Harrison Tetreault's home timeline


  1. I share the sentiment really. One less is good, but several less would be even better.

    Sunday, 11-Aug-19 00:17:04 UTC from web
    • @ceruleanspark https://skippers-bin.com/files/67fb2c40-dd87-418b-a5cb-d0ce09353481

      Wednesday, 07-Aug-19 19:49:08 UTC from web
    • it's very freeing coming to terms with the fact that you can celebrate someone's death without that being any sort of moral/political quandary

      Saturday, 10-Aug-19 14:02:03 UTC from web
    • not sure what's funnier, the idea of Jeffrey Epstein killing himself or being put on suicide watch and getting murdered anyway

      Saturday, 10-Aug-19 13:59:59 UTC from web
      • @tiff About 5 hours ago I did not know who he was. Right now I think I know more than the average person, stopping just short of starting to wear a tin-foil wapped Collander/strainer/big-ass-sifter.

        Do I think my life has been enriched in any way ? Not at all. Heck it might just be worse.

        I think he tried to play real-life as I play MineCraft. Thinking about 20 MooShrooms and a patch full of wheat. I am ignoring a whole lot, but it is hard to type something funny sometimes. Flashes a Creative Licence

        Saturday, 10-Aug-19 16:26:14 UTC in context
        Jonathan Chouinard likes this.
      • @tiff Funniest would be every child rapist out there following his lead

        Saturday, 10-Aug-19 17:17:13 UTC in context
    • . http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/874984

      Monday, 05-Aug-19 00:40:38 UTC from web
      • forgot all about kitsune^2 for a good uh 8 years lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDvvt1kmL1Q

        Saturday, 03-Aug-19 23:28:36 UTC from web
      • just played laser tag for the first time in like a decade. i didn't do well in either game and i also really hurt my shoulder but i wanna go again

        Saturday, 03-Aug-19 21:45:13 UTC from web
      • Today is an important international holiday. Wish us a happy anniversary or perish

        Friday, 02-Aug-19 09:25:54 UTC from web
      • turns out this is the brightest timeline. would hate to be those other guys right now! https://twitter.com/Complex/status/1155899522922557440

        Monday, 29-Jul-19 18:20:12 UTC from web
        • Guess who's fired! :(spoiler - it me)

          Friday, 26-Jul-19 13:07:17 UTC from web
        • we need to crush Andy's team because they didn't ask me to join

          Friday, 26-Jul-19 17:53:48 UTC from web
          • they're saying I'm problematic jerry!
            You? Problematic?
            [KRAMER bursts in]

            Saturday, 15-Oct-16 20:39:35 UTC from shitposter.club
          • My name's Kelis, and you might have saw,
            My milkshake got me in trouble with the law.
            It's better than yours, but that's no good
            I'm coming down to your neighborhood.

            The boys won't come to my yard,
            Because I have a bracelet to keep me far.
            Let's not start a big kerfuffle,
            because I'm doing the sex offender shuffle.

            Saturday, 29-Oct-16 21:32:14 UTC from web
          • according to all known laws of linguistics, there is no way japanese kanjis should be used in a language. The japanese, of course, use it anyway because they dont care what baka gaijins think is impossible

            Thursday, 05-Jan-17 19:51:31 UTC from web
          • After several encounters with my most recent enemy (electricity-eating fungi) I've decided to study the damn things and figure out how to eradicate them.

            They're not actively harmful, but colonies form in low-current circuits, and cause devices to stop working. Phone lines and tv remotes are the two places I most often find them in, and even though I fully clean the devices, after a while the fungi shows up again.

            Thursday, 18-Jul-19 08:18:40 UTC from web
          • I cannot stress it enough: Watch "Amphibia"! The first season ended today so there is no excuse.

            Thursday, 18-Jul-19 19:46:47 UTC from web

            Wednesday, 03-Jul-19 05:11:27 UTC from web
          • the bot that just followed me is in my area should i be scared

            Friday, 12-Jul-19 23:47:58 UTC from web
          • i'm taking a bet that as of last week i've officially had more hernias in my life than most of you

            Tuesday, 09-Jul-19 21:23:54 UTC from web
          • @scribus Carcino sends his regards, says he misses you.

