Replies to thismightbeauser, page 3

  1. @thismightbeauser please log in now to pay your Verizon bill

    Thursday, 24-Oct-19 06:22:28 UTC from web in context
  2. @thismightbeauser I do notice most of the people who wave that stuff around tend to be regular rank-and-file Republicans anyway. The so-called “silent majority” that got him elected in the first place, the Obama-Trump voters who work blue collar jobs or in agriculture or something like that, are probably a lot less happy with the way things are going right now.

    Wednesday, 23-Oct-19 17:04:55 UTC from web in context
  3. @thismightbeauser I still have not come up with a canonically solid answer to this

    Thursday, 17-Oct-19 16:06:07 UTC from web in context
  4. @thismightbeauser I honestly don't know, maybe I will get lucky after all. I've been all distracted by the shrieking nightmare that waking life has become.

    Thursday, 10-Oct-19 13:53:31 UTC from web in context
  5. @thismightbeauser I like to think that if I'm any type of paranormal creature it would be a werewolf.

    Wednesday, 09-Oct-19 05:22:43 UTC from web in context
  6. @thismightbeauser Well, the textbook definitions don't really match up, but common use is a bit more in agreement. Definitely not a nice thing for me to have called a person, but hey - homeowner's associations, right? lol

    Thursday, 26-Sep-19 14:21:22 UTC from web in context
  7. @thismightbeauser Homeowner's associations are all chodes!

    Thursday, 26-Sep-19 06:37:59 UTC from web in context
  8. @thismightbeauser yeah even rural areas get suspicious; gods damned Breaking Bad ruining the van life

    Thursday, 26-Sep-19 00:37:24 UTC from web in context
  9. @thismightbeauser What is the BART ? Hmm, Probably PT or something, like a yellow train birthed from a bigger yellow factory named HOMER.

    I asked around some, and was given these two things as pretty grounded in reality versions of its conception :

    Wholesome version ( about 12 minutes )

    sorta depressing version with lots of F-bombs ( also about 12 minutes )

    TL;DR version : seemingly people wanna put their strongarm of politics out there while being a totalitarian of what you can and can not talk about.

    Also... I should probably look up whatever SoCal cartoons are now. I get pictures thrown at me that Steven Universe and Gumball, Star and Dipper, and even most of Thundercats Roar have the same "smile skeleton"

    Thursday, 19-Sep-19 13:53:43 UTC from web in context
  10. @thismightbeauser In theory I could claim my money back because I paid with PayPal and order it again. I'd still have to wait a long time but I'd not spend money on top of the loss. It's just a 120€ expensive video converter to convert my NES/SNES/N64/MegaDrive to HDMI.

    Thursday, 05-Sep-19 14:21:51 UTC from web in context
  11. @thismightbeauser I use Unity for creating VR trainings at my work. So far I'm not done with my code. I'm restructuring my code constantly and I plan to introduce your proposal towards the end when I have something functional first. I'm also a bit hesitant how it will work with the packages I already use that heavily rely on reflection (Odin Inspector, Bolt). My damn "screw hole" code has about 1000 lines of neatly formatted code and my "cordless screwdriver" is at about 1200 lines. They are so big because I need to ensure nothing breaks when I toggle all of them interactable on or off.

    Thursday, 22-Aug-19 14:40:32 UTC from web in context
  12. @thismightbeauser as far as I can tell the Unity adaptations of that are horribly outdated

    Thursday, 22-Aug-19 05:07:51 UTC from web in context
  13. @thismightbeauser Additionally, you could use an Attribute to mark the class as a "friend" and search for that attribute when you traverse the call stack. That would be more agnostic.

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-19 22:08:44 UTC from web in context
  14. @thismightbeauser So like when the runtime barfs out an error and it tells you all the steps it took to get there.

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-19 22:00:53 UTC from web in context
  15. @thismightbeauser I'm too tired right now to think this through but tomorrow morning I'll give it a thorough and scrutinizing look, however Reflection is not something I want to use.

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-19 18:52:01 UTC from web in context
  16. @thismightbeauser Actually no. I'm dumb. You could return whatever you wanted unless it was an Expression<Function<>> and you actually checked the expression tree before executing.

