abtujgabudf's home timeline


  1. Adulting is hard and I don't wanna do it!

    Monday, 21-Sep-15 14:08:10 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  2. @rarity hello

    Monday, 21-Sep-15 13:50:01 UTC from web
    • good morning

      Monday, 21-Sep-15 13:46:30 UTC from web
      • @tiffany hello

        Sunday, 20-Sep-15 22:32:45 UTC from web
      • @mushi long time no talk.

        Sunday, 20-Sep-15 22:51:17 UTC from web
      • been a long time since i said anything lol maybe a couple years

        Sunday, 20-Sep-15 22:20:47 UTC from web
      • JEGUS CRIPES why is it 103 degrees!?

        Sunday, 20-Sep-15 22:31:37 UTC from web
      • check out this video that i made if you wanna lol https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkobMLWxZJs

        Sunday, 20-Sep-15 22:32:00 UTC from web
        • @shantae oh hey

          Sunday, 20-Sep-15 22:30:38 UTC from web
          • @redenchilada sup

            Sunday, 20-Sep-15 22:21:36 UTC from web
            • I just looked at all the equine refrences in tales of the borderlands. The shooting of the crystal pony had a very disturbing twist for sure. !vgp

              Friday, 18-Sep-15 00:17:49 UTC from MuSTArDroid
            • !vgp http://aqwwiki.wikidot.com/pony-wan-kenobi-hood

              Tuesday, 08-Sep-15 06:37:23 UTC from web
              • RENOVATED KITCHEN

                Wednesday, 02-Sep-15 02:35:29 UTC from web
              • @mrmattimation oh really, you wanna fight about that? XD

                Wednesday, 02-Sep-15 02:31:13 UTC from web
              • What happened to @vt3c?

                Wednesday, 02-Sep-15 01:55:57 UTC from web
              • It's just not a browser game without a crippling gorram memory leak. !vgp

                Saturday, 22-Aug-15 02:30:50 UTC from web
                • Runescape gets really weird in the chat at night. :T !vgp

                  Friday, 21-Aug-15 06:42:13 UTC from web
                  • So I'm not the only one who thinks Pokemon White is too gorram grindy. !vgp

                    Tuesday, 18-Aug-15 04:56:30 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    • Show all 6 replies
                    • @scribus Gen 5 is when I gave up on Pokemon for a while. Just got tired of the grinding and how many eggs I had to hatch to stay competitive with my friends.

                      Wednesday, 23-Mar-16 13:37:18 UTC in context
                    • @tonyyotes @scribus due to my work, pokemon does not really go out of sytle, ever ( neither do cartoons, if I am lucky they involve colourfull equines, yay.flac ). But due to the nature of most autists I would be either WAY under- or over-"grinded". And due to the gamesindustry now releasing games in a record pace, I did not even need to finish pre-grind (up till elite 4) of "X" nor "Omega Ruby". Such a waste, almost makes me sad. Then I found out that one of my clients was cheating his butt off. Now that kinda did me in. " What is your favorite pokemon ?" He asked. And next day he would give me one... And then he'd kick my 1^8 IP dreamteam with his 32^8 IP beedrill attack squad. *rolleyes*

                      Wednesday, 23-Mar-16 14:09:55 UTC in context
                    • @tonyyotes I hadn't played since Silver, then X dragged me back in, so I tried White and now I kinda fell out again. I could do with more meatspace friends who play, really.

                      Wednesday, 23-Mar-16 16:05:01 UTC in context
                  • Carlos made sense age sounding wise for the first game. Otherwise, Tom!!! !vgp https://youtu.be/sXAe2Pc10mk

                    Wednesday, 05-Aug-15 06:15:39 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                    • Hold me. Have to play Runescape for 3.7 months straight to finish this one skill I started Runescape for, 9 years ago. !vgp

                      Tuesday, 04-Aug-15 04:56:26 UTC from web
                    • I made a game for a game jam! Check it out if you wanna, and maybe vote for it when voting opens? http://pny.lv/js8m

                      (Fair warning: like everything else you've seen from me, it's unfairly hard)

                      Monday, 20-Jul-15 03:08:40 UTC from web
                    • And now I wait for a MLP Alliance name to show up in Future Fight !vgp

                      Tuesday, 07-Jul-15 23:22:46 UTC from MuSTArDroid
                      • !vgp https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pd_yfYQSOHs

                        Friday, 26-Jun-15 04:32:10 UTC from web
                        • I'm gonna go too. Later.

                          Thursday, 25-Jun-15 04:09:10 UTC from web
                        • Gotta sleep, good night everypony!

                          Thursday, 25-Jun-15 04:04:02 UTC from web
                        • @foxgopher http://imgur.com/DFluffle PuffjpH (ink), http://imgur.com/MF7aUW7 (color) — The ink, by itself, didn’t look enough like your OC to satisfy me, so I went ahead and colored it. Enjoy!

                          Thursday, 25-Jun-15 03:37:17 UTC from web
                        • Personally I think it'd be really fun to act in Fallout Equestria and if they're still taking auditions for male roles I might as well try out. What's the worst that could happen?

                          Thursday, 25-Jun-15 03:33:17 UTC from web
                        • Poop jokes are great.

                          Thursday, 25-Jun-15 03:11:06 UTC from web
                          • why do mudcrabs fart when you hit them

                            Thursday, 25-Jun-15 03:08:23 UTC from web
                          • This is my favorite Snoop song and its about Need for Speed I am not sorry.

                            Thursday, 25-Jun-15 02:53:36 UTC from web