            Wednesday, 26-Jun-19 08:29:38 UTC from web
          • @mushi https://shigusegubu.club/media/d0286a49127d78f3849e518652957010582646fd3ad0dbd859b88ee1e1be5ecb.webm?name=1562489339032.webm

            Sunday, 07-Jul-19 22:24:37 UTC from web
            • ITT: post things about USA, but only ones you like # http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/874822

              Thursday, 04-Jul-19 19:57:58 UTC from web
            • Hmm, Well, Extra Credits did it again. This time they tried to jam the idea of "Nazi's are bad people !" into their talk about video games so hard that they are now about receiving 20 thumbs down for every 6 thumbs up.

              Meanwhile, yeah I agree with the general message behind what they are saying. We must stop trying to normalize the idealisms of Nazi's. However to blame Video Gamers is Jack Thompson levels of insane to me, especially if you see how the arguements are formed.

              Heck I am sure that the fact that there is a president in the U.S.A. who is being called a Nazi like clockwork is doing harm to 'normalize the Nazi's' than a game called "The life of Erwin Rommel, the VR experience"

              No use looking that up either, I just had to think of a stupid game title and I had a brain fart about Fennec Foxes earlier...

              Wednesday, 03-Jul-19 23:23:30 UTC from web
              • Jonathan Chouinard likes this.
              • @drinkingpony Honestly all they can achieve with this is getting nazis to be seen positively in the long run. Think jews for example, they were universally disliked up until wwii, the nazis screwed up so badly with it than they became a group you can't criticize in most of the western world.

                More so since what they call "nazis" have nothing to do with what an actual nazi is. Trump is a good example, he might have not delivered on most of the stuff he promised, but anyone else would be laureate after as US president being one of three main actors in the end of the korean war and restart of diplomatic relationships between the DPRK and the USA. Give it a few decades, and once the groups that screech about Trump cease to exist, he'll be seen in an overwhelmingly positive way in historical retrospectives. If these idiots conflate the words "nazi" and "trump", the logical conclussion is that he's a nazi, and therefore nazis are a boogeyman, okish people that are hated by fanatical groups.

                Thursday, 04-Jul-19 19:36:59 UTC in context
              • @nerthos You know, I agree with you. But you should probably go watch the video. Heck go with the straight up reply video of this guy https://youtu.be/KngleLumR_U .

                I guess the biggest problem is that EC thinks that we should stop to normalize the Nazi's. Those being ACTUAL Nazi's and their ideology, by being extremely patronising to the point of nausea in Multiplayer Games.

                Also to tinker with the matchmaking system to do the opposite of rewarding Nazi's. Which is just a system so insane that the moment you write it down you realize that you punish ALL players because your game has Nazi's in them.

                Also it was stated that because 'safeguards are being eroded', you might not go off of a website like stormfront because you do not mind playing as Hanz Mit Der Flammenwerfer in some game.

                But the birth of a meme, the absolute beginning. "There you are, playing a game, and all of a sudden bam you're a Nazi, you did not ask for this" is golden. I mean, you did buy the game.

                Thursday, 04-Jul-19 23:24:32 UTC in context
                Jonathan Chouinard likes this.
            • It feels so weird to be on SPC with some of the people from here, but half a decade after, all of us old and wise now. But I'm thankful for those connections, and for this place's uncanny ability to bring to light the most interesting people.

              Who could have predicted that we'd go from bronies to shamans and wizards.

              Wednesday, 26-Jun-19 19:21:32 UTC from web
            • What the FrankerZ is up, losers?

              Wednesday, 26-Jun-19 08:01:43 UTC from web
            • Who remembers when Red called Colfax a turbonerd but the filter changed it to turd

              Tuesday, 18-Jun-19 08:41:38 UTC from web
              • @mushi http://rainbowdash.net/attachment/874619

                Friday, 07-Jun-19 00:11:32 UTC from web
              • Basically, I kinda just want a Calexit, and then also to live in a van in a cave in the jungle by the river all alone anyway, with solar panels on my Nintendo.

                Thursday, 23-May-19 14:36:04 UTC from web
              • Gotta love being 'shamed' for playing a video game in offline mode. Why is there even such a mode if the game then mocks you for using it ?

                Friday, 24-May-19 07:23:39 UTC from web
              • Who rember posey

                Friday, 24-May-19 05:43:31 UTC from web