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-19 18:44:16 UTC from web in context
  17. @thismightbeauser Actually forget U. U would be a fixed type and match the type of the field.

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-19 18:33:24 UTC from web in context
  18. @thismightbeauser I have read that but every available solution doesn't solve my problem. All of them need to have a setup that's not worth the hassle. I make the methods public now and I commented that no other class is allowed to use that. Background: I have screw holes and screwing tools. I intend the screw holes to manage entering and leaving the screw hole zones for interaction. The screw holes inform the screwing tool that it has entered the zone and can interact with it. I manage every interaction through interfaces instead of concrete classes because the screwing tools can inherit from an already existing class (like a standard interactable object class) and C# is boring and doesn't allow inheriting from multiple classes.

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-19 17:14:25 UTC from web in context
  19. @thismightbeauser Maybe next time when it's more worth for you to re-subscribe. While I'm recommending: I also recommend "GLOW". Women wrestling in the 80's. More drama than actual wrestling.

    Wednesday, 21-Aug-19 17:02:15 UTC from web in context
  20. @thismightbeauser the car I drove was a Mercedes Sprinter. It was fairly OK to drive but in tight curves I occasionally touched the curb with the rear tyre.

    Monday, 12-Aug-19 09:16:23 UTC from web in context
  21. @thismightbeauser To sleep you go must.

    Sunday, 11-Aug-19 09:21:38 UTC from web in context
  22. @thismightbeauser

    Monday, 05-Aug-19 20:44:37 UTC from web in context
  23. @thismightbeauser Eh, I was ready to find a new job, anyway. But thank you.

    Friday, 26-Jul-19 15:03:56 UTC from web in context
  24. @thismightbeauser This is unlikely since room-temperature is too low for most if not all biodegradeable plastic to actually biodegrade ( Room temperature is about just short of 300 Kelvin, compared to 325 at which most biodegradeable plastic I know needs to start degrading ).

    I guess the biggest caveat is 'is it actually better in the long run ?'. People more read in on this topic than I am are still fighting amongst eachother on that.

    My biggest gripe is that biodegradeable plastics will do NOTHING for the ocean-problem, even if all the plastic that is currently in the ocean were to change into some sort of biodegradeable plastic over night ( by means of magical fairy, genie, monkeypaw, time-travel-shenanigans, quantum-flux-destabilisation, or unexplainably )... The oceans are too cold to decompose that mess.

    Other problem is that if you were to just throw biodegradeable plastic on a landfill it is actually more toxic for the environment due to methane-emissions.

    Thursday, 25-Jul-19 11:44:12 UTC from web in context
  25. @thismightbeauser ... How about Biodegradeable Plastics ?

    Tuesday, 23-Jul-19 21:16:27 UTC from web in context
  26. @thismightbeauser Excited like being about to watch a train crash or genuinely looking forward to it?

    Tuesday, 23-Jul-19 10:19:45 UTC from web in context
  27. @thismightbeauser Actually I am sure that pretty much all recycle programs are bad on the human psyche. A lot of people think "Hey I can use this and feel less guilty ( or even good ) about the environment"

    Cashier: "Care to have your groceries bagged ?"
    Fictional halfwit : "Recycled plastic bags ?"
    Cashier: "That or recycled paper bags"
    Fictional halfwit : ( 3 second clip )

    Monday, 22-Jul-19 12:22:03 UTC from web in context
  28. @drinkingpony @thismightbeauser No, probably in the sci-fi future fungicide for this specific thing would be readily available.

    For now I'm trying to figure out what is good at killing them and doesn't mess with circuitry. There's not a lot of info on them that's easy to get, most of it is academic research on them and how electric polarization affects the distribution of colonies, not on how to get rid of them.

    Thursday, 18-Jul-19 18:20:41 UTC from web in context
  29. @thismightbeauser That is a lot more rose-tinted than the version I heard earlier.

    Though I guess how much rose-tint is to be found directly corresponds with how much you liked or hated the new Mad Max

    Thursday, 18-Jul-19 12:44:04 UTC from web in context
  30. @thismightbeauser They are quite real I assure you. However you pretty much need to go out of your way to find them currently. Such as dropping electrodes in a pond in a park and return in a month time to see if you cought any.

    Thursday, 18-Jul-19 12:42:13 UTC from web in context