stumperman subscriptions, page 5

These are the people whose notices stumperman listens to.

  • Cloud cloudchaser Cloud Canada


  • Jacob Anderson axelgunn Jacob Anderson Cottage Grove, Oregon, United States

    I'm 19 years old, I'm a gamer, I like to read, I'm rather competitive, I like to write, I love MLP:FiM. I don't have a favorite pony because I think that's a very difficult thing to do. Love and Tolerate everypony, and brohoofs all around!

  • Trey ninjavsme Trey Suffolk, VA

    Heya, my name is Trey! I currently live in Suffolk, VA. Not exactly a fun place to live. I'm 18, and December 1st is just any other day. I'm a pretty big Nintendo geek even though I have a few franchises I like that aren't Nintendo. I'm a huge baseball fan, especially the Yankees. Not to mention I play alot of baseball myself. I like football too, and I'm a fan of Raiders. I play the piano but I consider myself mediocre at best, since I tend to learn random bits and pieces to video game music I enjoy. On a different note, I've been told that I'm a nice guy but I'll leave that up to you! Oh yea and I like ponies. Started watching the show out of curiosity in October and have been a fan ever since. Anways, anything else you want to know feel free to ask!

  • Brony Sketch goonch Brony Sketch Las Vegas, Nevada

    Brony Sketch is my name and I can not think of any thing to type in this box so YEA, swag.

  • Carl Howser stopwatch Carl Howser

    Me? Just some pony who likes time. And traveling through it. And paradoxes. And paradoxes. And paradoxes and [time stream damaged, infinite loop detected]

  • satanas satanas
  • Steve Crafter sunandmon Steve Crafter Poland

    Hey Guys

  • Toothpaste Pony! minti Toothpaste Pony! Quebec, Canada

    If you need to contact me, PM me or send me an @ reply. I have notifications on so I will get it. Was a moderator and contributing programmer for RDN at one point, no longer am. Contact details: Skype: tylian0 Email: (Primary) Please note that if you add me on Skype, don't expect me to talk ever. It's not that I don't want to I'm just REALLY bad at having one-on-one conversations. I'm perfectly fine in group chats though so, feel free to do that.

  • israel moldboy israel Canterlot, Equestrisa

    I love ponys,i love everything about them... especialy the show. mu favorite charictor is applejack.

  • howboutirustleyourjimmies jimmyrustler howboutirustleyourjimmies Austin Texas

    By now people can see that i piss people off a lot. I guess its one of the sadder traits i have. Can make friends with almost anyone but i tend to be able to piss EVERYONE off. I dont know if im much of a brony anymore but i guess since i love the show and i try to be a good friend when im not being an ass then i guess im a brony..

  • Solidus Sans liquidusmira Solidus Sans Donkey Kong Country

    sometimes i go to the store and eat all the cheddar cheese

  • DC steadfast DC Kamloops, BC, Canada

    New to the "brony" community, just checking it out. On the path to bronyhood but not quite there yet.

  • Macpony55 macpony55 Macpony55 United States

    I dunno, I suppose I do stuff, there's pretty much no limit to the stuff I do. Enjoy new things, enjoy old things, talk to me about something, maybe I'll know what you're sayin', or maybe I won't and I'll be learning something new. Win-Win, for me at least :p TCButters is my name for other online things

  • Thomas twitch Thomas Welcomepony's House
  • Ryan Drew Kelly ruperofbronies Ryan Drew Kelly Canada

    im a candian Bronie and i love the fact that this website is here for all Bronies! im glad to be in the herd and i dont care for haters! I have lots of inrests like tv and sports and movies. i make lego every day so i might make Bronie lego scultures. i go on mine craft..... alot and i care for every one i am a boy i have a dog and a gunie pigi like to get along with every body and i for get to put punctuation and am a slow typer.

  • Pinkie Pie partypinkiestyle Pinkie Pie

    Helllloooooo. I'm a 18 y/o pegasister and I enjoy anime, manga and chatting along with mlp ^^

  • psquid psquid psquid R'lyeh


    • Jaden Stock princehikaru Jaden Stock

      How did I get back here?

    • Morgan smokingtoast Morgan Calgary

      High School student

    • Rob Connor metal Rob Connor NYC


    • Joseph N. jinny Joseph N. Pittsburgh Area, Pennsylvania

      RDN's Head Maid and Cheer Captain.

    • LyokoTravels lyokotravels LyokoTravels United States
    • Rainbow Revolver rainbowrevolver Rainbow Revolver United States

      ♥19/Female/Pegasus♥ Just a silly Iowa brony who loves drawing and talking to others. Also, if anypony wants to play some vidya (probably Team Fortress 2 or Left 4 Dead [2]) you can add me on Steam, my ID is DeadBunneh.

    • Christian Carranza chillman23 Christian Carranza Daly City, CA

      17/High School Student/Love Princess Luna/ The Apprentice of fluttershy321 /Skype:chilledchaos23/ Gamertag:Chaosbringer23/ Steam: chillman23/PSN: Chilledchaos23

    • Jamie Squires pinkiepieordie Jamie Squires Akron

      P.P.O.D. Pinkie Pie Or Die

    • Zenneth zennx Zenneth Dark Babylon -or - Portugal, depends on the weekday
    • emma ellyst0rm emma England

      Hello ;] I am ellyst0rm-or St0rm or elly which ever you like.. personally i prefer TGAP st0rm ;P I'm a pale blue pagasus with a flowing white mane but in real life My name is emma who is an employed 24 yr old goth gurl from the UK- After getting into the season one early this year I have been spending A lot of my time reading fics, comics and drawing my own fim artwork, including my OC Ellyst0rm who I love. so much pony, too much isnt enough time in day!!! agggh! I would like to meet more bronies and people who like the show. Maybe one day il go to one of those meet up things but i guess im pretty shy most of the time around strangers. Best pony is Trixie pony <3

    • Eat me, I ain't telling you. quetzalcoatl Eat me, I ain't telling you. Gallopfrey

      I like the little ponies. And booze. Booze and ponies.

    • Desmond Roseluck desiros Desmond Roseluck The combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell

      The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.

    • cat diaz cat cat diaz United States