Jordan Hill's home timeline


  1. Woomy Network? :/ What happened? lol

    Monday, 20-Jul-15 00:35:56 UTC from web
  2. @administrator And this one time when you were ran by !Rainbow_Dash. You where twenty percent cooler then. And more active.

    Wednesday, 08-Jul-15 05:41:49 UTC from web
    • And now I wait for a MLP Alliance name to show up in Future Fight !vgp

      Tuesday, 07-Jul-15 23:22:46 UTC from MuSTArDroid
      • I finally found an image for my !Rainbow_Dash wallet I bought a few years ago online. There is only like one image on the whole internet. Seriously. And not even hosted on the images link anymore.

        Sunday, 05-Jul-15 04:35:20 UTC from web
      • !vgp

        Friday, 26-Jun-15 04:32:10 UTC from web
        • I was looking through my folder of old MMF projects and found a game that some of you guys might possibly enjoy. This is from around 2010, and IIRC it was made for some competition where we had to restrict the game to certain graphical limitations. It's got three levels and a boss, and (although I denied it when I made it) it's actually really hard. I think I spent an hour beating it just now, and that's considering I still remembered all the tricks to getting through it.

          Use + on the numberpad to increase the window's size, or just drag it out yourself.

          Tuesday, 23-Jun-15 04:23:27 UTC from web
        • So I figured out that I could make an offline profile on my xbox one and have it facial recognize my !Rainbow_Dash plush. # !vgp

          Tuesday, 09-Jun-15 00:51:29 UTC from MuSTArDroid
          • Dear "Sims 3:" spaghetti and sushi are not the same tier of difficulty. Sincerely, anybody who has ever cooked. !vgp

            Monday, 25-May-15 04:35:33 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            • Hey, who wants to be (poorly represented) in my RDN-based Sims 1 household!? !vgp

              Monday, 18-May-15 03:56:17 UTC from web
            • So after waiting many years for a certain portable to bring enough meal at a McDonalds price I finally own a PSP! Has some alright side loaded pony themes (though the best looking is if I modded said new device). Just happy they keep having games and firmware released for a semi old device. !vgp

              Sunday, 10-May-15 05:39:47 UTC from MuSTArDroid
              • Is she grooming? 10/10 would watch. !Rainbow_Dash

                Wednesday, 15-Apr-15 04:54:13 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                • Jump scare got me. Well done, Silent Hill. Well done. !vgp

                  Monday, 06-Apr-15 00:39:32 UTC from web
                • !vgp !coderponies !equestriagaming !important !streamers !eatrameninthecoldwhileupsidedown !twitchfaces The Diamonde Kwest DLC is finished! Get it now!

                  Wednesday, 01-Apr-15 16:22:01 UTC from web
                  • Cloud, you ass-papaya! You've got NOTHING on Terra as a protagonist! NOTHING!! !vgp

                    Tuesday, 31-Mar-15 05:13:57 UTC from web
                  • Hehe... Green.

                    Wednesday, 18-Mar-15 01:54:03 UTC from web
                  • @cabal thats cool, i still need to play that game :/ - and DJ IRL or in second life?

                    Tuesday, 17-Mar-15 14:51:07 UTC from web
                  • Also, Happy St. Patrick's Day!

                    Tuesday, 17-Mar-15 14:52:56 UTC from web
                  • Anyway, I thought I pop in to let you know that I have been invited to DJ on the trotsdale sim in SL at 10 PST. You are all invited.

                    Tuesday, 17-Mar-15 14:52:40 UTC from web
                    • pokes

                      Tuesday, 17-Mar-15 14:39:26 UTC from web
                    • I accept this as gospel for some reason. !Rainbow_Dash

                      Tuesday, 17-Feb-15 17:02:20 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    • Damn Skippy! !vgp

                      Monday, 02-Feb-15 21:34:05 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      • The singer reminds me of a !Rainbow_Dash VA.

                        Friday, 30-Jan-15 06:06:06 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      • So after you see the tree lady in Okamiden and the village is all frozen, the theme starts sounding exactly like Dino Crisis and IM FREAKING OUT about walking around now. !vgp

                        Thursday, 15-Jan-15 00:29:39 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      • Its amazingly hard to draw !Rainbow_Dash's cutie mark in Okami. Had to settle with RD. !vgp

                        Monday, 12-Jan-15 07:50:28 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                        • !Rainbow_Dash

                          Tuesday, 06-Jan-15 06:55:23 UTC from web
                          • Awesome Games Done Quick is back !vgp

                            Sunday, 04-Jan-15 18:52:31 UTC from Choqok
                            • Quake on an oscilloscope !vgp !techponies

                              Monday, 29-Dec-14 10:19:57 UTC from Choqok
                            • I believe Final Fantasy has officially done an acrobatic flippin' pirouette off the handle and over the shark. !vgp

                              Saturday, 27-Dec-14 17:19:34 UTC from web
                              • Damn horse games. !vgp??

                                Thursday, 25-Dec-14 05:15:09 UTC from web
                              • I wonder how Steam on Linux is coming along? !vgp

                                Wednesday, 17-Dec-14 16:10:11 UTC from MuSTArDroid