blahblah's home timeline


  1. My favorite game # 0.8 is released. !gamedev !fossgaming !opengl !lg !ubuntu

    Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 07:38:56 UTC from at 32°58'59"N 49°7'59"E
  2. Biosphere's 1991-2004 compilation is very interesting. "The Seal & The Hydrophone" has that familiar sound from "Birds of Passage". The original version of "When I Leave" also has elements of "Antennaria".

    Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 13:06:45 UTC from Choqok
  3. who has already 2013

    Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 01:13:46 UTC from web
  4. Happy almost-but-not-quite new years to the people in the US and happy new years to the people elsewhere. :D

    Tuesday, 01-Jan-13 01:09:22 UTC from web
  5. I remember how much I hate fireworks...

    Monday, 31-Dec-12 23:25:16 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  6. Finally got around to joining here. Dunno how often I'll be around, but I'll make the attempt. Happy New Year's everyone! :D

    Monday, 31-Dec-12 22:55:35 UTC from web
  7. @datponygotvtec Welcome and <3

    Monday, 31-Dec-12 22:52:33 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  8. New year new resolutions, does anyone here really keep them?

    Monday, 31-Dec-12 22:36:12 UTC from web
  9. #: i'i.ui cnino nanca #: Gelukkig Nieuwjaar! #: Frohes Neues Jahr! #: Happy new year! #: pony pony pony!

    Monday, 31-Dec-12 22:44:11 UTC from MuSTArDroid
  10. hey I am back. Nothing hardly is happening today. In a way I miss the madness );

    Monday, 31-Dec-12 21:11:56 UTC from web
  11. Poems? Poetry? We don't write sonnets in the 21st century; we write catchy pop songs! # # #

    Monday, 31-Dec-12 19:39:49 UTC from web
  12. "Ask her how her day was." "Why would I wanna know?" "You wouldn't! Ask anyway!"

    Monday, 31-Dec-12 13:56:59 UTC from web
  13. No, friend, I can't make a suitable comparison of Gentoo to Debian/Ubuntu/Mint..

    Monday, 31-Dec-12 10:21:48 UTC from api
  14. Fact: A percentage of men who got mad at Tiger Woods, Bill Clinton, Etc are hypocrites.

    Monday, 31-Dec-12 16:41:43 UTC from web
  15. I'm all alone in this house, sitting here and listening to Doom metal. All my good friends are far away, as are my casual friends. I'm also not staying with my family, because I never get myself to work when I'm with them and there is a lot of work for me to do. It all sounds kinda sad, but it feels appropriate. Many things are coming to a close. The fire that has burned in me so bright for 30 years has kindled down to almost nothing and soon I will have to start over with nothing but the barren ashes that remain of what used to be my life.

    Monday, 31-Dec-12 16:26:20 UTC from web
  16. What settings would minimise screen tear in a game?

    Monday, 31-Dec-12 16:21:34 UTC from web
  17. New Year's resolution: 80x24

    Monday, 31-Dec-12 14:15:45 UTC from
  18. I wonder, can Bitlbee subscribe to the public timeline?

    Monday, 31-Dec-12 09:49:53 UTC from api
  19. After it's reported that the Finnish police will get the rights to install spyware on suspects' computers and phones in 2014, F-Secure says that they will protect customers' computers from the police's possible spying as best as they can. This of course should not be commended since proprietary security software is an oxymoron.

    Monday, 31-Dec-12 03:02:38 UTC from Choqok
  20. Come at me RDN

    Sunday, 30-Dec-12 20:31:40 UTC from web
  21. Hello every one.....

    Sunday, 30-Dec-12 20:26:46 UTC from web
  22. Resident Evil 6 has spiders.

    Sunday, 30-Dec-12 19:57:34 UTC from web
  23. That is some seriously messed anatomy

    Sunday, 30-Dec-12 20:28:20 UTC from web
  24. hiya bronys /)

    Sunday, 30-Dec-12 20:01:30 UTC from web
  25. anyone play SCP Containment Breach?

    Sunday, 30-Dec-12 19:37:12 UTC from web
  26. @widget PulseAudio has never worked for me in the first place, and I will continue to use ALSA on my new system as well (as soon as I've set that up). Also, the switch to Gentoo should allow me to use something better than systemd. I don't know if OpenRC will be to my liking, but I will at least be able to use sysvinit instead of systemd. Back to the subject: can you break something which was never working?

    Sunday, 30-Dec-12 14:54:30 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • @widget I'm pretty sure Linus said he's not a nice guy. Of course its not nice to be yelled at like that, but we do get a good kernel as a result of that. But yeah, Linus isn't a nice guy, but that should've been obvious by now. At least he does his kernel work well.

      Sunday, 30-Dec-12 11:53:18 UTC in context
  27. Finally got around to converting my !Arch system to #

    Saturday, 29-Dec-12 16:57:05 UTC from at 47°38'55"N 122°22'26"W
  28. lo cmaxi'a ku citka lo remna ku # # #

    Saturday, 29-Dec-12 17:30:07 UTC from MuSTArDroid
    • @darkw00d You're not alone there :P

      Saturday, 29-Dec-12 14:24:48 UTC from MuSTArDroid