAbAdVcDil8&context=C41319a6ADvjVQa1PpcFMqPI6YaSx4TW-XTm5xSsq2Yeev4nIVFrc= !rainbowdash # #

                            Friday, 23-Mar-12 07:29:11 UTC from web
                            • !rainbowdash !rarity !spike # http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&feature=endscreen&v=qoZVKVu79Rk

                              Friday, 23-Mar-12 07:07:03 UTC from web
                              • # # !rainbowdash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=muVfidujxRg&feature=related #

                                Friday, 23-Mar-12 05:54:31 UTC from web
                                • Hooves done, this game looks pimp on pimp plus 20% more win then everything... maybe even !rainbowdash My sweet celestria did I just say that? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tOMqt2nIvTc&list=UUgc4xqIMDoiP4KOTFS21TJA&index=1&feature=plcp

                                  Friday, 23-Mar-12 03:55:39 UTC from web
                                  • My sister dressed my 4-month old nephew up in a # basketball player jersey. I totally dominated him playing one-on-one though and claimed my title by "sharpie-ing" up his jersey by turning that number into a 2. !rainbowdash #

                                    Thursday, 22-Mar-12 19:44:18 UTC from StatusNet Android