Notices tagged with gottagofast

  1. @shpuld also here # # # # #

    Thursday, 13-Apr-17 19:01:55 UTC from in context
  2. @mastertdi #

    Sunday, 21-Sep-14 00:48:56 UTC from web in context
  3. @awlditzy #

    Saturday, 30-Aug-14 17:40:22 UTC from web in context
  4. # # On the subject of Applejack, she's kinda like the Batman of Ponyville. I mean, her parents are dead and she's a total physical badass. Hard-working, loyal, stubborn, and takes care of her entire family in the stead of her parents...and she has this sweet southern charm about her, aside from Batmanning so hard. She should just don the cowl and fight crime already.

    Friday, 22-Nov-13 00:05:00 UTC from web
  5. # # Okay but seriously this look a billion times better than OoT

    Thursday, 14-Nov-13 22:36:14 UTC from web
  6. # # This is really something

    Thursday, 14-Nov-13 22:35:52 UTC from web
  7. # # I don't even

    Thursday, 14-Nov-13 22:34:23 UTC from web
  8. # # pretty sure I screened this for swears, someone let me know if I missed one

    Thursday, 14-Nov-13 22:34:15 UTC from web
  9. @scoot He already ran off of the right edge of the screen. #

    Friday, 16-Aug-13 00:31:43 UTC from web in context Repeated by liquidusmira
  10. @scoot He already ran off of the right edge of the screen. #

    Friday, 16-Aug-13 00:31:43 UTC from web in context
  11. @pegasusjones #

    Tuesday, 13-Aug-13 07:41:36 UTC from web in context
  12. @​derpyshy Look for a while). !gottagofast

    Thursday, 25-Apr-13 18:58:59 UTC from free car loans
  13. #

    Tuesday, 02-Apr-13 01:53:25 UTC from web
  14. The Steam port of SA2 is overall pretty good but I wish they didn't rely on Vsync to keep the framerate. It means I have to bump Fraps up to 60fps (which is really slow) or the game will default to half speed, and people with 120hz monitors run the game twice as fast. 2P mode also had weird slowdown issues that randomly came and went with no correlation to anything (except that sometimes a Sonic wind would make the game go full-speed for a while). !gottagofast

    Sunday, 02-Dec-12 17:10:47 UTC from web
  15. I am bad at the Sonic. :c !gottagofast

    Friday, 30-Nov-12 00:18:53 UTC from web in context